Muslim al-Zawahiri calls Obama a "house negro"


Abreast of the situations
Yet another intelligent thought provoking thing to say about president elect Obama by the loudest mouthpiece of the peaceful Muslim religion in the world.

The second-in-command of Islamic militant network al-Qaeda has condemned US President-elect Barack Obama in an audio message.

Ayman al-Zawahiri said Mr Obama was not an "honourable black American" but a "house negro" - a demeaning term implying that he serves white people.

Mr Obama's plan to shift US troops to Afghanistan would fail, Zawahiri said.

If genuine, the message would be the first acknowledgement by al-Qaeda of the president-elect's victory.

The audio message appeared on militant websites.

Zawahiri, an Egyptian by birth, is often referred to as Osama Bin Laden's right-hand man and the chief ideologue of al-Qaeda.

In the short message, he warned Mr Obama of failure if he followed Bush administration policies in the Middle East.
This is the last thing i would have expected from such a forward thinking terrorist group and i'm disgusted. It's one thing cutting people heads off and flying planes into buildings but this is just plain RACISM.

I say, let's get tough and impose a hefty fine on this Al Zawahiris character. Teach him a lesson he'll not forget in a hurry.
This is the last thing i would have expected from such a forward thinking terrorist group and i'm disgusted. It's one thing cutting people heads off and flying planes into buildings but this is just plain RACISM.

I say, let's get tough and impose a hefty fine on this Al Zawahiris character. Teach him a lesson he'll not forget in a hurry.
Definitely. At LEAST 10 Quid. I mean, this is horrific.
I understand where the characterization of Obama as a "house negro" comes from, just as I understood it when Nader said it.

Living to see an African-American become POTUS was supposed to feel a lot better.

Most people don't understand the differnces in perspectives or how those differences are borne. Most people believe that all Americans should hold the same "patriotic all-American" view of the world and society .. and most have no understanding of the difference between tolerance and diversity .. no understanding of culture.

Obama knows the devastation the war on drugs/war on black people has done to black communities .. but he isn't going to do a goddamn thing about it. He knows the devastation because he's seen it first hand. He's knows the gross disparities in arrests and sentencing and the injustice of the American InJustice System because he's seen it first hand .. and used to talk about it .. but he isn't going to do a goddamn thing about it.

What did Obama do about this factual, known, studied, documented injustice? He appoints a lunatic like Eric Holder who thinks all marijuana convictions should be felonies, who was part of the Clinton imjustice team who enacted drug laws that exploded the prison/industrial complex into the multi-biliion dollar jugernaut it is now and made America the greatest prison nation in human history .. and Bill Clinton the greatest incarceration president in American history.

Obama knows the injustice of death sentences and he used to take a position against it. .. but now he's for it, even though the REPUBLICAN governor of his own state suspended death sentences because even he knew the injuctice of the system.

That's what the fuck the black president is going to do about injustice.

Blacks don't have the same knee-jerk opinion of muslims as white America has and blacks did not support the invasion of Iraq in anywhere near the numbers white America did and George Bush got 9% of black votes and his approval is at 2% .. and you'll find far more support for Palestinians among blacks than in the white community.

I imagine that seeing a black man elected as president gave hope to many arabs that a different perspective would occupy the White House .. thus their disappointment to find out that Steppin' Fetchit was sitting in the chair.

You can call him whatever you want .. but I completely understand why he's seen by many as a house negro.
Personally I think that Malcom would be PISSED that you all have watered down his term. He picked the term for a very specific reason and you all take the bite out of it by down playing it. And I do think that from the last few weeks of the transition, El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz would also view Obama as a House Nigger.
I understand where the characterization of Obama as a "house negro" comes from, just as I understood it when Nader said it.

Living to see an African-American become POTUS was supposed to feel a lot better.

Most people don't understand the differnces in perspectives or how those differences are borne. Most people believe that all Americans should hold the same "patriotic all-American" view of the world and society .. and most have no understanding of the difference between tolerance and diversity .. no understanding of culture.

Obama knows the devastation the war on drugs/war on black people has done to black communities .. but he isn't going to do a goddamn thing about it. He knows the devastation because he's seen it first hand. He's knows the gross disparities in arrests and sentencing and the injustice of the American InJustice System because he's seen it first hand .. and used to talk about it .. but he isn't going to do a goddamn thing about it.

What did Obama do about this factual, known, studied, documented injustice? He appoints a lunatic like Eric Holder who thinks all marijuana convictions should be felonies, who was part of the Clinton imjustice team who enacted drug laws that exploded the prison/industrial complex into the multi-biliion dollar jugernaut it is now and made America the greatest prison nation in human history .. and Bill Clinton the greatest incarceration president in American history.

Obama knows the injustice of death sentences and he used to take a position against it. .. but now he's for it, even though the REPUBLICAN governor of his own state suspended death sentences because even he knew the injuctice of the system.

That's what the fuck the black president is going to do about injustice.

Blacks don't have the same knee-jerk opinion of muslims as white America has and blacks did not support the invasion of Iraq in anywhere near the numbers white America did and George Bush got 9% of black votes and his approval is at 2% .. and you'll find far more support for Palestinians among blacks than in the white community.

I imagine that seeing a black man elected as president gave hope to many arabs that a different perspective would occupy the White House .. thus their disappointment to find out that Steppin' Fetchit was sitting in the chair.

You can call him whatever you want .. but I completely understand why he's seen by many as a house negro.


He's not going to do shit about injustice, in fact, he will be paid handsomely to perpetuate the system of abuse.

Reminds me of the left and how they referred to Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell. All of a sudden they are shocked and disgusted that someone dare call the chosen one a house negro.
I know the Democrats aren't going to be brave enough to fix our injustice system, but at least I know that they, unlike Republicans, aren't going to make it even worse. That's why I support the Democrats. It's a cynical way to support people, but I'm only an idealist in my rhetoric.
Well Obama did have a Muslim Father so i can understand why Zawahiri might be upset that Obama is now catering to america. I would too.