Muslims in history

Did Islam cause the Dark Ages?

Did Islam, not barbarians, destroy classical civilization?

Henri Pirenne and others have promoted the theory that 7th century Islam, not 5th century barbarian conquest, was the main force that destroyed classical civilization. The theory is that the "barbarians" preserved much of classical civilization in culture, if not in politics. But then in the 7th century Islam destroyed that culture in North Africa and the Middle East. And even the areas it did not actually conquer, in Europe, were cut off from what had been for centuries a vast area of free trade and civilization around the Mediterranean. These now-isolated non-Muslim areas became backwaters, without access to the trade and products they had long relied on, and they went into decline.
classical~western.......... Constantinople~classical eastern didn't end in the 5th or 7th century..

The west was weak after repeated invasions, revolts etc... Same could be said about north Africa & the ME...
I'm on roll, another thread has disappeared from this forum after being shown how stupid it was.

Good little boy. :)
Did Islam cause the Dark Ages?

Did Islam, not barbarians, destroy classical civilization?

Henri Pirenne and others have promoted the theory that 7th century Islam, not 5th century barbarian conquest, was the main force that destroyed classical civilization. The theory is that the "barbarians" preserved much of classical civilization in culture, if not in politics. But then in the 7th century Islam destroyed that culture in North Africa and the Middle East. And even the areas it did not actually conquer, in Europe, were cut off from what had been for centuries a vast area of free trade and civilization around the Mediterranean. These now-isolated non-Muslim areas became backwaters, without access to the trade and products they had long relied on, and they went into decline.
Well considering that Islam wasn't even founded as a religion when the western Roman empire collapsed I'd have to say this is a pretty laughable attempt at trolling.
I'm on roll, another thread has disappeared from this forum after being shown how stupid it was.

Good little boy. :)

What does that have to do w/ your thread??

I am currently reading a book on the Middle Ages & few, if any books on the topic are written w/out reference to Pirenne's "MOHAMMED AND CHARLEMAGNE"

Those results/conclusions didn't begin w/ the Arab conquests but rather followed, the results of decadence & laziness in Rome, according to Pirenne..
Christians in history.

The attack, aided by treachery inside, was led by Giovanni Pipino di Barletta, count of Altamura.[SUP][14][/SUP] A few rich and well connected families of Lucera Muslims opted for a fast, and very opportune, conversion to Christianity.
The majority of the city's Muslim inhabitants were slaughtered or – as happened to almost 10,000 of them – sold into slavery,[SUP][1][/SUP] with many finding asylum in Albaniaacross the Adriatic Sea.[SUP][15][/SUP]
Did Islam cause the Dark Ages?

Did Islam, not barbarians, destroy classical civilization?

Henri Pirenne and others have promoted the theory that 7th century Islam, not 5th century barbarian conquest, was the main force that destroyed classical civilization. The theory is that the "barbarians" preserved much of classical civilization in culture, if not in politics. But then in the 7th century Islam destroyed that culture in North Africa and the Middle East. And even the areas it did not actually conquer, in Europe, were cut off from what had been for centuries a vast area of free trade and civilization around the Mediterranean. These now-isolated non-Muslim areas became backwaters, without access to the trade and products they had long relied on, and they went into decline.

Islam preserved much of classical culture. Islamic civilization was as much the successor to Roman civilization as the western or eastern Christians.
What does that have to do w/ your thread??

I am currently reading a book on the Middle Ages & few, if any books on the topic are written w/out reference to Pirenne's "MOHAMMED AND CHARLEMAGNE"

Those results/conclusions didn't begin w/ the Arab conquests but rather followed, the results of decadence & laziness in Rome, according to Pirenne..

This thread was a response to Legion Troll's thread about Christians. Basically his thread was Christophobic, so I showed that Musliims have not been perfect either and he deleted his shameful Christophobic thread.
OK, I was wondering why you didn't come back to discuss it......

It just happened to be something I was into @ the moment......hat-tip-smiley-emoticon.gif