My Acceptance Speech


I will try to keep my comments short and sweet.

What a week. It started with sending Dantes into a full meltdown. Then, I won the standoff to continue using the word cunt on JPP. It was a hard fought battle, but I want to thank those who fought back against the arbiters of censorship. Your courage and strength in the face of political correctness is both noted and appreciated. Now this. To be voted #1 Asshole by the members of JPP is a true honor. There are so many people to thank, so if I miss someone, please don't take offense.

First I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for giving me the inner strength to hold forth on my convictions.

Second, I would like to thank Damo and Grind for creating a forum with limited moderation that allows me to express my Assholedness free of constraints. In the face of mounting pressure from the Board Harpies Damo and Grind have held strong to their commitment for free expression of ideas. Thank you!

Third, I would like to thank those who made this a hard fought race. USFreedom, DamnYankee, Big Money and Boris. You are all worthy opponents and your own level of Assholedness makes me strive to be on my game on a daily basis. Thanks for pushing me to be my very best.

Lastly, I would like to thank the board libtardiots who possess a level of self righteous indignation and ignorance that makes this all possible. I mean where would I be without dumbasses like Tekkychick, Desh and Howey? I would not be here today if it weren't for waterheads like Zappasguitar and Steelplate. There are so many dipshit libtardiots to thank and not enough time to thank you all.

Thank you for this honor, and I hope heading to 2014 that I can live up to the title that you have bestowed upon me. Here is hoping I can repeat in 2014

Thank you and God Bless America
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United, the people can never be defeated.
No amount of liberal hate will ever succeed.
This marks an epoch in conservative achievement.