My Ancestral Economic Suggestion To Humanity 20/40/20


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First 20 years of a great great grandchild's life SHOULD be provided by its previous 4 generation gaps as every great great grandchild doesn't become 1 of 2 parents or outlives their children and grandchildren. Anyway this creates the need for families to stick together rather than be played against one another daily as humanity has done last 7,000 years.

second 40 years the great great grandchild does what society does to keep everyone with an equal opportunity to earn a living converting raw materials to finished market supplies for everyone in the 5 basic ancestral generation gaps living.

so ages 60 to 80 and above can retire from society's demands to sustain every reality in this atmosphere. There doesn't need to be an end to charity to help people less fortunate, unable to carry their time living in the balance of their time adapting as displaced. An average brain can still navigate time left personally living uniquely here can create better ways to be able to fit in.

Life hangs in the balance all the time reproductions inhabit space in series parallel positions daily.

See economics doesn't belong to one franchise of humanity to use against every other alternate reality history established so far. This planet naturally balances outcomes every second of every rotation maintaining eternal separation of every reproduction native to this atmosphere.

Not a God nor extraterrestrial beings playing guardians of the galaxy fables. Lords of space time is fantasies made real by ancestral positions not accepting life for all it does here now. Evolves.

Now if lifetimes begin to average out longer than 80 years, the 40 year working adds time between 20 from birth and 20 after retirement to dead. Living averages outcomes daily between extremes cancelling each other out.

the old believe survival of the fittest doesn't mean just the strongest prevail. Look how corruption destroyed the most able to adapt in space with limited time staying alive cradle to grave every society sacrificed those able to cope with an ever changing environment leaving those unable to breed next generations forward.

karma within a species denying how they exist naturally timed apart daily. Just a suggestion to prevent this species from self inflicted extinction within this decade.