My Body, My Vote


Makes the ganglia twitch.
Ryan got nailed on the abortion issue tonight and says that the states should have the ultimate say on what women can and can't do with their own bodies. Here's our answer....

Nice video. I would have liked to have seen Martha Raddatz mix that question up a little. If you are going to frame abortion as a religious issue (ie; what do you two catholic BOYS feel about this), then why not also ask how they feel about their church's teachings on other issues - the death penalty, war, and hey, how about economic policies? It's interesting that women's bodies are the only thing up for religious intervention.

Cause the church has got lots of other stuff to say. But it's only what they have to say about us that anyone wants to talk about, especially cons. I wonder why? Does anyone know? We have separation of church and state except when it comes to lady stuff. No one ever asks what Catholic leaders have to say about Ryan's economic policies, about votes in favor of the Iraq war, about the death penalty...but all of a sudden when the ladies are on the tables we all get very concerned and the first question we all gotta ask is; well what does the church say?

Kinda suspicious. Maybe cons can explain.
My guess is that the OWEblahblah campaign is getting desperate again so it is time to go to the abortion well. They saw slippage among women so time to bring out the ABORTION bogeyman.

"Hey women, you won't be able to spread your legs with impunity if you vote for the funny mormon guy"

The left wing is skeered. And it is funny that they always throw the abortion grenade in the room and then scream "THE GOP IS BRING UP ABORTION AGAIN"
dear fool your postions on ANY issue is fair game for dicussion.

jesus you really do live on Bullshit mountain
You see its YOUR team who doesnt want to talk about it becuase their postion will LOSE them this election.

This is what happens when you limmit your base to the looney right tea party types.

You LOSE everyone else in the country.

Your party cant help it.

they based their whole party on the right wing looney base.

Do you know why the courted this base?

Because they increasingly could not win elections.

Now you cant win without these loonies and you cant win with them.

good thinking on your party part huh?
This is just one of their messages...there are more and I think it's well done and I know that you understand Darla that the issues you brought up won't be addressed because the right is running, not walking, running from their true positions. They know they can't win with them so they obfuscate and change the subject rather than state them plainly...they are losing. Women have had enough of this crap.
Nice video. I would have liked to have seen Martha Raddatz mix that question up a little. If you are going to frame abortion as a religious issue (ie; what do you two catholic BOYS feel about this), then why not also ask how they feel about their church's teachings on other issues - the death penalty, war, and hey, how about economic policies? It's interesting that women's bodies are the only thing up for religious intervention.


Kinda suspicious. Maybe cons can explain.

The question was asked by a woman, presumably to hurt Ryan with women because obvious it's a pretty hot button topic. Romney has gained with the women vote and the dems want to hurt him again on that front. seems pretty obvious.
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also I doubt you would deny that with respect to religion influencing politics, womens right over their bodies is the top of the list of things that most people (and women) would care about.
also I doubt you would deny that with respect to religion influencing politics, womens right over their bodies is the top of the list of things that most people (and women) would care about.

I disagree. Most women don't vote with their vaginas. Democrats think they do. But they dont