My Brief Response To MP Garner's Release: Freezing in the dark just got real.

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Just below is my response to MP Rempel Garner and just below that is MP Rempel Garner's release. It's all evidence of liberals working towards killing Canadians on a mass scale under the guise of an unproven theory they call climate crisis while trying to blame it on humans and they obviously have not even proven that 3% of the worlds surface area occupied by humans raises the Earth's atmospheric temperature even 0.000001 degree and as if they could they would then have to prove that, that is creating any kind of real crisis. Yeah the liberals are stealing from Canadians for a WEF agenda (when did a majority of Canadians ever support such as giving away billions to other countries while also making a requirement of forcing LGBT lies on their citizens to get Canada's billions especially when the liberals are forcing Canadians in a crisis fighting for our very lives thanks to liberal actions) over WEF rubbish used to divide and conquer several countries simultaneously while killing us off. Oh yeah brainwashing people with sick LGBT rubbish used to destroying peoples reproduction organs kills us off too. Oh hey while we get killed off the liberals also steal money from Canadians to give to other countries under the condition that those countries force LGBT lies and deceptions upon their citizens while Canadians can't afford to pay bills, buy food, pay mortgages or rent but that isn't enough for the liberals because they want to quadruple (from what I have heard) a tax based upon unproven rubbish because rubbish is revealed as more important to Liberals than Canadian citizens lives and the proof is in the results of their own actions under whatever guise they use as their so called intentions. You can see through a liars intentions when they keep pulling the same bs by claiming their intentions as one thing hence the guise yet their actions reveal their guise as rubbish over and over again and again as the results of their actions come to light over and over again.

I also just heard from a Youtube channel "Redacted" that the WEF are making plans for how to make money on virus X which has not yet been released while at the precise same time the WHO is trying to pass something to make mandatory every citizen in UN member countries or states must get their fake vaccines (remember they removed the definition of Vaccine Sept 10th 2021 and replaced it with their rubbish then continued to call their rubbish vaccines.) As I see it, if any of you trust them (WEF /WHO) then you must be retarded by now and eager to help them continue a mass silent slaughter on international levels. Put the WEF behind bars and save millions if not billions of lives is what I see as the best solution and give back the money that they have been using their sock puppet officials to assist WEF members etc. with stealing from several countries in recent years while trying to forge tyrants signing documents to assist them with not being held accountable. Most everything Trudeau and his brown nosers have done isn't worthy of respect and is anything but honourable. There is no justification that citizens should value or honour what a so called leader does who so obviously turns his back on citizens to serve unproven rubbish along with a WEF agenda as those citizens are becoming homeless, starving, freezing etc. thanks to that outsiders agenda. They conspire against citizens and if not held accountable get ready to be silently slaughtered off on mass scales while survivors are left heading for slavery. I suspect that millionaires will be losing everything they have like everyone else on this trajectory so if you think you got it cushy, just you wait because if this is allowed to carry on time will tell a story that an easy majority will find terrifying as their bubbles are finally popped unless we can pop those bubbles now. Demand proof of humans creating a climate crisis for starters.

Anyway, here is my response To MP Rempel Garner just below. (email addresses removed for public presentation) keep in mind campaign 500 is about me living outdoors throughout the winter in a shelter I built 2022 / 2023 while fighting to get people on subsidy a 500 dollar per month raise so those on subsidy could afford to rent a basic room even because renting rooms these days cost more than the entirety of what a person on subsidy gets in way too many instances and if you can find somewhere you got no or next to no money left for basic needs. Justin Trudeau, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

From: David Jeffrey Spetch <>
Sent: January 14, 2024 1:26 PM
To: Michelle Rempel Garner <>
Subject: Re: Freezing in the dark just got real.

Try living outdoors Michelle and yet where is action, oh right borders are being loaded with around a half a million per year (I even heard a million) even though last year at around this time I shed light on that we already had more people than homes on I think my last campaign 500 release. Going electric is a death trap on a mass scale yeah obviously.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

From: Michelle Rempel Garner <>
Sent: January 14, 2024 12:58 PM
To: <>
Subject: Freezing in the dark just got real.

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Freezing in the dark just got real.
Last night’s grid emergency shows just ill-thought-out the Liberal electrification regulations really are.
Michelle Rempel Garner
Jan 14


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Last night, as temperatures plummeted to below -40C, an emergency alert was delivered to every phone in Alberta. The message? Use as little electricity as possible.

As the energy demand to keep dwellings warm on the coldest night of the year, the Alberta Energy System Operator - the entity in charge of managing the province's power grid - channelled Star Trek’s Montgomery Scott and told Albertans that the grid was giving all it had: any more demand and outages could occur on the coldest night of the year.

This real-life example of what happens when a jurisdiction's electrical generation and distribution system cannot keep up with demand hit home a truth for millions of Canadians that seems to have escaped Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Environment Minister Stephen Guilbeaut. If Canada's aging electric system is already buckling under peak demand, it isn't likely able to handle further extreme demand created by Liberal regulations and programs that also potentially reduce supply.

And as last night in Alberta demonstrated, having no plan to first address these issues is a huge problem for the entire country.


The examples of this lack of foresight are legion. For starters, the Liberals recently went to great lengths to promote using heat pumps for home heating. However, during periods of sustained cold, many heat pumps become ineffective and require electric backup systems, which strain the grid during the least opportune moments, like extreme cold weather peak demand.

Even more of an issue in this regard are the Liberal's electric vehicle regulations, which aim to pull all gas-powered passenger vehicles off the road in a scant ten year time frame. Stateline states, "the average electric vehicle requires 30 kilowatt-hours to travel 100 miles — the same amount of electricity an average home uses daily to run appliances, computers, lights and heating and air conditioning". Canada currently has about 26 million passenger vehicles, which is likely to grow as government failures to build functional public transit continue while population numbers surge through immigration. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that it will be lights out for Canada if the Liberals push forward with no plans to dramatically, and functionally, electricity supply by the time their regs fully come into force.

Worse, the Liberals concurrently announced net-zero electricity generation regulations that could actually reduce electricity supply in parts of Canada where limited capacity for things like hydroelectric generation mean natural gas electric generation is necessary. There is no evidence to suggest that lower output and intermittently producing renewable sources of generation, like wind and solar, could replace current generating capacity in these parts of Canada in the period the regulations are supposed to come into force at all, never mind without passing an astronomical cost increase to consumers. The same fact also could significantly impact the reliability of the power generation system, harming many aspects of civil society and the economy.

Further, expecting these parts of Canada to move to different forms of electric generation in such a short period without the feds showing full-throated support for consistently reliable, high-output generation methods like nuclear power and massive injections in federal cash to build it means there could be less power generated, not more, just as the Liberal’s electric vehicle regulations, a rapidly increasing population and the need to grow a faltering economy put more demand on the system.


And even if Canada could generate enough electricity to meet this demand, other problems would also need to be fixed too. The infrastructure of Canada's power distribution systems - power transmission lines, for example - may need help carrying this increased load. I've spent many a dinner discussing this problem with a well-known expert in the field of load research (shout out to my dad), who boils the challenge of electrifying a cold weather climate like Canada that's reliant on natural gas for heating down to this: policymakers can't expect the energy currently transmitted via gas pipeline to be transferred onto the electric transmission system without a significant amount of planning.

Think of it this way. Just like a consumer attempting to run too many high power consuming appliances off of one circuit can cause electrical wires to melt without a failsafe, policymakers shouldn't expect to rapidly add load to power lines without carefully calculating the strain on the system and building out new capacity. Think of an elevator with too many passengers - it can't safely function under the strain without additional cables to support the load.

Cost of building and environmental regulations for where power lines can be built are complex challenges that need to be addressed to add more capacity to Canada’s system. Then consider that critical electric distribution infrastructure lies underground in urban commercial and residential areas, and things get even more complicated. These problems will have a big impact on Canada's urban areas, which means rural regions and remote First Nations communities that are already underserviced could face even greater challenges.

None of this says that electrifying Canada over time isn't a laudable goal. However, that Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Guilbeault are pressing forward on their present regulatory regime with sweet fudge all for a plan to address these challenges first is not only delusional but also gravely irresponsible.

But remember - Mr. Trudeau has friends in warm places. So maybe all these ill-thought-out regulations mean he's just happy to let all of us plebeian bastards freeze in the dark.

Stay warm, friends.

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