My day Yesterday with Four brave young men.


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Yesterday afternoon myself and my friend Steven went to Juarez, Mexico, so I could pick up some prescription meds. After we got the meds, we went to the Kentucky Club which is a bar that has been operating in Juarez since 1920. While there we met four soldiers from the of the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division stationed in Fort Bliss. They had gotten back from Mosul, Iraq 8 days ago and were in Juarez to have a few drinks and try to find the illusive Donkey Show.

They had been in Mosul for 15 months, and they told me that when they were first deployed to Mosul their Brigade was only at 70% strength. So they deployed short on troops. When they arrived in Mosul they were the ONLY the Brigade there. Mosul is a city of about 3.5 million people and they were the ONLY Brigade there. Compare that to Baghdad which is 7.4 million people and there is somewhere between 8 and 10 brigades in Baghdad. So not only where these guys sent there with an understrength Brigade they were all alone. Anyway, I asked them a very open ended question. I said "So what was it really like over there?" I was hit by a chorus of "It Sucked!". Well no shit it sucked, they were away from home and family and even 3 and 4 week long field exersizes sucked so I KNEW it sucked. So I said "What do you mean it sucked." Without any further prompting, they told me of the wall our troops are running up against everyday.

To a man, they said that the Iraqi people mostly hate us. Not dislike us, or begrudge us being there, they HATE us. They told me of an Iraqi man that the army hired to do odd jobs for months that was ultimately caught planting IED's on the road just outside the main gate. They told me of a 9 year old that ran at their dismounted patrol in a Mosul neighborhood with a grenade and threw it at them. They said that Men Women and Children in Mosul were all engaged in insurgent activities against them while they were there. Then they had their hands tied by military protocol. One of the guys, (I am not using names here, because, first, they were in Juarez, which has been off limits to soldiers for years, and second, they aren't towing the administrations line), told me about being out on a mission in a small-kill team, known in the military as SKT. They were set up in an area of Mosul where patrols has been under heavy IED attacks. He said they were set up when 5 or 6 Iraqi men showed up and fanned out in the area. He said that none of them had noticible weapson but every so often men would come to one building and report to a guy with a cell phone up on the roof. He said they watched him for 8 hours and twice during that time he asked his Lt. if he could take the shot ( he was on the sniper rifle this day) The Lt. not being able to make that call had to radio back to HQ to ASK PERMISSION to shoot the guy. The desk jockey that was on the other end of the radio asked how many hostiles and how many weapons. When told there were no weapons they were denied the right to take the shot. So they sat there and watch until their Relief started coming up one of the other roads in the neighborhood. The guy with the phone then received a call and then made a call and the street that their relief was coming up exploded around them, killing 4 men and injuring several more. He then told me that when the MI troops showed up to take an After Action Report, they asked about the guys on the roof. They asked about how often the others showed up to report to him, and how often he answered the phone and how ofter he called on it and if he called just before the explosion. When the AAR was over the MI officer made the accessment that the shot should have been taken at some point before bombs were set off and that most likely the bombs were set off by cell phone.

One of the guys told me that he was originally from Kansas, that he voted for Bush twice and that when he went to Iraq, he KNEW he was going there to help people, to fight terrorism and to bring freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people. All four of them said they were really gung ho about going to Iraq at the time, all four had been to jump school and were airborne qualified. These guys WANT to be soldiers. But to a man they said that after 15 months in Iraq, the know that this war is now all about full employment for american contractors, and all about money. I wish all of you could have sat with me and listen to these guys. They are all really good soldiers, and you could tell that the experience had made them all extremely close. They were on the same team the entire time and no one on their team was killed and only suffered major injuries. But they were also disillusioned by what they had gone through.

They all said they had been lied to from the minute they were told they were going. They were sold a bill of goods about how it was a war on terror and how the bulk of people in Iraq were happy that the Americans were there. How they were going to bring freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people. And how all of that was bullshit. As I said two of them already have slots for the Q-course for Special Forces training so they KNOW they aren't going back anytime soon. But the other two were told on Wednesday, that they will more than likely be going back in 8 months. Neither of those young men was excited about that prospect. I know that you Neo-con war suporters are going to do your best to diminish this encounter with them and some of you might even attempt to demean these brave young men because they aren't towing the "American" line, but as BB is always fond of saying, they've been there. They saw it, and I didn't press them to say anything or give them any idea of how I felt about the goat screw in Iraq until we really started talking. I told them after we talked for a while, how people, again like BB demean me for criticizing the war. I told them that I support what they do, but I HATE the fact that their Commander in Chief has put them in harms way for no good reason. The youngest guy in the group, a PFC told me, that the next time someone told me that, to tell them to Fuck Off for him. He said he and LOTS of other soldiers also want this shit in Iraq to be over but so long as they wear the uniform they will go where told and do their mission and give 110%. But all of that does not for minute mean they believe the mission is worthwhile nor do they think it is worth a single american life.

Steven and I paid for their drinks, bought them another round of REALLY good tequila and drank a toast to their safe return and to the soldiers that were never going to be able to drink to that toast and we left. I hope luck smiles on all four of those guys and I hope that sense takes control of someone in Washington DC before they have to go back, because the loss of just one them is not worth that entire fucking region.
I hope this post doesn't get lost in the ether of non-response, when we have a vast array of ridiculous partisan posts of little to no consequence being jumped on faster than a lass with the second name Spears.

I know a few lads who have been out in Southern Iraq, are still serving soldiers, but are equally disparaging about the motives for being there in the first place. The senseless and inconsequential loss of life and the stomach-churning spin of politicians who have not only placed them in that situation but failed to supply them with the basic materials needed for completing the task, which was vaguely laid out in the most ambiguous of language.

Hearing declarations of handing Basra over to democratic forces, when it's obvious that the police and army are both infiltrated by rival militia groups, is a little hollow, no?

We all support our troops to the hilt but even they tell us they shouldn't be there and we should remember who sent them there in the first place. Died for the cause of freedom...Yeah, right.
Thanks for posting this Soc. This took a lot of thought, and is very much more releveant than the "horse race" crap we get caught up in sometimes.

"All four of them said they were really gung ho about going to Iraq at the time, all four had been to jump school and were airborne qualified. These guys WANT to be soldiers. But to a man they said that after 15 months in Iraq, the know that this war is now all about full employment for american contractors, and all about money"

Uh, yeah I knew that. I've been saying it for years, at the risk of being shouted down as a commie. I don't think too many fair-minded people anymore are even questioning that the war was about money, oil, and geopolitical hegemony.
I was very taken by these guys. There are times that I miss the comraderie of the Army, the closeness of busting your ass together and then going out to a bar and getting piss drunk together. These guys really had a chemistry with one another, it was apparent that they had been through a lot together and that anyone of them would have done whatever it took to take care of the guy on either side of them. What I think was most suprising to me was I was in a city in Mexico that MOST soldiers don't go to because it is off limits. The city has somewhere between a million and a million and a half people in it. Yet I end up in a bar with four soldiers ALL of whom reinforced the views I have held about this war for almost 5 years now. IF this war was really going as swimmingly as we are told and if the troops really were charged up about the job they are doing there I would not have found 4 of 4 soldiers in a random encounter that ALL reinforced my beliefs about this war. And if one or two of them did, I would have never heard it because they would have kept it to themselves instead of be negative about a war that the others in their group were positive about.

As an interesting side note, one of the things my friend Steven reminded of last night as we drank some Imperial Stout was that they told us that at the time they deployed, over 70 soldiers in their brigage tested positive for drugs with 12 testing positive for cocaine. All the drug users deployed with the rest. When I was in the army, we had a guy from my unit test positive just as we were packing up equipment for Desert Shield/Storm. He tested positive JUST for Marijuana. He was reduced in rank from E-5 to E-2 put on 40 days restriction and 40 days extra duty, lost of pay for 40 days and at the end he was removed from military service. Now the US army has waivers for felons, you can get a DWI and not be barred from re-enlistment, and you can be a coke users and still stay in. And they call that ARMY STRONG.
Now the US army has waivers for felons, you can get a DWI and not be barred from re-enlistment, and you can be a coke users and still stay in. And they call that ARMY STRONG\

But we have to kick openly gay soldiers out, because it might offend some religious conservatives. :rolleyes:

Yesterday afternoon myself and my friend Steven went to Juarez, Mexico, so I could pick up some prescription meds. After we got the meds, we went to the Kentucky Club which is a bar that has been operating in Juarez since 1920. While there we met four soldiers from the of the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division stationed in Fort Bliss. They had gotten back from Mosul, Iraq 8 days ago and were in Juarez to have a few drinks and try to find the illusive Donkey Show.

They had been in Mosul for 15 months, and they told me that when they were first deployed to Mosul their Brigade was only at 70% strength. So they deployed short on troops. When they arrived in Mosul they were the ONLY the Brigade there. Mosul is a city of about 3.5 million people and they were the ONLY Brigade there. Compare that to Baghdad which is 7.4 million people and there is somewhere between 8 and 10 brigades in Baghdad. So not only where these guys sent there with an understrength Brigade they were all alone. Anyway, I asked them a very open ended question. I said "So what was it really like over there?" I was hit by a chorus of "It Sucked!". Well no shit it sucked, they were away from home and family and even 3 and 4 week long field exersizes sucked so I KNEW it sucked. So I said "What do you mean it sucked." Without any further prompting, they told me of the wall our troops are running up against everyday.

To a man, they said that the Iraqi people mostly hate us. Not dislike us, or begrudge us being there, they HATE us. They told me of an Iraqi man that the army hired to do odd jobs for months that was ultimately caught planting IED's on the road just outside the main gate. They told me of a 9 year old that ran at their dismounted patrol in a Mosul neighborhood with a grenade and threw it at them. They said that Men Women and Children in Mosul were all engaged in insurgent activities against them while they were there. Then they had their hands tied by military protocol. One of the guys, (I am not using names here, because, first, they were in Juarez, which has been off limits to soldiers for years, and second, they aren't towing the administrations line), told me about being out on a mission in a small-kill team, known in the military as SKT. They were set up in an area of Mosul where patrols has been under heavy IED attacks. He said they were set up when 5 or 6 Iraqi men showed up and fanned out in the area. He said that none of them had noticible weapson but every so often men would come to one building and report to a guy with a cell phone up on the roof. He said they watched him for 8 hours and twice during that time he asked his Lt. if he could take the shot ( he was on the sniper rifle this day) The Lt. not being able to make that call had to radio back to HQ to ASK PERMISSION to shoot the guy. The desk jockey that was on the other end of the radio asked how many hostiles and how many weapons. When told there were no weapons they were denied the right to take the shot. So they sat there and watch until their Relief started coming up one of the other roads in the neighborhood. The guy with the phone then received a call and then made a call and the street that their relief was coming up exploded around them, killing 4 men and injuring several more. He then told me that when the MI troops showed up to take an After Action Report, they asked about the guys on the roof. They asked about how often the others showed up to report to him, and how often he answered the phone and how ofter he called on it and if he called just before the explosion. When the AAR was over the MI officer made the accessment that the shot should have been taken at some point before bombs were set off and that most likely the bombs were set off by cell phone.

One of the guys told me that he was originally from Kansas, that he voted for Bush twice and that when he went to Iraq, he KNEW he was going there to help people, to fight terrorism and to bring freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people. All four of them said they were really gung ho about going to Iraq at the time, all four had been to jump school and were airborne qualified. These guys WANT to be soldiers. But to a man they said that after 15 months in Iraq, the know that this war is now all about full employment for american contractors, and all about money. I wish all of you could have sat with me and listen to these guys. They are all really good soldiers, and you could tell that the experience had made them all extremely close. They were on the same team the entire time and no one on their team was killed and only suffered major injuries. But they were also disillusioned by what they had gone through.

They all said they had been lied to from the minute they were told they were going. They were sold a bill of goods about how it was a war on terror and how the bulk of people in Iraq were happy that the Americans were there. How they were going to bring freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people. And how all of that was bullshit. As I said two of them already have slots for the Q-course for Special Forces training so they KNOW they aren't going back anytime soon. But the other two were told on Wednesday, that they will more than likely be going back in 8 months. Neither of those young men was excited about that prospect. I know that you Neo-con war suporters are going to do your best to diminish this encounter with them and some of you might even attempt to demean these brave young men because they aren't towing the "American" line, but as BB is always fond of saying, they've been there. They saw it, and I didn't press them to say anything or give them any idea of how I felt about the goat screw in Iraq until we really started talking. I told them after we talked for a while, how people, again like BB demean me for criticizing the war. I told them that I support what they do, but I HATE the fact that their Commander in Chief has put them in harms way for no good reason. The youngest guy in the group, a PFC told me, that the next time someone told me that, to tell them to Fuck Off for him. He said he and LOTS of other soldiers also want this shit in Iraq to be over but so long as they wear the uniform they will go where told and do their mission and give 110%. But all of that does not for minute mean they believe the mission is worthwhile nor do they think it is worth a single american life.

Steven and I paid for their drinks, bought them another round of REALLY good tequila and drank a toast to their safe return and to the soldiers that were never going to be able to drink to that toast and we left. I hope luck smiles on all four of those guys and I hope that sense takes control of someone in Washington DC before they have to go back, because the loss of just one them is not worth that entire fucking region.

Well counselor I am not going to criticize this warm and touching story...but is just that a story...It is hearsay as you alluded that the soldiers were in Juarez Mexico...and put the disclaimer that it has been off limits to soldiers for along time!(It has) And out of the four soldiers only the youngest and lowest grade told me and others to F*** off! I have no doubt that some soldiers are disallusioned about the war and rightly so! The problemo I have with you is the way you approach the problem saying all soldiers are or should be against the war...this is not true or accurate!
Well counselor I am not going to criticize this warm and touching story...but is just that a story...It is hearsay as you alluded that the soldiers were in Juarez Mexico...and put the disclaimer that it has been off limits to soldiers for along time!(It has) And out of the four soldiers only the youngest and lowest grade told me and others to F*** off! I have no doubt that some soldiers are disallusioned about the war and rightly so! The problemo I have with you is the way you approach the problem saying all soldiers are or should be against the war...this is not true or accurate!

I agree. If someone had written about meeting up with soldiers coming through Chicago and they were enthusiastic about what they've accomplished and that finally the administration picked a policy that could win, why that would be anecdotal. Here, since it's in the majority thinking, backslapping and such.

Yep that is what I knew would happen. The Bush buttsuckers come running to the defense of the war and how it just so happens I find the ONLY four soldiers in ALL Fort Bliss, that don't like this war. Typical response, oh and Katisue, they do run stories all the time with soldiers that say the war is great ra ra ra, we are doing good over there. And they don't get in trouble saying that. The military PUNISHES ANYONE caught making statements that are derogatory towards the war and could be seen as hurtful to morale, so we NEVER get the story. If the Administration wants me to believe this, issue an order that says any and all soldiers can speak freely to the press without any fear of reprecussions. Do that and I will believe it.
I agree. If someone had written about meeting up with soldiers coming through Chicago and they were enthusiastic about what they've accomplished and that finally the administration picked a policy that could win, why that would be anecdotal. Here, since it's in the majority thinking, backslapping and such.

And they tell us this too, through their Eagle and Star adorned mouthpieces we learn how the war is going to so well. And how loved we are by the people.
I agree. If someone had written about meeting up with soldiers coming through Chicago and they were enthusiastic about what they've accomplished and that finally the administration picked a policy that could win, why that would be anecdotal. Here, since it's in the majority thinking, backslapping and such.


Yep that is what I knew would happen. The Bush buttsuckers come running to the defense of the war and how it just so happens I find the ONLY four soldiers in ALL Fort Bliss, that don't like this war. Typical response, oh and Katisue, they do run stories all the time with soldiers that say the war is great ra ra ra, we are doing good over there. And they don't get in trouble saying that. The military PUNISHES ANYONE caught making statements that are derogatory towards the war and could be seen as hurtful to morale, so we NEVER get the story. If the Administration wants me to believe this, issue an order that says any and all soldiers can speak freely to the press without any fear of reprecussions. Do that and I will believe it.

I agree. If someone had written about meeting up with soldiers coming through Chicago and they were enthusiastic about what they've accomplished and that finally the administration picked a policy that could win, why that would be anecdotal. Here, since it's in the majority thinking, backslapping and such.


So why do you discount these four Kathianne? Because their testimony is contrary to your deluded neocon brainwash?
This stuff just gets amazing after a while. One person says that 4 soldiers told him something, another person says other soldiers have a different opinion... The one saying, "There's more than one opinion among soldiers." is told that they "bushlicking" or "fearmongering" or "insert insulting political phrase here" and then the other side insists that they said "all soldiers believe differently than these four".

This is called building a strawman based on ignorance of the military. Whether it is your own, or using the ignorance of others it is still a strawman. Nobody, not one or the other side, said that all soldiers feel this way or believe like this or against this. Not even one person said anything of the sort here.

Either side attempting to make them all into one huge opinion where every soldier is in agreement is repulsive.
This stuff just gets amazing after a while. One person says that 4 soldiers told him something, another person says other soldiers have a different opinion... The one saying, "There's more than one opinion among soldiers." is told that they "bushlicking" or "fearmongering" or "insert insulting political phrase here" and then the other side insists that they said "all soldiers believe differently than these four".

This is called building a strawman based on ignorance of the military. Whether it is your own, or using the ignorance of others it is still a strawman.

Either side attempting to make them all into one huge opinion where every soldier is in agreement is repulsive.

It was presented as an anecdote.
Not at all damo.............

This stuff just gets amazing after a while. One person says that 4 soldiers told him something, another person says other soldiers have a different opinion... The one saying, "There's more than one opinion among soldiers." is told that they "bushlicking" or "fearmongering" or "insert insulting political phrase here" and then the other side insists that they said "all soldiers believe differently than these four".

This is called building a strawman based on ignorance of the military. Whether it is your own, or using the ignorance of others it is still a strawman. Nobody, not one or the other side, said that all soldiers feel this way or believe like this or against this. Not even one person said anything of the sort here.

Either side attempting to make them all into one huge opinion where every soldier is in agreement is repulsive.

Like Kathianne said as did I for every negative story a positive story can be is called debate one side poses their view against the opposition... Not repulsive at all!
It was presented as an anecdote.
Again. One person puts up an anecdote, the next says "all soldiers don't feel this way stop saying that they do" (strawman). Then the originator says "you are saying that I found the only four there that did think this way!" (strawman). Then the whole thing turns into people attempting to one-up each other over a story that is either touching or worrying depending on which side you happen to be on.

It is sad, none of the arguments are worth the straw that was used to build the "man".
Like Katianne said as did I for every negative story a positive story can be is called debate one side poses their view against the opposition...thats all! Not repulsive at all!

there's not one reasonable person, who hasn't spent six years sucking bush off, that can claim the war is going great, that the iraqi people love us, or that this clusterfuck was worth one trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of dead people.

Its a clusterfuck, and it wasn't worth it.
This stuff just gets amazing after a while. One person says that 4 soldiers told him something, another person says other soldiers have a different opinion... The one saying, "There's more than one opinion among soldiers." is told that they "bushlicking" or "fearmongering" or "insert insulting political phrase here" and then the other side insists that they said "all soldiers believe differently than these four".

This is called building a strawman based on ignorance of the military. Whether it is your own, or using the ignorance of others it is still a strawman.

Either side attempting to make them all into one huge opinion where every soldier is in agreement is repulsive.
No the inferense was that it didn't happen at all or I made it up cause it is hearsay.
And that somehow, because the soldiers were someplace that has been made offlimits that makes them less of a soldier, when soldiers everywhere in the Army go places that are off limits and do things that general orders tell them they should not do. Shit there was a general order during the first gulf war that there would be no sex between soldiers, yet female after female came back pregnant in such a way they ONLY could have concieved in Kuwait and SA. Like I said, all the military has to do is tell soldiers there will be no reprecussions for telling the media exactly what they think about the war. But to come upon four soldiers randomly and have them all have the same negative feeling for the war but still love the army speaks volumes.
Again. One person puts up an anecdote, the next says "all soldiers don't feel this way stop saying that they do" (strawman). Then the originator says "you are saying that I found the only four there that did think this way!" (strawman). Then the whole thing turns into people attempting to one-up each other over a story that is either touching or worrying depending on which side you happen to be on.

It is sad, none of the arguments are worth the straw that was used to build the "man".

Now that's what I was saying. Anecdote after anecdote is not illuminating.