My Debate Submission


First, allow me to thank my esteemed colleagues of JPP for the opportunity to participate in this forum. While the unions of America have had a tumultuous first century of ups and downs, it's become obvious that with the decline of the actual manufacturing phase of our economy to one driven by a more technological and analytical skill set the union as we know it today is changing and will never be the force of labor organization it once was.

Why is this? Interestingly, the one man responsible for the surge of union organization in the early Twentieth Century is the man who fought union organization within his own company for nearly thirty years: Henry Ford. The same man whose development of mechanized auto manufacture led to fixed workweeks, paid holidays, the forty hour workweek, vacation time, and health care benefits to his employees with the establishment of the Henry Ford Hospital in Dearborn in October, 1915. All mainstays of modern union contracts adopted by competing automakers.

Despite the "Battle of the Overpass" in 1937, a bloody battle between management and employees, Ford managed to stave off signing a contract with the United Auto Workers until 1941 at the behest of his wife, Clara. That was six years after the Wagner Act was passed by Congress and following the UAW walkout at his River Rouge plant.

Interestingly, Ford's eventual acceptance of the union culture also led to it's downfall. Why? Because the atmosphere of the manufacturing process he developed also dramatically transformed the work ethic of the union worker; an atmosphere of repetitive, routine-based monotonous duties that predicated an industry now dependent upon unskilled or highly specialized operatioin of robotics, replacing the skilled worker. I envision a day very soon when assembly line workers are replaced totally by computers.
are you retarded howey? Do you not see the debate forum which you were routinely posting in yesterday?

I tried to post in the thread where they go and couldn't. I the started a thread, "HELP" as a result.

You obviously didn't smoke a door like I suggested on my forum. Now it looks like you need to do that and get laid.

Sheesh :)

I tried to post in the thread where they go and couldn't. I the started a thread, "HELP" as a result.

You obviously didn't smoke a door like I suggested on my forum. Now it looks like you need to do that and get laid.

Sheesh :)

Sorry, I didn't see it.
well I am concerned because this could hamper your future participation so I kinda want to get to the bottom of why this may be. I am pretty sure I saw you posting on both forums yesterday.
Copy/Paste it into the thread now, Howey, you're now one of the participants and therefore can post in the thread.
well I am concerned because this could hamper your future participation so I kinda want to get to the bottom of why this may be. I am pretty sure I saw you posting on both forums yesterday.

It's because we're using the debate mod that only allows those in the list to respond. I changed the list to remove AssHat and added Howey.