My Duty(Such as it Is)


New member
If I had it to do all over again, I would either be a Pediatrician, because I love children, and would love to heal them, or a journalist, where I could make people think, instead of Blindly following ANY Political Party(I am NOT a Republican, I'm a Conservative.)

In this Nation, we have taken the LEAD, many times BY OURSELVES, at first, and successfully fought back the Forces of Evil. We have beaten back Naziism, Communism(for the most part, except for Cuba, China,[soon to fall, or change], and the U.S. House of Reps.), and now, we are fighting Islamo-Fascism, where Women are treated like property, less than DOGS, and children are taught in "schools" to Strap Bombs on their Chests, and Kill Innocent Victims, and THEMSELVES.

Yet, for all our attempts to make the World a better place, All our Charity to Poor Nations, the TONS of FOOD and AIDS Medicines we GIVE AWAY to African and Asian Peoples, we STILL have those, in THIS Country, who are Brainwashed by Radical Leftists who STILL are Angry they didn't BURN DOWN AMERICA, in the 60's! Yes, I'm sorry, but Rev. Wright and William Ayers and Wife come to mind. I KNOW we are not perfect, and there is ALWAYS room for IMPROVEMENT. But that doesn't MEAN we need to tolerate IDIOTS and 60's Rejects who just CAN'T STAND to have America looked at as a Great Nation.

Whether it was an Abusive Childhood, a Broken Home, a Govt. Agency which "wronged" them or their family, it does NOT give them an excuse to try and DESTROY all the GOOD WORKS DONE EVERYDAY, by all kinds of Americans. I wish I was a "journalist". Because I dont believe you LEARN journalism by going to "journalism school". You LEARN it by writing f**king JOURNALISM!

I see it as MY DUTY, to speak out, to try and do EVERYTHING I CAN, to DEFEAT SOCIALISM AND MARXISM in America. It has FAILED EVERY TIME IT'S BEEN TRIED, but yet American Liberals, with the FREEDOM they grew up with, don't UNDERSTAND the Misery, Degradation, and Human Suffering, caused by Socialism.
I want to write columns that will make the Hypocrites in Washington take notice, that they HAVE BEEN WARNED. I want to write columns that will make their eyes bleed, and their sphincters collapse(so to speak).

Take William Ayers, College Professor, and Terrorist Bomber of Federal Buildings(WHAT is our University System COMING TO?). I truly feel, that for BOMBING the Pentagon, Capitol, New York Police Buildings, etc(see "Great Resume") that Mr. Ayers and Ms. Dohrn, his wife, should be Peeled, Salted, Driven thru the Town Square by Mental Patints with Spiked Planks, then used as a Toilet and Sperm-Catcher by Baboons in Heat!

Now THAT'S "Journalism"
Oh, BTW, Onceler, I know you think I'm a (what was it, Nut? Psycho?) crazy person, but what you, and many OTHERS do NOT understand, is I am fairly typical, to the hundreds and hundreds of people I meet, and talk to. Of course, there is about a third of the nation, mostly in the Big Cities, that Blindly Follows, like Sheep, what the Mainstream Media tells them, and what Hillary and Obama say, on their "stumps". But the INTELLIGENT people, the other 2/3, have said MANY of the SAME THINGS as I tell all of YOU, here! Where do you think I GET all this stuff, these thoughts? Some are my own, sure, but MOST are a result of my experiences, what I have seen and HEARD, from everyday people, who are TIRED of being LIED to, trired of being "SPUN", by the "Trusted Media"!
Any comments, anything to add?

Yeah .. all of that is stupid as hell.

America doesn't stand as a "great nation" when we mass-murder innocent people for profit and "taking the lead by ourselves" has alienated America from a world we are increasingly dependant on.

You may not be a conservative but you sure talk/think like one. Your "taking the lead" has destroyed American power, respect, and stature .. and it doesn't take genius to see the obvious. You may be tired of the left but you aren't any more tired than most of planet earth is tired of the sickness that so infects you .. a sickness that drives you to scream every other word as if that makes the words any less incredibly dumb.

America has just gone through an 8 year demonstration of what that kind of sick mentality results in. Where the fuck have you been?

Your thoughts here are kind of pathetic and decidely unlearned.

Not much to actually debate .. but you should seek therapy.
Spoken as a true..................

Yeah .. all of that is stupid as hell.

America doesn't stand as a "great nation" when we mass-murder innocent people for profit and "taking the lead by ourselves" has alienated America from a world we are increasingly dependant on.

You may not be a conservative but you sure talk/think like one. Your "taking the lead" has destroyed American power, respect, and stature .. and it doesn't take genius to see the obvious. You may be tired of the left but you aren't any more tired than most of planet earth is tired of the sickness that so infects you .. a sickness that drives you to scream every other word as if that makes the words any less incredibly dumb.

America has just gone through an 8 year demonstration of what that kind of sick mentality results in. Where the fuck have you been?

Marxist that you are...mis-information and deceit are your friend! I say ~whatever Mr.BlackPanther...aka 'socialist/liberal' progresssive or whatever y'all call yourself now days!::rolleyes:
instead of being a crossing guard like you are now?

I think he is an arm-pit sniffer. On the aol home page today, there is a pic of a woman sniffing people’s arm-pits (it is totally making me sick), and it says “that’s right, arm-pit sniffing is a real job”. They work for deodorant companies.
You can see why it would have driven jollie over the edge.
Yeah .. all of that is stupid as hell.

America doesn't stand as a "great nation" when we mass-murder innocent people for profit and "taking the lead by ourselves" has alienated America from a world we are increasingly dependant on.

You may not be a conservative but you sure talk/think like one. Your "taking the lead" has destroyed American power, respect, and stature .. and it doesn't take genius to see the obvious. You may be tired of the left but you aren't any more tired than most of planet earth is tired of the sickness that so infects you .. a sickness that drives you to scream every other word as if that makes the words any less incredibly dumb.

America has just gone through an 8 year demonstration of what that kind of sick mentality results in. Where the fuck have you been?

Marxist that you are...mis-information and deceit are your friend! I say ~whatever Mr.BlackPanther...aka 'socialist/liberal' progresssive or whatever y'all call yourself now days!::rolleyes:

Such intelligence .. such wit .. just an amazing grasp of the stupid.

Too bad you don't actually possess the mental prowess to actually challenge what I said with any degree of intelligence. I bet that would make for good debate.

However, it's not like I don't appreciate a good clown show on occasion.
I think he is an arm-pit sniffer. On the aol home page today, there is a pic of a woman sniffing people’s arm-pits (it is totally making me sick), and it says “that’s right, arm-pit sniffing is a real job”. They work for deodorant companies.
You can see why it would have driven jollie over the edge.

You really do think yourself so darn cute, don't ya.
really you just look damn stupid..but it looks good on ya.:clink:
You really do think yourself so darn cute, don't ya.
really you just look damn stupid..but it looks good on ya.:clink:

Another three seconds I’ll never get back.
I’ve told a few posters to pm me when you say something interesting.
I think he is an arm-pit sniffer. On the aol home page today, there is a pic of a woman sniffing people’s arm-pits (it is totally making me sick), and it says “that’s right, arm-pit sniffing is a real job”. They work for deodorant companies.
You can see why it would have driven jollie over the edge.

AOL is so 2004
Jollie, if you want to be a REAL journalist, you need to learn about perspective. The perspective of the far right you represent is no more accurate than the perspective of far leftists you rail against. There was a time (long past now) when journalists were supposed to be neutral. There are a few today who at least show some semblance of trying to follow that ideal, but most are bloated egoists catering to their chosen audience. Want to be a REAL journalist, get rid of the far right bullshit.

Past actions of good do not excuse current fuck ups. And currently the U.S. is involved in a variety of very big fuck ups which stem from our trend toward the extremes of both political philosophies.