My Gift to the Super-Delegates.


New member
It came to me in a Flash, this morning, while I was listening to Howard Dean begging the "Super-Duper Delegates" of the Democrat Party(a ridiculous concept, only possible outcome:corruption). Anyway, I'd like to HELP Howard, and the "Supers"!

It's obvious. Barack Hussein Obama is DISINTEGRATING, before our very eyes. Not only is the "Bloom off the Rose", but his "Messiah of the Democrat" image is GONE, FINISHED! He has been exposed as an average Chicago Machine Politician, with not enough experience to get away the Lies, and Phony Image he, his handlers, and the "Liberal Fantasy-Dwellers" put out.

But it's not just about Barack. Hillary, on the other hand, IS experinced. The Entire Country knows HER! And HALF the Country HATES her! She is ony 1 or 2 percent LESS DAMAGING to the Country, only slightly less Fanatically Liberal/Socialist than B.H. Obama!

So what's the solution? Well, Howard Dean is BEGGING the SuperDuper Delegates to CHOOSE NOW! Guess what, Howie- It don't MATTER, anyhow! Hillary is NOT giving up! And WHO the HELL is HOWARD DEAN, some has-been doctor/wannabe politician, to tell ANYONE, either Hillary, Barack, or the Super-Dupers, "their time is UP"?!

I have the solotion, for the Super-Dupers. You must announce your plan to search for, and SUPPORT, a NEW, THIRD Democrat Presidential Candidate! That is the ONLY "FAIR" way, and after ALL, we KNOW that Democrats are concerned, above ALL, about "FAIRNESS", right? Now isn't that a GOOD idea?
I wonder if the kids know what this could be? It’s nothing I’ve ever done. No way is this pot. It’s not coke. It’s not vicodins.

Crack? Heroin? That stuff I don’t know about. I’d be interested in finding out what produces this effect.
Oh, and by the way, the Latest Polls show John McCain AHEAD of BOTH Democrat Candidates, by doing..................NOTHING, except watching the Liberals Destroy each other, in a race to see who can be MORE Liberal, MORE Damaging to the Nation, raise taxes, ruin out Health Care System, promise MORE giveaways to bribe voters, with money NOT ONLY DON'T HAVE, but that our Grandchildren will struggle to pay off.
Awwwwwwwwwww, whatsa matta, paw baby Darla, are you upset? Are you watching yaw wittle Barack Hussein finally be Exposed, in the HARD, COLD LIGHT OF TRUTH? It hurts, huh, when you're a Liberal Racist Anti-American, and people start FINDING OUT the things you've been HIDING for years, don't it. I feel bad. Take some aspirin, and maybe a nap, Bwaaaaaaaahahahaha!
I wonder if the kids know what this could be? It’s nothing I’ve ever done. No way is this pot. It’s not coke. It’s not vicodins.

Crack? Heroin? That stuff I don’t know about. I’d be interested in finding out what produces this effect.

Meth looks scary. I don't know anyone that has done it, but I've seen the pictures.
I wonder if the kids know what this could be? It’s nothing I’ve ever done. No way is this pot. It’s not coke. It’s not vicodins.

Crack? Heroin? That stuff I don’t know about. I’d be interested in finding out what produces this effect.

Conservative talk radio.

Possibly smoking crack as well.

But I wouldn't know, as I would never touch either.
Jollie - did you know that Obama's poll #'s have gone up since all of the stuff you think is so important came out in the 'harsh, cold light'?

He's still beating McCain in the last poll I saw. Ouch.