My Heartfelt Plea, to Lady T


New member
What's the MATTER, Lady T, don't want to TALK abot Barack the Baby Murderer? Is that RACIST of me? It was HIS vote! Are you afraid to discuss YOUR Candidates VOTES?
Lady T, I'M not afraid of Barry Hussein Obama enslaving White People. I'm afraid of him Enslaving BLACK People, of enslaving them into being painted with the SAME, Anti-American, Racist, Baby-Murdering Brush that HE is being painted with. What do YOU think the Anti-Obama TV Ads will say, will SHOW! They will show VOTES OF OBAMA'S, like the ONE BELOW, where he voted to CALLOUSLY, AND CRUELLY KILL BABIES, DENY THEM CARE. He tied up the Illionois Legislature OVER A YEAR, because he didn't want the Babies called "BABIES", or even "HUMAN BEINGS"! Is that what YOU support, Lady T? Do YOU have any babies? Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Such a SHAME I know SO MANY Black women who LOVE their kids, would DIE for their babies. It seems from his vote below, that Obama just wants the BABIES TO DIE.

In the event that an aborted baby is born alive, she or he receives "comfort care," defined as keeping the baby warm in a blanket until s/he dies. Parents may hold the baby if they wish. If the parents do not want to hold their dying aborted baby, a staff member cares for the baby until s/he dies. If staff did does not have the time or desire to hold the baby, s/he is taken to Christ Hospital’s new Comfort Room, which is complete with a First Foto machine if parents want professional pictures of their aborted baby, baptismal supplies, gowns, and certificates, foot printing equipment and baby bracelets for mementos, and a rocking chair. Before the Comfort Room was established, babies were taken to the Soiled Utility Room to die.

(We are TRULY Hell-Bound, if we keep allowing THIS kind of Behavior, and VOTING AND SUPPORTING THOSE WHO DO CONDONE IT:jollie)

The problem is that before the unanimous votes to pass these bills the option to go through with this procedure was available and practiced. The bills would put restrictions on the procedure which is a specific type of abortion that fetus sometimes survives. It would also require another doctor to be present to treat the resulting child if the fetus were to survive the abortion.

The bills pushed through the Illinois legislature in 2001, Obama voted Present,(Coward) and in 2002, Obama voted no.(Consistent Monster)


The Bills introduced in Illinois in 2001 were:
Senate Bill 1093 which requires a separate physician, who is not involved in an abortion, to be present in the event that an abortion might result in a live birth, for that doctor to make an independent evaluation of the viability of the infant and to provide medical care if required.

Senate Bill 1094 creates a cause of action in the event an induced labor abortion results in a live birth and the doctor or health care provider harms or neglects the infant or fails to provide proper medical care to the child after its birth.

Senate Bill 1095 defines a "born-alive infant" to include every infant member of the homo sapiens species who is born alive at any stage of his/her development.

The bills pushed through the Illinois legislature in 2001, Obama voted Present,(Coward)
and in 2002, Obama voted no.(Consistent Monster)

Obama was called out for his vote and his response was:

"It would essentially bar abortions because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this was a child then this would be an anti-abortion statute," Obama said in the Senate's debate in March 2001.
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I told you I totally agree with you. Obama is racist as will be seen when we enslave you all after Jan 20th.

and we're actually moving to extend the abortion period to first 3 months after birth.

I don't like or have kids, so I'm okay with this. I don't l ike paying taxes, so I actually encourage it.

I'm working on the movement to give Texas back to Mexico next.
I told you I totally agree with you. Obama is racist as will be seen when we enslave you all after Jan 20th.

and we're actually moving to extend the abortion period to first 3 months after birth.

I don't like or have kids, so I'm okay with this. I don't l ike paying taxes, so I actually encourage it.

I'm working on the movement to give Texas back to Mexico next.

What about mandatory homosexual sex for white men?
I think that agenda has been pushed back to year 7 of his presidency Darla. I could be wrong. I'll check at this weeks meeting while you suckers are watching the game.
I think that agenda has been pushed back to year 7 of his presidency Darla. I could be wrong. I'll check at this weeks meeting while you suckers are watching the game.

Wait until they’re too hungry and weak from years of field work, to put up much of a fight huh? Good thinking.
Wait until they’re too hungry and weak from years of field work, to put up much of a fight huh? Good thinking.

that's the plan. we're also going to make them wear hot pants and netted shirts when they are in the fields get them used to it.
What's wrong, Lady T, cant take TRUE CRITICISM of your Phony, Inexperienced Candidate? Crying to "Damo, he's making multiple posts, waaaa, waaaa"? You'd BETTER GET USED TO IT, 'cause you're gonna KEEP SEEING IT FOR A YEAR. IN TV CAMPAIGN ADS, Haaaahahaa!! And as LONG as you keep trying to TURN OBAMA'S VOTING TO NOT GIVE COMFORT AND TREATMENT TO NEWBORN INFANTS AS A JOKE, I WILL CONTINUE TO PUT IT UP.
Let me ask you a question, Lady T, seeing you think these baies dying is such a JOKE. How do you FEEL, that THREE BLACK BABIES ARE ABORTED, FOR EVERY ONE WHITE BABY. Doesn't that sound kinda like Eugenics? Do you KNOW what that is? It's EXTREME RACISM. Ever hear the word G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E? Hmmmmmmm? Ever hear of a guy name Adolf Hitler? Hmmm? I got one last thing, for ya, 'cause i thik you're a Lost Cause. When all the Little Black, Brown, and Babies from Liberal Mommies are Aborted, What will be the Political philosiphy of the people LEFT? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

You all try to turn it into a JOKE, but where's the JOKE, it THIS FACT, THAT BELOW, THE PROOF OF OBAMA VOTING TO KILL LIVE BABIES! Care to comment, of afraid, and try to play it off. Either way, doesnt matter, because the Campaign Ads will be FULL of THIS vote.

Obama's voting record in the Illinois State Senate is host to a fact little known to the public this Presidential Campaign Season. More over it reveals a disturbing thought process in America.
Live Birth Abortion was a practice in some Hospitals in America, which allows for an infant who survives an abortion procedure to die without medical treatment. In 2001 and 2002 bills were passed by the United States Congress to protect "infants born alive," amongst other patients rights. Thank God for small favors.

The purposes of H.R. 2175, the `Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2001' are:

(1) Ìto repudiate the flawed notion that a child's entitlement to the protections of the law is dependent upon whether that child's mother or others want him or her;

(2) Ìto repudiate the flawed notion that the right to an abortion means the right to a dead baby, regardless of where the killing takes place;

(3) Ìto affirm that every child who is born alive--whether as a result of induced abortion, natural labor, or caesarean section--bears an intrinsic dignity as a human being which is not dependent upon the desires, interests, or convenience of any other person, and is entitled to receive the full protections of the law; and

(4) Ìto establish firmly that, for purposes of Federal law, the term `person' includes an infant who is completely expelled or extracted from his or her mother and who is alive, regardless of whether or not the baby's development is believed to be, or is in fact, sufficient to permit long-term survival, and regardless of whether the baby survived an abortion.

Jill Staneck a Registered Nurse spoke out about the procedure at a hospital where she worked.

... In this particular abortion procedure doctors do not attempt to kill the baby in the uterus. The goal is simply to prematurely deliver a baby who dies during the birth process or soon afterward.

To commit induced labor abortion, a doctor or resident inserts a medication into the mother’s birth canal close to the cervix. The cervix is the opening at the bottom of the uterus that normally stays closed until a mother is about 40 weeks pregnant and ready to deliver. This medication irritates the cervix and stimulates it to open early. When this occurs, the small second or third trimester pre-term, fully formed baby falls out of the uterus, sometimes alive. By law, if an aborted baby is born alive, both birth and death certificates must be issued. Ironically, at Christ Hospital the cause of death often listed for live aborted babies is "extreme prematurity," an acknowledgement by doctors that they have caused this death.

It is not uncommon for a live aborted baby to linger for an hour or two or even longer. At Christ Hospital one of these babies lived for almost an entire eight-hour shift...

In the event that an aborted baby is born alive, she or he receives "comfort care," defined as keeping the baby warm in a blanket until s/he dies. Parents may hold the baby if they wish. If the parents do not want to hold their dying aborted baby, a staff member cares for the baby until s/he dies. If staff did does not have the time or desire to hold the baby, s/he is taken to Christ Hospital’s new Comfort Room, which is complete with a First Foto machine if parents want professional pictures of their aborted baby, baptismal supplies, gowns, and certificates, foot printing equipment and baby bracelets for mementos, and a rocking chair. Before the Comfort Room was established, babies were taken to the Soiled Utility Room to die.
(We are TRULY Hell-Bound, if we keep allowing THIS kind of Behavior, and VOTING AND SUPPORTING THOSE WHO DO CONDONE IT:jollie)

The problem is that before the unanimous votes to pass these bills the option to go through with this procedure was available and practiced. The bills would put restrictions on the procedure which is a specific type of abortion that fetus sometimes survives. It would also require another doctor to be present to treat the resulting child if the fetus were to survive the abortion.

The bills pushed through the Illinois legislature in 2001, Obama voted Present,(Coward)

and in 2002, Obama voted no.(Consistent Monster)