My kind of America

Look. Owning guns is important. But the Right Wing parroting this video as much as they do is pathetic. Everyone in reality knows lots of people would have shot and there would have been more casualties. Everyone knows that idiot gun owner that is proud to be the person that wishes they could shoot too early.

Put yourself in a stadium situation. Nothing but strangers. You hear gunfire. You see someone with a gun, you shoot. Yet everyone (in your theoretical situation) has a gun so everyone hears gunfire and is shooting at everyone with a gun.

Knowing this SHOULD cause for heavy regulation in certain environments but no gun restriction! You must prove you are worthy to hold a gun and react responsibly in a stadium envirionment in my interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. EVERYONE owns a gun in the Libertarian interpretation.

EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun. Only with the restrictions the people think are necessary for different level environments. Because carrying a gun on a walk is much different than carrying a gun in a shoulder to shoulder crowded place.

Guns are good, Restrictions suck, but GET OVER IT.
If you want to post a video to inform people the necessity of owning a gun, post this one. But for god sakes don't lablel it as a MASSACRE because IT'S NOT!. It's a robbery! If it was a massacre the gunmen would have went into the situation expecting to die........heh

I loved it dude.

I think it would be GREAT if we had way more cops who were well trained and in our midst dressed in plain clothes and there jsut to make sure everyone was protected.

Im even willing to have my taxes go up to make it happen.

will you join me?

I love the actor who plays the old cook.

The guy looks so much like my dead father it gets me every time I see him.

That actor was a real live Gunny before he started acting
Look. Owning guns is important. But the Right Wing parroting this video as much as they do is pathetic. Everyone in reality knows lots of people would have shot and there would have been more casualties. Everyone knows that idiot gun owner that is proud to be the person that wishes they could shoot too early.

Put yourself in a stadium situation. Nothing but strangers. You hear gunfire. You see someone with a gun, you shoot. Yet everyone (in your theoretical situation) has a gun so everyone hears gunfire and is shooting at everyone with a gun.

Knowing this SHOULD cause for heavy regulation in certain environments but no gun restriction! You must prove you are worthy to hold a gun and react responsibly in a stadium envirionment in my interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. EVERYONE owns a gun in the Libertarian interpretation.

EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun. Only with the restrictions the people think are necessary for different level environments. Because carrying a gun on a walk is much different than carrying a gun in a shoulder to shoulder crowded place.

Guns are good, Restrictions suck, but GET OVER IT.
by claiming that untrained (i.e. non law enforcement) people would just increase the body county yet dismissing as irrelevant the extra casualties cause by those same law enforcement in similar situations makes you a hypocrite with zero credibility to discuss anything remotely connected to armed self defense.
I loved it dude.

I think it would be GREAT if we had way more cops who were well trained and in our midst dressed in plain clothes and there jsut to make sure everyone was protected.

Im even willing to have my taxes go up to make it happen.
so what you're saying is that you're too much of a coward to provide for your own safety and therefore prefer to charge all of america to make you feel safer. thanks.
Look. Owning guns is important. But the Right Wing parroting this video as much as they do is pathetic. Everyone in reality knows lots of people would have shot and there would have been more casualties. Everyone knows that idiot gun owner that is proud to be the person that wishes they could shoot too early.

Put yourself in a stadium situation. Nothing but strangers. You hear gunfire. You see someone with a gun, you shoot. Yet everyone (in your theoretical situation) has a gun so everyone hears gunfire and is shooting at everyone with a gun.

Knowing this SHOULD cause for heavy regulation in certain environments but no gun restriction! You must prove you are worthy to hold a gun and react responsibly in a stadium envirionment in my interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. EVERYONE owns a gun in the Libertarian interpretation.

EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun. Only with the restrictions the people think are necessary for different level environments. Because carrying a gun on a walk is much different than carrying a gun in a shoulder to shoulder crowded place.

Guns are good, Restrictions suck, but GET OVER IT.

Must you always use false premises in your posts? Nobody claims that everyone should be armed. People should be able to CHOOSE to exercise their Constitutional right to bear arms. Some people aren't comfortable with the prospect of owning firearms. I can respect that. Just don't try to hinder my ability to own one.

Contrary to your fear based opinions, I am not a threat to you. I have owned firearms for a very long time and have never gone on a murderous rampage. I own some of those "scary" guns that freak you out so much and have never walked into any building and gunned people down.

You should be more scared of the people willing to take your rights than me who is trying to protect them.