My Last Thoughts


New member
THIS is why, as Great as we ARE, as a Nation, we're going DOWNHILL. It's because of Politicians that are SO GREEDY FOR MONEY AND POWER, that they will BETRAY THEIR NATION, do things that are NOT IN THE PEOPLE'S BEST INTERESTS, and that HURT THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS THE MOST.

Do you think your "Leaders" in Washington give TWO SHITS how much a gallon of gas COSTS? They're being chauferred around town to parties in Limosines and Big SUV's. What do THEY care how much THE POOR are suffering from $5-a-gallon gasoline? Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong, and call me names. Why should today be any different?

I may have disagreed with most of you on the Left, but I WILL say, some of the time, you cause me to think, and maybe even shift my position, somewhat. I hope I made some of YOu at least THINK, that maybe it doesn't HAVE to always be so polarized, hard one way or the other.

May God Bless you and Keep You Safe.
Dude everything you have said here I have heard a million times over. I wish I could say you made me think but all you did was repete the same silly stuff I have heard a million times over.