My May Day Celebration.


New member
I was PROUD. Last Friday, going thru my Town Green here in New Haven, CT, there was a "May Day" Celebratrion, with Tents giving out flyers and printed handouts about "How Evil America and its Government Is", "How George Bush and the Military has a Plan to Kill ALL Brown Babies in the Mideast", "Why Nuclear Power will Make Dick Cheny Rich, and KILL all Americans", etc.
You know the type of stuff, I'm sure some of you pass it out, at Stop & Shop! So what I did, as an American with the SAME Rights of Free Speech as these Traitors, was, I went up to EVERY one of these "tents", and started telling them what TRAITORS, and Anti-American SCUM that most Patriotic Americans think they ARE. I asked a bearded, college-proffessor-looking dude, "Why do you come to a Public Place, where children and Families have to walk thru, to celebate your Communist Holiday, and to BASH the United States of America, and the Flag, which some of these Families have memebers who FOUGHT AND DIED FOR, children who became FATHERLESS, to uphold OUR FREE WAY OF LIFE, WHICH YOU SO CALLOUSLY AND ARROGANTLY TRASH? This wimpy, effeminate-acting 60's reject started giving me lip, using the TIRED "Nazi" name-calling rablings, so I asked him: HOW would you like some FREE DENTAL WORK, YOU COMMUNNIST FAG? Of COURSE, he SHUT HIS MOUTH, and wimped away, mumbling for his mommy, Haahaha!

I THEN walked up to a decrepit, REAL 60's hippie, all wrinklenow, of course, and she was whining about bombs, and Nuclear Power. I asked her WHICH car was HERS. She eventuallt told me, the Silver SUV. Typical HYPOCRITE LIBERAL, Haaaaaaaaahahahah!