My name is Maineman


I am a lifelong democrat.... I came over from Full because I don't shy away from a good debate. I have one area of overriding interest - the foreign policy of the United States in the middle east. I think the war in Iraq was, without doubt, the worst foreign policy blunder in the history of the United States.... far surpassing the overthrowing of Allende in Chile, Mossadeq in Iran, and the Bay of Pigs.

I had a bit of a problem on with the guy named Dixie....who is now over here.

He called me a pedophile and claimed that other trolls over there who had accused me of molesting my son were stand up guys and had produced damning evidence of my "crime". I asked him over and over again to please retract that slanderous statement and he kept refusing..... so one night, after a few mojitos, I decided to fight fire with fire and said things about his daughter, which, in the sober light of morning, I profusely apologized for.

I am retired from the US Navy in the rank of Commander. I am strong on defense but strong against the way this pissant coward of a president has misused our military.

I look forward to vigorous debate on here and I never ever put the gloves on.
he's ignoring me, I think...and I really need him to take some sort of step to mend the fence, which, apparently, he will never do. c'est la vie
Well, you could always get a troll account and issue an apology if he's that adament about it. But I know how effective an apology would be. I'd give you two a week before you were back at it.
and the arrogant fucker refuses to apologize to me even ONCE. fuck him..... at least there are some fiesty debaters left at
tianabautre said:
LOL its killing you isn't it?

it really does piss me off....I always knew he was an obstinate douchebag...I just never figured he sink as low as he did... but like I said...the debate still is feisty at, so I will live in both worlds for a while anyhow
watch out for SR, he is a fundamental asshole. He posts/read's u2u's, he's a racist, he lies, and for some reason or another he's becoming a control freak.
Notice how all of Maines apoligizes include calling someone a douchebag, fucktard, asswipe, and he wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire...........a fine apology! LOL
I wonder if people who come here from other websites will carry the same ignorant, hate-filled rhetoric they used on others. Some people were on other sites, and used threats against people that they coudn't debate properly. They were lacking in intelligence, had the facts AGAINST them, so they started whining, calling names and making threats.

If you're going to get upset when your Failure Socialist/Collectivist Views (ala Clinton Crime Syndicate and Barack/99.9% Liberal/Obama) are challenged for the cruel failures they are, and poisonous effects they have on American Liberty and Prosperity, then maybe the "kitchen" of Political Debate is "too hot" for you. I'm just sayin'.