My neighbor hates Palin


Yes--he works for a Dem senator in the state of Michigan (not sure who). I was walking down the street the other day (he lives 2 doors down), and he was outside packing his kids in the car. I have talked to him before, and he seemed like a well rounded lier Dem. As I walked by--I raised my arms in victory (like a victory raise--not a actual victory celebration), and yelled "Sara Palin"

Boy---did he get mad, just like Biden will be when Sara kicks his butt. It was funny as heck. he telling me some lesbian focus group decided that Palin is making them look elsewhere (like they wern't already), so McCain can't win. So---Being the betting man I am, I offered a bet. "He said I will bet you anything.", so I ran over to seal the deal with a hand shake, and I offered a $100.00 bet. As he was shaking my hand, he said he could only bet $10.00, becauase he can't afford to lose $100.00 (of my and your money to begin with--mind you). Sounds like a good time for his own party to raise his taxes, energy costs, etc etc.

Liberials are so mindless.
I wouldn't be so sure Major
look at intrade, big betting is 60% Obama 40 Mcain
Palin will only keep it from being a Mondale type landslide.
Your neighbor hates Palin
--he works for a Dem senator in the state of Michigan

Well that explains it ..... hes a Dim...they fuckin' hate anybody that doesn' lick their boots....
Yeah I am just glad he is not my neighbor.

But then I think around here you are allowed to shoot annoying neighbors one week out of the year.
Not sure if you need a tag for that or not though.
I wouldn't be so sure Major
look at intrade, big betting is 60% Obama 40 Mcain
Palin will only keep it from being a Mondale type landslide.

Have you seen the rasmuson polls today. Dead even. Is this a momentum shift two months before the election? My neighbor looked pretty scared--and mad, and he did not feel like losing more than ten bucks.

If I win--I will tell him to keep it. I am a chartiable kind of guy, even if it is his own philospies that do equal damage to as as the new republican party. :)
Your neighbor hates Palin
--he works for a Dem senator in the state of Michigan

Well that explains it ..... hes a Dim...they fuckin' hate anybody that doesn' lick their boots....

A MI resident too?

The dems just ried to add ammendments to the ballot for a state constitutional change (last amended in 1963)--in order to gain total judicial control in Michigan. The head of the ACL-CIO "Gaffney" said --"too bad for republicans--the people of Michigan prefer the liberial/progressive philosophies. We have 45 thousand signatures to proove it (which is not the proper way to add amendments).

The funny thing that proves, with out a shadow of a doubt, these dems bull shit is,---they used consertative philosophies of smaller government (getting rid of some state employees--the republican judges on the board espically), and less expensive wages (even the dem commie govenor granholm was gonna take a cut) to get 45 thousand signatures to a suicidal liberial bench of judges. Smaller government is a consertative philosophy, but the dems had to use it to get signatures to say we actually like liberial philosophies.

I talked with a knowledgable lady at the MI supreeme court, and she agreed what the movement was.

Eliminate our opponents with leglislation--not votes.

Part of the commie movement in this country--thats all.
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Who cares? I don't even care what my own neighbors think, why would I be awaiting news flashes on this idiot's neighbors?

Case in point. If you don't care what your neighbors think--you might have the tendancy to impose your agenda on them--telling them it is for their own good.
Now as far as this idiots neighbor--I am the neighbor--he is the idiot demacrat.

I just thought it was a great story, because Bidens and Obama's frustration, along with the gay media mafia's frustration (because Palin bypassed them) has hit so close to home for me. it was fun to see him lose it like Dirty Harry Reid. It is not pay back time for blacks, like they think--but it is pay back time for consertatives to kick some socialistic commie butt. Ahhhhh--I feel old America coming back. I am gonna really enjoy this, and I may be able to retire now without taking todays kids money, in the future, for my support.