My political science theorizing / rant


Republicans, if you give the voters a choice between a fake Democrat and a real Democrat, they're going to choose the real Democrat everytime (apologies to LBJ). I honestly believe that, even though this election was basically a wash for the Democrats anyway, had the Republicans run a more conservative candidate like Romney they'd be in a much stronger position. I think the logic for running McCain was something like, hey, we'll pick up the moderates and the conservatives will have nowhere left to go.

Well, that just isn't true. Although going moderate has proved successful in the past for some movements, like the Labour party in England (which has gone from being a Socialist party to an arguably centre-right party in just twenty years), those movements were backed by very strong leaders, against very weak opposition.

The fact is, that the centre in America isn't really much of a centre. They tend to vote wildly and change their beliefs often. If they see a candidate with conviction they will vote for him. They are not like the ideological voters (and I think they're retarded, but hey, that's me), and that's why the retreating to the center equation doesn't work with a weak candidate like McCain. Reagan won two huge landslides while being the most extremist candidate to have run for office in the past seventy-five years. The center, or, should I say, the independents, fell for him, even though he was in no way a center candidate.

Now I'm not necessarily saying you guys should run a goldwater every election. If you can find a moderate with conviction, who's a real leader, then by all means run him. McCain was not that candidate. And it's just the truth that such candidates rarely come from the center.

There is only one candidate in this election with any sort of conviction, only one candidate who looks like a leader, and that's Obama. And the center is falling to him.
I agree. Especially since Goldwater was so much more llibertarian in his later years, for instance stating that there was no rational reason why homosexuals should be barred from service in the military.

The Democrats were simply able to paint Goldwater as a kook in 1964, in a way they weren't able to do with Reagan in 1980. And Goldwater also had gaffe after gaffe, like saying that the eastern US should be cut off and floated out to see (well, I guess we don't really need those hundred or so electoral votes anyway), and saying that we should authorize the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Vietnam (guess we don't need the ones in the west either). Goldwater defeated himself.
Now that McCain is supporting the bailout and proposing things like buying up all mortages at face value, even fiscal consevatives are running over to Obama. I'm not saying that Romney would've done much better (he wasn't a huge fiscal consevative, and the only real fiscal conservative running was Ron Paul), but McCain is in many ways seeming like the worst of both worlds to fiscal conservatives and social conservatives at the same time. So, basically, McCain is getting no centrist support. All his support is, ironically enough, coming from the ideologues.
Now that McCain is supporting the bailout and proposing things like buying up all mortages at face value, even fiscal consevatives are running over to Obama. I'm not saying that Romney would've done much better (he wasn't a huge fiscal consevative, and the only real fiscal conservative running was Ron Paul), but McCain is in many ways seeming like the worst of both worlds to fiscal conservatives and social conservatives at the same time. So, basically, McCain is getting no centrist support. All his support is, ironically enough, coming from the ideologues.

You're smart today watermark.

The neocon kikes running this party think the goyim underling repukes will go for anyone who hates gays and "loves america". Sorry adam.

I guess they think we'll forget that mccain wants to throw open the borders and drive wages to all time lows.
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You're smart today watermark.

The neocon kikes running this party think the goyim underling repukes will go for anyone who hates gays and "loves america". Sorry adam.

I guess they think we'll forget that mccain wants to throw open the borders and drive wages to all time lows.

Anytime asshat says "You're smart today watemark" I immediately start worrying about what I'm saying. Especially when the ensuing message contains racial slurs.
You're smart today watermark.

The neocon kikes running this party think the goyim underling repukes will go for anyone who hates gays and "loves america". Sorry adam.

I guess they think we'll forget that mccain wants to throw open the borders and drive wages to all time lows.
This is where you lose all credibility. You probably don't even know the origin of the word, which in and of itself was not so bad, but developed as a derogatory term. You start rattling off epithets like its the ok thing to do and show what a mouth breather you really are. Then you spout off a half assed apology and act like Adam shouldn't be upset. Are you going to start throwing your hand and arm straight out at a 45 degree angle and scream white power, or your favorite, white pride world wide? It has been a long time since you reminded me what a fucking moron you really are.
This is where you lose all credibility. You probably don't even know the origin of the word, which in and of itself was not so bad, but developed as a derogatory term. You start rattling off epithets like its the ok thing to do and show what a mouth breather you really are. Then you spout off a half assed apology and act like Adam shouldn't be upset. Are you going to start throwing your hand and arm straight out at a 45 degree angle and scream white power, or your favorite, white pride world wide? It has been a long time since you reminded me what a fucking moron you really are.

Umm, it, like, is the OK thing to do.