My Precience is Staggering!


New member
:cool:What I said, last week:

McCain can win over the Conservative base of the Republican Party, voters who NOW threaten, like Ann Coulter this morning on The Today Show, to use LOGIC, and vote for Hillary, have a 4 yr. disaster with Healthcare and the Economy, with Conservatives in Congress fighting her ALL THE WAY, then Romney or a BETTER Conservative zooming back in 2012. McCain could cause a 30-year disaster, Open Borders, Amnesty for 25 Million Illegals, Tax Cuts Repealed, afraid to use Enhanced Interrogation on Terrorist Murderers to save lives, and Republicans in Congress nervous about trashing "their own" President.
But all McCain has to do is promise Conservatives to appoint Strict Constructionist Judges, nominate Mitt Romney as V.P., and Rudy Guiliani as FBI Director or Attorney General, and a Conservative to headf I.N.S. (Immigration), and he's a shoe-in.
What Nationally Recognized Conservative Pundits have said since:

1.)For Austin conservative activist Barbara Schroeder, the speech went a long way. "McCain admitted that he was wrong on a couple of issues," she said. "If Mitt Romney gets to be vice president, our party will be really united."

2.) Monica Crowley, DEFINITELY the hottest babe to give opinions on "The McLaughlin Group"... "McCain can see past the personal animus generated by the campaign, he ought to think long and hard about giving the Vice Presidential spot to Romney". ...

3.) And the Wall Street Journal, in an article listing possible "best picks for McCain's Veep slot, considering he is viewed as "one step above Hillary", on the Conservative-Liberal Scale, listed Romney second, the Conservative Hispanic guy from Michigan or Wisconsin was first.

They must have read my post last week, and forgot to give me credit.:D