My Present to You.


New member
First of all: To Darla: Your relative in Massapequa are probably "Phony Italians" We, of that Noble Nationality(Colombus, Galileo, DaVinci, Zappa, and Steve Vai), all know that REAL Italians are descended from Brooklyn, or New Haven, CT.
To US Citizen: You are correct, sir! Well, almost. The original concoction of 3-flavor ice cream is called "Spumoni"- Chocolate, Cherry, and Pistachio!
To Battleborne: That's OK, if you like weird pizza. At least you have your head on straight, politically, and that's a little more important.
To Desh: And what do YOU taste like? Haaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha!

Since Obama Wants to be President, I have Some Questions to Ask Him

Since Mr. Barack H. Obama wants to be President of the United States of America, I would like him to answer some questions. That is, if he feels like it. And isn’t offended. And doesn’t think they are “so 90’s.” And if he thinks they are worthy. And if he isn’t tired of answering tough questions. And if doesn’t mind answering someone who clings to guns and God. And etc…

Mr. Obama, you said you didn’t think your church was “particularly controversial.” Do you still believe this? If you still believe this, why? If do you now do not believe this, why not?

Mr. Obama, can you please explain why your wife wasn’t proud to be an American until just recently?

Mr. Obama, do you think that those who wear an American flag pin to commemorate the 9/11 attacks are really using it as “a substitute for…true patriotism” if they don’t speak “out on issues that are of importance to our national security?” As a follow up, if the person wears a flag pin and is in FAVOR of the Iraq war, is that person using the pin as a “substitute” for “true patriotism?”

Mr. Obama, why do you believe “the cultural wars are just so 90’s?” As a follow-up question, do you think that those who believe our culture is very corrupt and heading in the wrong direction, morally speaking, are out of touch and “just so 90’s?”

Mr. Obama, given the fact that a recent study foundthat 26 percent (3.2 million) teens aged 14 to 19 are currently infected with STD’s, including 48 percent of all African American girls, do you still think encouraging abstinence is still a bad idea for underage teens? As a follow-up question, do you think underage teens are ready for sexual promiscuity emotionally, physically, mentally and financially, and if not, then why do you support giving them free advice, condoms and encouragement to perform sexual acts that may harm them emotionally, physically, mentally and financially?

Mr. Obama, since judges are sworn to uphold the Constitution, what did you mean when you said “there’s nothing wrong in voting against nominees who don’t appear to share a broader vision of what the Constitution is about.” As a follow-up question, how “broad” of a “vision,” in EXACT terms, are you talking about?

Mr. Obama, why don’t you support continuing federal funding for crisis pregnancy centers? Why or why not?

Mr. Obama, in 2003, as chairman of the Senate committee that received the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, why did you prevent it from even getting a hearing? Why do you think the U.S. Senate, using the same language as the bill you opposed in Illinois, voted 98-0 for the Born Alive Infants Protection Act (S 1050/HR 2175)? Do you still think that it “is probably not going to survive constitutional scrutiny?” Do you still think it will “create one more burden on women?” Do you still think it will take “away from doctors their professional judgment when a fetus is viable?” Do you still believe that you “can’t impose my (your) religious views on another?”

Mr. Obama, you said that you would have supported the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act if it had the exact same language as the federal bill. But only one paragraph was different, and when an Amendment was offered so that it would be the same as the federal paragraph, YOU, as chairman of the committee hearing the bill, refused, and then also killed the bill. Why?

Why did you say you put “Roe at the Center of My Lesson Plan When Teaching Constitutional Law?” As a follow-up question, do you think the Constitution, which was ratified over 200 years ago, revolves around a decision that was rendered in 1973?

Mr. Obama, why do you think that since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent?

Mr. Obama, why do you think Planned Parenthood, which operates the nation’s largest chain of abortion clinics and almost 80 percent of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods?

Mr. Obama, why do you think that although only about 13 percent of American women are black, they account for more than 35 percent of all abortions performed on pre-born children?

Mr. Obama, why do you think that in America today, almost as many black children are aborted as are born?

Mr. Obama, why do you think a black baby is three times more likely to be aborted than a white baby?

Mr. Obama, do you cling to “religion” and “anti-trade sentiment” as a way to explain your “frustrations?”

Mr. Obama, a day after your speech at the Democratic convention you told a group of reporters at a lunch sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor in Boston that the U.S. had an “absolute obligation” to remain in Iraq. You said “The failure of the Iraqi state would be a disaster…It would dishonor the 900-plus men and women who have already died. . . It would be a betrayal of the promise that we made to the Iraqi people, andit would be hugely destabilizing from a national security perspective.” Why don’t you still believe this?

Mr. Obama, you said you “don’t take money from oil companies.” Mr. Obama, it has been illegal for corporations to contribute directly to federal candidates since 1907. Under the Federal Election Campaign Act, an organization becomes a “political committee” by receiving contributions or making expenditures in excess of $1,000 for the purpose of influencing a federal election. When an interest group gets directly involved within the political process, a PAC is created. You have received $213,000 dollars from employees of oil and gas companies. Aren’t you doing about the same thing as you accuse your opponents of doing?

Mr. Obama, you say you don’t take money from DC lobbyists and special interest PACS. But The Capital Eye reported that “[a]ccording to the Center for Responsive Politics, 14 of Obama’s top 20 contributors employed lobbyists this year, spending a total of $16.2 million to influence the federal government in the first six months of 2007.” Do you see any problem with your statement and what YOUR top contributors are doing?

Mr. Obama, do you know why HAMAS has endorsed YOUR candidacy?

Mr. Obama, did you know that YOUR Pastor, Jeremiah Wright, published a terrorist manifesto on YOUR church bulletin on the “Pastor’s Page” on July 22, 2007? As a follow-up question, did you know the author of that manifesto is Musa Abu Marzook, who is solidly connected to CAIR, which has a documented connection to terrorism?

Mr. Obama, why did YOU choose a Communist Party USA member as YOUR socio- political counselor in high school?

Mr. Obama, why were YOU spending YOUR time studying neocolonialism and the writings of Frantz Fanon, the pro-violence author of “the Communist Manifesto of neocolonialsm,” in college?

Mr. Obama, why did YOU take time out from YOUR studies at Columbia to attend socialist conferences at Cooper Union?

Mr. Obama, why did your father advocat the communal ownership of land and the forced confiscation of privately controlled land, as part of a forced “development plan”, an important element of his attack on the government’s advocacy of private ownership, land titles, and property registration?

Mr. Obama, why did your father advocate the nationalization of “European” and “Asian” owned enterprises, including hotels, with the control of these operations handed over to the “indigenous” black population?

Mr. Obama, why did your father, whom you idolize, advocate dramatically increasing taxation on “the rich” even up to the 100% level, arguing that, “there is no limit to taxation if the benefits derived from public services by society measure up to the cost in taxation which they have to pay” and that, “Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed?”

Mr. Obama, on the campaign trail while in the US Senate you claimed you passed legislation requiring prompt reporting by nuclear energy companies of even small leaks. But the bill, in fact, was never passed. Did you misspeak?

Mr. Obama, you said that “We are bogged down in a war that John McCain now suggests might go on for another 100 years,” of which the non-partisan says was a “twisted” and “serious distortion of what McCain actually said to a town-hall meeting in New Hampshire back on Jan. 3.” Are they wrong, or are YOU wrong?

Mr. Obama, you attacked John McCain on energy policy saying he will be a “third Bush term.” But John McCain actually voted AGAINST the 2005 energy bill, while YOU actually supported it. Doesn’t that mean that YOU would represent a “third Bush term” as far as energy policy is concerned?

Mr. Obama, you said that McCain represented “four more years of the same George W. Bush policies that have gotten us into the pickle that we’re in right now.” But Penny Pritzker, YOUR National Finance Chair, served as Chairwoman of the Board for Superior Bank when it first began engaging in subprime lending way back in 1993. The bank collapsed in 2001 due to its business strategy of relying on subprime loans. Doesn’t this fact correlate that YOU would represent “four more years of the same George W. Bush policies that have gotten us into the pickle that we’re in right now?”

Mr. Obama, you pledged in February last year to accept public financing and its accompanying spending limit of an estimated $85 million in the general election race if you win the nomination and your Republican opponent agreed to the limits too. Mr. McCain has agreed. You also said that you are a “long-time advocate for public financing of campaigns combined with free television and radio time as a way to reduce the influence of moneyed special interests.” Have you changed your mind about your feelings about this issue? As a follow-up question, why or why not?

Mr. Obama, a memo by a Canadian official described a meeting with YOUR top economic policy adviser, Austan Goolsbee, which took place in the Canadian consulate in Chicago a while ago which NAFTA was discussed. It said that YOUR public pledge to force a renegotiation of NAFTA was “more about political positioning.” Is this true? As a follow-up question, aren’t you giving people an excuse to to cling to “anti-trade sentiment?”

Mr. Obama, you claimed that you could trace your “very existence” to the Kennedy family, saying they paid for your Kenyan father’s travel to America on a scholarship. But the Kennedy family actually began funding those kinds of trips a year after your father arrived in the US. DId you misspeak?

Mr. Obama, you told Larry King on CNN when asked about an anti-Hillary Rodham Clinton YouTube ad, which was a doctored version of a spot created for Apple computers: “We don’t have the technical capacity to create something like that.” But in fact the creator of it was a political operative who worked for a firm overseeing the technical side of YOUR Web site, who made it at home on a Mac. Did you misspeak?

Mr. Obama, in your memoir, Dreams of My Father, you wrote of a story about a black man trying to bleach his skin white that YOU said had influenced you. You later said it might havebeen in Ebony magazine. But, no such article could be found in Life or Ebony. Did you misspeak?

Mr. Obama, you said in 2003 to the AFL/CIO: “I happen to be a proponent of single-payer universal healthcare coverage. That’s what I’d like to see.” But in January, 2008, YOU claimed in a nationally televised debate: “I never said that we should try to go ahead and get single-payer.” Did you misspeak?

Mr Obama, you said, “I think I’ve been very clear….there’s a presidential election in four years. I’m not running for president in four years.” During a meeting with reporters at your Illinois campaign headquarters after your election to the U.S. Senate, you were asked whether you would run for president or vice president before your term ends in 2011. “I’ve never worked in Washington,” you said. “I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in four years, and my entire focus is making sure that I’m the best possible senator on behalf of the people of Illinois.” And on “Meet the Press, January 22nd, YOU told Tim Russert; “I will serve out my full six-year term. You know, Tim, if you get asked enough, sooner or later you get weary and you start looking for new ways of saying things. But my thinking has not changed.” Russert then asked: “So you will not run for president or vice president in 2008?” YOU then said, “I will not.” Did you misspeak all those times?

Mr. Obama, you said your parents “got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don’t tell me I’m not coming home to Selma, Alabama.” But YOU were born in 1961, and the Selma march occurred in 1965. Did you misspeak?

Mr. Obama, in 2007, YOU stated that “while our fuel standards haven’t moved from 27.5 miles per gallon in two decades, both China and Japan have surpassed us, with Japanese cars now getting an average of 45 miles to the gallon.” But Toyota responded, “No carmaker gets 45 mpg; ours is closer to 30 mpg.” Did you misspeak?

Mr. Obaman, several months ago YOU told the Sun-Times your “best estimate” was that YOUR friend, indicted businessman Tony Rezko, had raised “between $50,000 and $60,000″ during your political career. However, YOU collected at least $250,000 from Rezko. Did you misspeak?

Mr. Obama, you even claimed this: “My grandfather taught me how to say the Pledge of Allegiance when I was 2.” Do you really expect us to believe you knew how to recite the Pledge of Allegiance when you were only 2 years old? As a follow-up question, what else do you remember when you were 2 years old?

Mr. Obama, your church, Trinity Church of Christ, which posts pro-Hamas articles on it’s bulletin board, gave racist, anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award, whom they said was a man that “truly epitomized greatness.” Why didn’t you object to this? As a follow-up question, do you think YOUR church should PUBLICLY renounce this award and the remarks made about Farrakhan “truly” epitomizing “greatness?”

Mr. Obama, you said this year, “She didn’t read the National Intelligence Estimates. Jay Rockefeller read it. But she didn’t read it. I don’t know what all that experience got her because I have enough experience to know that if you have a National Intelligence Estimate and the chairman of the national, um, Senate Intelligence Committee says you should read this, this is why I’m voting against the war, that you should probably read it. I don’t know how much experience you need for that.” However, Rockefeller was not the chair at that time and voted in favor of the war authorization. Sen. Bob Graham of Florida was the intelligence committee chair in 2002 and voted against the resolution. Were you confused when you spoke here?

Mr. Obama, In 2007, you said, “I’m not running because I’m trying to fulfill some long-held plan.” But your teacher in 1970, Iis Darmawan, 63, said, “He wrote an essay titled, ‘I Want To Become President.” And in 1992, Craig Robinson, YOUR brother-in-law, asked about YOUR plans. “He said, ‘I think I’d like to teach at some point in time, and maybe run for public office,’” recalls Robinson, who assumed you meant you would like to run for city alderman. “He said no — at some point he’d like to run for the U.S. Senate. And then he said, ‘Possibly even run for President at some point.’” Is he lying or did you misspeak?

Mr. Obama, why do you have a plan that would ultimately grant 19,500 convicted drug dealers early release?

Mr. Obama, why do you support state plans to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants?

Mr. Obama, why are you committed to raising billions from wealthier Americans’ Social Security tax. As a follow-up question, why does Mrs. Clinton call this tax increase a “trillion-dollar tax hike?”

Mr. Obama, do you still “oppose” restrictions on welfare benefits for women who have children while on welfare?

Mr. Obama, do you still ”support state legislation to … ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns?” If not, why have you changed your mind?

Mr. Obama, you mention studying the Quran in your autobiography, “Dreams From My Father.” But, you were enrolled in two Jakarta schools as a Muslim. Your teacher, Tine Hahiyary, said she remembered you had studied “mengaji” (recitation of the Quran). Your classmate, Rony Amiris, said, “Barry was previously quite religious in Islam.” Emirsyah Satar, another classmate of yours, was quoted as saying, “He (Obama) was often in the prayer room wearing a ’sarong.’” On your campaign website it says: “Barack has never been a Muslim or practiced any other faith besides Christianity.” But, YOUR father, grandfather, stepfather, and his your African relatives are Muslims. Just what were you for 27 years before your “conversion?”

Mr. Obama, the Woods board on which terrorist Bill Ayers and YOU sat ended up giving two development partners the sum of one million dollars, from which both Allison Davis andindicted political fund-raiser Antoin “Tony” Rezko reaped considerable financial gain. YOU did not recuse yourself from the board’s vote on this large real estate transaction despite a clear conflict of interest from your past associations. Why did you not recuse yourself?

Mr. Obama, in the mid-1990s, Ayers and his wife Dohrn hosted a meet-and-greet at their house to introduce YOU to their neighbors during your first run for the Illinois Senate. In 2001, Ayers contributed $200 to YOUR campaign and served alongside YOU between Dec. 1999 andDec. 2002 on the board of the not-for-profit Woods Fund of Chicago, which met four times a year. Did you know at the time that Ayers was an unrepentant terrorist who once said, “Bring the war home. Kill your parents?” As a follow-up question, why don’t you think this information is important for the American people to know about? The C.I.A. and F.B.I. would ask these questions about your relationship with Ayers and YOU would receive the utmost scrutiny and would likely result in receiving a rejection letter.

Mr. Obama, seven years ago you voted with other directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago to invest $1 million with Neighborhood Rejuvenation Partners L.P., a $17 million partnership that Davis still operates. Did you tell other board members of YOUR ties to Davis? As a follow-up question, when asked about this awhile ago, YOUR campaign spokesman, Bill Burton, said, “Let me get back to you on that.” Will you finally “get back” to us on that?

Mr. Obama, in 2007 you said at a fundraiser, “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.” The death toll was 12. Did you misspeak again?

And finally, Mr. Obama, do you really expect the American People to believe you when you say you really didn’t know what kind of church you have been attending for two decades? As a follow-up question, why did you throw your grandmother under the bus (just a euphemism) by equating what your grandmother, who “confessed her fear of black men who passed her by on the street and who, on more than one occasion, has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me (you) cringe,” with the MANY radical statements that your mentor, Jeremiah Wright, has made? As a follow-up question, do you NOT see any difference between Mr. Wright, who is NOT related to you, and your grandmother, who is?
Mr. Obama, given the fact that a recent study foundthat 26 percent (3.2 million) teens aged 14 to 19 are currently infected with STD’s, including 48 percent of all African American girls, do you still think encouraging abstinence is still a bad idea for underage teens? As a follow-up question, do you think underage teens are ready for sexual promiscuity emotionally, physically, mentally and financially, and if not, then why do you support giving them free advice, condoms and encouragement to perform sexual acts that may harm them emotionally, physically, mentally and financially?

Mr. Obama, since judges are sworn to uphold the Constitution, what did you mean when you said “there’s nothing wrong in voting against nominees who don’t appear to share a broader vision of what the Constitution is about.” As a follow-up question, how “broad” of a “vision,” in EXACT terms, are you talking about?

Mr. Obama, why don’t you support continuing federal funding for crisis pregnancy centers? Why or why not?

Mr. Obama, in 2003, as chairman of the Senate committee that received the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, why did you prevent it from even getting a hearing? Why do you think the U.S. Senate, using the same language as the bill you opposed in Illinois, voted 98-0 for the Born Alive Infants Protection Act (S 1050/HR 2175)? Do you still think that it “is probably not going to survive constitutional scrutiny?” Do you still think it will “create one more burden on women?” Do you still think it will take “away from doctors their professional judgment when a fetus is viable?” Do you still believe that you “can’t impose my (your) religious views on another?”

Mr. Obama, you said that you would have supported the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act if it had the exact same language as the federal bill. But only one paragraph was different, and when an Amendment was offered so that it would be the same as the federal paragraph, YOU, as chairman of the committee hearing the bill, refused, and then also killed the bill. Why?

Why did you say you put “Roe at the Center of My Lesson Plan When Teaching Constitutional Law?” As a follow-up question, do you think the Constitution, which was ratified over 200 years ago, revolves around a decision that was rendered in 1973?

Mr. Obama, why do you think that since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent?

Mr. Obama, why do you think Planned Parenthood, which operates the nation’s largest chain of abortion clinics and almost 80 percent of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods?

Mr. Obama, why do you think that although only about 13 percent of American women are black, they account for more than 35 percent of all abortions performed on pre-born children?

Mr. Obama, why do you think that in America today, almost as many black children are aborted as are born?

Mr. Obama, why do you think a black baby is three times more likely to be aborted than a white baby?

Mr. Obama, do you cling to “religion” and “anti-trade sentiment” as a way to explain your “frustrations?”
WOW. THAT says it all.

Yes we Sicilians are a weird bunch...try Pizano...we have friends in low places...(stolen from Garth Brooks song)...:cof1:
Sorry, Darla- Just read every OTHER question. Even every THIRD one! I bet Obama can't answer one FIFTH of them! Hey! Are YOU the SAME "Darla", from the "Little Rascals"?
Wait- you can shoot. Shoot Liberals, Haaaahaha! Only Kidding. Don't shoot Liberals. Then I'd have no one to drive crazy.
Yes, yes I am. What gave it away?

Well, you asked if I was someone else, michael something. And I remember on the Little Rascals, the little spoiled girl darla was always asking silly questions. I am the ORIGINAL. Not another like me.
Well, you asked if I was someone else, michael something. And I remember on the Little Rascals, the little spoiled girl darla was always asking silly questions. I am the ORIGINAL. Not another like me.

that was very clever of you to put those two things together like that. I guess I didn't stand a chance, really.
And why pray tell...............

Wait- you can shoot. Shoot Liberals, Haaaahaha! Only Kidding. Don't shoot Liberals. Then I'd have no one to drive crazy.

would I do that..they do a great job shooting themselves...I am but just a observer watching the implosion!:cof1:
Ya know....!

After taking the time to read all of the above posted by Jollie...all I can say based on the venacular of the writing is: Steven Segale is that you?:cof1:
I don't know if this says more about me than the author but, if i've counted correctly, this yard long thread contains a frightening total of 149 words not written by our dearest of resident mentals, Jollie.