Myth Of The Business Cycle

Kamala Trump

Verified User
People who like to seem wise constantly talk about the business cycle, the idea that business just naturally goes in cycles and we should all just have a zen "this too shall pass" attitude towards the markets and be unconditionally market positive idiots like the talking head shills on CNBC.

There are natural cycles in many areas of life: agriculture due to weather, human lives due to aging and varying hormone levels, just to name a couple. But what is the natural cause of the "business cycle"?

The business cycle is merely the creation and destruction of asset bubbles by the business elite and their governmental co-terrorists. But this will never be admitted openly, everyone pretends it's just "something that happens", and that staying in the market is good because "things always turn around" and "business is cyclical". But what happens when they decide against creating a new bubble, and just let everything slide all the way down?

The myth of the business cycle is how they just keep everyone all in until they decide to pull the plug for the final slide into serfdom.
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People who like to seem wise constantly talk about the business cycle, the idea that business just naturally goes in cycles and we shoule all just have a zen "this too shall pass" attitude towards the markets and be unconditionally market positive idiots like the talking head shills on CNBC.

There are natural cycles in many areas of life: agriculture due to weather, human lives due to aging and varying hormone levels, just to name a couple. But what is the natural cause of the "business cycle"?

The business cycle is merely the creation and destruction of asset bubbles by the business elite and their governmental co-terrorists. But this will never be admitted openly, everyone pretends it's just "something that happens", and that staying in the market is good because "things always turn around" and "business is cyclical". But what happens when they decide against creating a new bubble, and just let everything slide all the way down?

The myth of the business cycle is how they just keep everyone all in until they decide to pull the plug for the final slide into serfdom.

The business cycle is like the folks who invested in carriages and horse whip stocks. Along came Ford. The buggy stocks fell and Ford took off.

I find it rather amusing people will complain about the stock market. People give their money (buy stocks) betting on the labor of others (companies) and become upset when the others don't produce. Seems like a lot of people want be little Lords while complaining about the Surfs.
People who like to seem wise constantly talk about the business cycle, the idea that business just naturally goes in cycles and we should all just have a zen "this too shall pass" attitude towards the markets and be unconditionally market positive idiots like the talking head shills on CNBC.

There are natural cycles in many areas of life: agriculture due to weather, human lives due to aging and varying hormone levels, just to name a couple. But what is the natural cause of the "business cycle"?

The business cycle is merely the creation and destruction of asset bubbles by the business elite and their governmental co-terrorists. But this will never be admitted openly, everyone pretends it's just "something that happens", and that staying in the market is good because "things always turn around" and "business is cyclical". But what happens when they decide against creating a new bubble, and just let everything slide all the way down?

The myth of the business cycle is how they just keep everyone all in until they decide to pull the plug for the final slide into serfdom.

So you agree that downturns and the resulting unemployment are devised by corporations and permitted by politicians. What can be done about it? It seems as if those most negatively effected are the easiest to dupe.
So you agree that downturns and the resulting unemployment are devised by corporations and permitted by politicians. What can be done about it? It seems as if those most negatively effected are the easiest to dupe.

Our economy is too centrally controlled. Reforming the currency system would be the best way. We should eliminate fiat currency. In fiat currency systems, massive dependancies are created because value is created out of thin air and handed over to "business leaders" who's ideas may or may not be that much better than anyone else's. So instead of being self reliant, we become dependant on fascists because of how easily they control everything.

When one party can arbitrarily create value out of thin air and everyone else must work for it, it distorts the power relationships in society, and even separates human activities from real value creation.
People who like to seem wise constantly talk about the business cycle, the idea that business just naturally goes in cycles and we should all just have a zen "this too shall pass" attitude towards the markets and be unconditionally market positive idiots like the talking head shills on CNBC.

There are natural cycles in many areas of life: agriculture due to weather, human lives due to aging and varying hormone levels, just to name a couple. But what is the natural cause of the "business cycle"?

The business cycle is merely the creation and destruction of asset bubbles by the business elite and their governmental co-terrorists. But this will never be admitted openly, everyone pretends it's just "something that happens", and that staying in the market is good because "things always turn around" and "business is cyclical". But what happens when they decide against creating a new bubble, and just let everything slide all the way down?

The myth of the business cycle is how they just keep everyone all in until they decide to pull the plug for the final slide into serfdom.

let's go samurai......
One thing for certain, if we do not add some regulations to the finiancial industry we will have another meltdown in a matter of single digit years.
Gravity is a myth. It is a phenomena I can neither understand nor explain. Much like American Idol or the popularity of Paris Hilton. And therefore must be a myth.
Our economy is too centrally controlled. Reforming the currency system would be the best way. We should eliminate fiat currency. In fiat currency systems, massive dependancies are created because value is created out of thin air and handed over to "business leaders" who's ideas may or may not be that much better than anyone else's. So instead of being self reliant, we become dependant on fascists because of how easily they control everything.

When one party can arbitrarily create value out of thin air and everyone else must work for it, it distorts the power relationships in society, and even separates human activities from real value creation.

You're an idiot.