NAACP seeks probe into sludge spreading in black communities


Well-known member
Sludge is the charitable, scientific word. We're talking about human sh*t here.

Leaving aside the despicable faux outrage about Pastor Wright, leaving aside the Tuskegee experiments, Jim Crow laws, and 400 years of history of slavery and segregation.....does anyone in their right mind think the government would "target" high income, suburban, pre-dominantly white communities for experiments involving putting human waste in their yards?

Do you think they'd ask Kenny-boy Lay, Babs Bush, or Paris Hilton's family if they'd like to volunteer their properties for the sludge experiment?

Sludge Experiments Target Low Income, Black Communities in Baltimore

Associated Press Writers Sun Apr 13

BALTIMORE - Scientists using federal grants spread fertilizer made from human and industrial wastes on yards in poor, black neighborhoods to test whether it might protect children from lead poisoning in the soil.

Families were assured the sludge was safe and were never told about any harmful ingredients.

Nine low-income families in Baltimore row houses agreed to let researchers till the sewage sludge into their yards and plant new grass. In exchange, they were given food coupons as well as the free lawns as part of a study published in 2005 and funded by the Housing and Urban Development Department.

The Associated Press reviewed grant documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and interviewed researchers. No one involved with the $446,231 grant for the two-year study would identify the participants, citing privacy concerns. There is no evidence there was ever any medical follow-up.

Comparable research was conducted by the Agriculture Department and Environmental Protection Agency in a similarly poor, black neighborhood in East St. Louis, Ill.

The sludge, researchers said, put the children at less risk of brain or nerve damage from lead. A highly toxic element once widely used in gasoline and paint, lead has been shown to cause brain damage among children who ate lead-based paint that had flaked off their homes.

The researchers said the phosphate and iron in the sludge can bind to lead and other hazardous metals in the soil, allowing the combination to pass safely through a child's body if eaten.

The idea that sludge — the leftover semisolid wastes filtered from water pollution at 16,500 treatment plants — can be turned into something harmless, even if swallowed, has been a tenet of federal policy for three decades.

In a 1978 memo, the EPA said sludge "contains nutrients and organic matter which have considerable benefit for land and crops" despite the presence of "low levels of toxic substances."

But in the late 1990s the government began underwriting studies such as those in Baltimore and East St. Louis using poor neighborhoods as laboratories to make a case that sludge may also directly benefit human health.

Meanwhile, there has been a paucity of research into the possible harmful effects of heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, other chemicals and disease-causing microorganisms often found in sludge.

A series of reports by the EPA's inspector general and the National Academy of Sciences between 1996 and 2002 faulted the adequacy of the science behind the EPA's 1993 regulations on sludge...

Soil chemist Murray McBride, director of the Cornell Waste Management Institute, said he doesn't doubt that sludge can bind lead in soil.

But when eaten, "it's not at all clear that the sludge binding the lead will be preserved in the acidity of the stomach," he said. "Actually thinking about a child ingesting this, there's a very good chance that it's not safe."

McBride and others also questioned the choice of neighborhoods for the studies and why residents were not told about other, possibly harmful ingredients in sludge.

"If you're not telling them what kinds of chemicals could be in there, how could they even make an informed decision. If you're telling them it's absolutely safe, then it's not ethical," McBride said. "In many relatively wealthy people's neighborhoods, I would think that people would research this a little and see a problem and raise a red flag."
Black people believing our government would harm them, are crazy! Obama knows someone who believes that the government would do stuff like this! That's anti-American! I'm not voting for him. I'm going to vote for John McCain, not because he's white, but because you'll never see him hanging around with any crazy white people who claim the government is putting sludge into their yards to experiment on them! Cindy McCain never said that.
Black people believing our government would harm them, are crazy! Obama knows someone who believes that the government would do stuff like this! That's anti-American! I'm not voting for him. I'm going to vote for John McCain, not because he's white, but because you'll never see him hanging around with any crazy white people who claim the government is putting sludge into their yards to experiment on them! Cindy McCain never said that.

Exactly! LOL

No one could have ever predicted that the african american community, would have reason to be suspicious of the government!

As Babs Bush might say, these black families probably never had it so good. This is really working out well for them. Thanks US Government for the sludge!
Exactly! LOL

No one could have ever predicted that the african american community, would have reason to be suspicious of the government!

As Babs Bush might say, these black families probably never had it so good. This is really working out well for them. Thanks US Government for the sludge!

It's almost as if, instead of complaining, they should have their taxes raised for having it so good! :clink: