Naked People


New member
I just feel GREAT, when I give these libs in my personal life, work, etc., News of their Impending Doom, the scandal on top of scandal, that is the Democrat Race, haha! I have a friend, who's cousin works for a Political Action Comittee in Virginia. They ALREADY have KILLER TV ads written, about Obama's scandals, and he isn't even the NOMINEE yet! They have one, with that loud, shocking gong music in the background, and qoutes of Obama's Friends, William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Bernadine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, then clips of Ahmedinijad, screaming "Death to America"! It sounds GREAT!

The libs at work REALLY get pissed, when I tell them about these scaredy-cat Liberals on this Political Forum website I go on, sometimes. I, and how I've got them SO flustered, they're afraid to RESPOND, anymore, Haaahaha! I told them how these Libs are SO intimidated by my Logic and Challenges to their Brainwashing, that when they SEE one of my posts, their asses get all puckered up,and ALL they can DO is try to PRETEND that no one is destroying their Candidates, by pointing out the LIES. That they're SO upset, they start to try and change the subject, asking about massages, fingernails, or HEMMOROIDS, Bwaaaaahahahaa!

This ONE stupid broad at work, a widebody White 40-something, started a fight with me, after overhearing me tell a group of friends how I trashed a bunch of these online Lightweights, that were trying to cover up the failures and Lies, by talking about massages, haha! I made mincemeat out of her! She ACTUALLY SAID she was voting for Obama because " he is Black, and he's going to bring change", Haaaaahaha!

After I stopped laughing at her, I asked "Can you tell me EXACTLY WHAT CHANGE, and tell me WHAT in Mr. Obama's past gives you the CONFIDENCE that he COULD OR WOULD make these "changes" happen?" She looked at me dumbfounded, or just plain DUMB. I asked her about the Wisdom, Honesty, and Judgement, of a man who would LIE and HIDE, from the Voters, over a year, his friendships with KNOWN TERRORISTS (Ayers and Dohrn), Racists(Rev. Wright and other Chicago "Pastors"), Anti-American Radicals(all of the above), and Criminals(Tony Rezco)

I asked her WHAT change, the Destruction of our Military, letting Terrorists and Terrorist Nations like Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbolla, and others,get their hands on Nuclear Weapons? Because sitting down and holding hands, singing Kum-Ba-Yah is NOT gonna DO it, not with THEM! I asked her WHAT does she think will HAPPEN to the Economy, and the Job Market, if Obama proceeds with his promises to "Punish the Rich", the people who EMPLOY YOU, destroy our Health Care System, put through a Weath Transfer over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS, from the Producers, to the NON-Producers?
She started mumbling something about "we need change", and walked away. I asked her if she wanted to discuss Hemmoroids, Bwaaaaaahahahahahaha!!!