Name on thing! Just one!


Now--I know a lot of idiots would call a guy a flip flopper if they change their mind. But, if that person obtains information that shows the persons former stace on a subject as flawed, it is wise to change you mind if you are more correct. That is what a good leader does.

Now--I don't think this is ever the case with the commie obamie. He has changed his mind on every issue I can think of--even his own pick for VP. This should raise serious concern about this commie running our country into the ground, and simply not being ready for any office that is a decision making office. The guy has flip flopped on every one of his issues, and that tells me he is simply doing it for political expediency. That also tells me he is a empty vessel, to what ever any other non American diplomat might want him to do. Sara Palin hit the nose on the head during her accpetance speach, when she said--"The presidency of the USA is not a office for personal discovery".

Can anybody here show me one--just one issue that the commie obamie has stuck to his guns with? He even says "Health care for all" (and poverty for more as a result IMO), but his health care plan does not actually cover all. It would not cover me--for instance. I would pay more tax for everybody else, and have to get my own health coverage. (I get my own now).

Could somebody proove to me that the guy has one bit of integrity?

McCain shot down enemy planes--Obama just shot staples into a telephone poll. That is all he has done. obamie the commie has done absolutly nothing for anybody, but himself and has not stuck to one of his (sometimes more than our) issues. You libs got the floor--proove me wrong. The commie has no experience what so ever, serving the people of this country. He just has a staple gun and the gift of gab. He harldy even votes on the issues in front of him (voting present the majority of the time), that the people of Ill elected him for. Why does he do that---so his office opponnents can't have ammo for those votes, that he would have surely flopped on in short time.

He cannot throw his pastor under the bus, any more than the black population? Hey black population--it did not take long for obamie the commie to throw his pastor under the buss--did it? I counted about 2 weeks.

Don't answer this question with emotional speculation. If you don't have facts---get some!
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