Nancy Pelosi says Trump similar to Mussolini or Hitler in his attacks on press


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

Former speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (84) has warned that former president Donald Trump is comparable to Benito Mussolini or Adolf Hitler in his attempts to delegitimise the press. In an interview with the Brendan O’Connor show on RTÉ Radio 1, Ms Pelosi indicated that Mr Trump “should never set foot in the White House again”.

“Comparing the tactics of Donald Trump to Mussolini or Hitler is a very legitimate thing. If you look at what they did to delegitimise the press. “He (former president Trump) said at a rally ‘if you beat up the press, don’t worry about it, I will pay your legal fees.’ This is a tactic of an authoritarian, and in those respects yes he has followed their (Mussolini and Hitler’s) pattern.”

Ms Pelosi said she was “very optimistic” that vice-president Kamala Harris will be successful in her attempt to become the first female president of the US. “She happens to be a woman and that is going to be very special for us. But she is the best candidate to win the White House.”

Ms Pelosi has published a new book titled The Art of Power in which she details how she became a master legislator, a key partner to presidents, and the most visible leader of the Trump resistance. She also spoke of her respect for president Joe Biden, whom she described as a “consequential president”.