Naomi Klein


Well-known member
If it weren't for Naomi Klein, Amy Goodman, and Greg Palast, I would just give up on american journalism.

China's All-Seeing Eye

With the help of U.S. defense contractors, China is building the prototype for a high-tech police state. It is ready for export.

Remember how we've always been told that free markets and free people go hand in hand?

That was a lie.

It turns out that the most efficient delivery system for capitalism is actually a communist-style police state, fortressed with American "homeland security" technologies, pumped up with "war on terror" rhetoric. And the global corporations currently earning superprofits from this social experiment are unlikely to be content if the lucrative new market remains confined to cities such as Shenzhen. Like everything else assembled in China with American parts, Police State 2.0 is ready for export to a neighborhood near you.


I can guarantee you that there are people in the Bush administration who are studying the use of surveillance technologies being developed here and have at least skeletal plans to implement them at home," Steven Harrington says. "We can already see it in New York with CCTV cameras. Once you have the cameras in place, you have the infrastructure for a powerful tracking system. I'm worried about what this will mean if the U.S. government goes totalitarian and starts employing these technologies more than they are already. I'm worried about the threat this poses to American democracy."

Herrington pauses. "George W. Bush," he adds, "would do what they are doing here in a heartbeat if he could."

Naomi Klein
current China is a lot more like the Neocons than the liberals. they are also a very patriotic China. We got a black eye with them for running them down about Tibet.
And I am not talking about the government, I am talking about the general population.
I think we should tell people in Africa and Asia who've been fucked over by neoliberal economics and have lost faith in capitalism that it was not, after all, capitalism that failed them, but the neoliberal extremism that was pushed on them against their will.
current China is a lot more like the Neocons than the liberals. they are also a very patriotic China. We got a black eye with them for running them down about Tibet.
And I am not talking about the government, I am talking about the general population.

Yes. I think uber-capitalists like Rupert Murdoch actually love China. The lack of consumer, labor, and environmental laws is like hog heaven for multinational corporations. I think Naomi Klein is right. . An authoritarian police state, where labor and environmental interests are not honored, and where a balance between public interest and profit isn't moderated through regulation, is actually the perfect medium for a profit-making entity to thrive.
Yes. I think uber-capitalists like Rupert Murdoch actually love China. The lack of consumer, labor, and environmental laws is like hog heaven for multinational corporations. I think Naomi Klein is right. . An authoritarian police state, where labor and environmental interests are not honored, and where a balance between public interest and profit isn't moderated through regulation, is actually the perfect medium for a profit-making entity to thrive.

Yep why Neos both hate and fear Hugo.
Yes. I think uber-capitalists like Rupert Murdoch actually love China. The lack of consumer, labor, and environmental laws is like hog heaven for multinational corporations. I think Naomi Klein is right. . An authoritarian police state, where labor and environmental interests are not honored, and where a balance between public interest and profit isn't moderated through regulation, is actually the perfect medium for a profit-making entity to thrive.

There is an unfortunately large economic incentive to make your people into slaves of corporations. Just look at the modern states and their corporate welfare. It's a complete and total race to the bottom. I say we should have free trade, but it needs to be regulated in order to avoid this huge pitfall.

The fact is that the most economically profitable system isn't neoliberalism; it's authoritarian capitalism. And it comes at the cost of our humanity and our freedom. This is the other road to serfdom that libertarians don't like to talk about much, but it's coming straight towards us.
There is an unfortunately large economic incentive to make your people into slaves of corporations. Just look at the modern states and their corporate welfare. It's a complete and total race to the bottom. I say we should have free trade, but it needs to be regulated in order to avoid this huge pitfall.

The fact is that the most economically profitable system isn't neoliberalism; it's pro-business capitalism. And it comes at the cost of our humanity and our freedom. This is the other road to serfdom that libertarians don't like to talk about much, but it's coming straight towards us.

I hear ya.
Many of those claiming to be Libertarians are just embaressed Neos.
Not all , but many.

Some are genuinely wacko Libertarians ;)
This is a retarded argument now, just like it was last time, and just like it will be next time.

Not an argument. An observation.

I got worse replies when I said invading Iraq was a mistake, would last a long time, cost a lot and be a mess.

I stand by this observation as well.
There is an unfortunately large economic incentive to make your people into slaves of corporations. Just look at the modern states and their corporate welfare. It's a complete and total race to the bottom. I say we should have free trade, but it needs to be regulated in order to avoid this huge pitfall.

The fact is that the most economically profitable system isn't neoliberalism; it's authoritarian capitalism. And it comes at the cost of our humanity and our freedom. This is the other road to serfdom that libertarians don't like to talk about much, but it's coming straight towards us.

Regulated free trade ? good oxymoron !

I'm testing out the speech recongnition feature on Windows Vista for the second time.

To say that, I just had to say out "Press f, press u, press c, press k, press space"

Then it said "What was that"?

I sighed, and said against "Press the space bar, press y, press o, press u, press period"

"What was that?"

"Press the period key"

And this was the result:

fuck you.