National Debt Now Tops $12 Trillion


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welcome to Obamanation..:good4u:

Posted by Mark Knoller
(CBS/iStockPhoto)It's another record-high for the U.S. National Debt which today topped the $12-trillion mark. Divided evenly among the U.S. population, it amounts to $38,974.34 for every man, woman and child.

Technically, the debt hit the new high yesterday, but it was posted on the Treasury Department website just after 3:00 p.m. ET today. The exact calculation of the debt is a 16-digit tongue-twister and red-ink tsunami: $12,031,299,186,290.07

This latest milestone in the ever-rising journey of the National Debt comes less than eight months after it hit $11 trillion for the first time. The latest high-point is not unexpected, considering the federal deficit for the just-ended 2009 fiscal year hit an all-time high at $1.42-trillion – more than triple the previous year's record high.

Much of the increase in the deficit and debt is attributed to government spending outpacing revenue – both exacerbated by the recession and the government response to it – including hundreds of billions in bailouts and stimulus spending and tax cuts along with decreased tax revenues due to rising unemployment.

In recent days, President Obama has spoken of the need to bring the rising deficit and debt under control.

"I intend to take serious steps to reduce America's long-term deficit – because debt-driven growth cannot fuel America's long-term prosperity," he said in remarks prepared for delivery to the leader's meeting last Sunday at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.

The National Debt has increased about $1.6 trillion on Mr. Obama's watch, though less than $4.9 trillion run up during the presidency of George W. Bush.

But the White House budget review issued in August projects that by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept 30th, the National Debt could top $14 trillion.

It gets worse. The same document projects that by the end of the decade, the National Debt will hit $24.5 trillion -- exceeding the Gross Domestic Product projected for 2019 of $22.8 trillion.

The new debt number adds urgency to Treasury Department calls on Congress to quickly raise the statutory limit on the National Debt which now stands at $12.104 trillion. The debt ceiling was last raised in February as part of the $787 billion Recovery Act stimulus bill.

The debt also costs a fortune to maintain. In the fiscal year just ended, the National Debt cost taxpayers over $383 billion. And that amount means the government is only paying 3.3 percent interest. If interest rates go up, so does the amount paid on the debt.

And we're paying it to scores foreign countries which hold $3.5 trillion of the U.S. Debt.
China leads the pack holding nearly $800 billion in U.S. Government securities, followed closely by Japan with $731 billion.

Among the smaller nations lending the U.S. money are Luxembourg, Taiwan, Singapore and Ireland.

Mr. Obama has said he hopes the health care plan pending in Congress will serve to curb the growth in the debt by reducing the amount government spends on health care. But it's a claim disputed by critics who say it will have the opposite effect.

amazingly from..
welcome to Obamanation..:good4u:

Posted by Mark Knoller
(CBS/iStockPhoto)It's another record-high for the U.S. National Debt which today topped the $12-trillion mark. Divided evenly among the U.S. population, it amounts to $38,974.34 for every man, woman and child.

Technically, the debt hit the new high yesterday, but it was posted on the Treasury Department website just after 3:00 p.m. ET today. The exact calculation of the debt is a 16-digit tongue-twister and red-ink tsunami: $12,031,299,186,290.07

This latest milestone in the ever-rising journey of the National Debt comes less than eight months after it hit $11 trillion for the first time. The latest high-point is not unexpected, considering the federal deficit for the just-ended 2009 fiscal year hit an all-time high at $1.42-trillion – more than triple the previous year's record high.

Much of the increase in the deficit and debt is attributed to government spending outpacing revenue – both exacerbated by the recession and the government response to it – including hundreds of billions in bailouts and stimulus spending and tax cuts along with decreased tax revenues due to rising unemployment.

In recent days, President Obama has spoken of the need to bring the rising deficit and debt under control.

"I intend to take serious steps to reduce America's long-term deficit – because debt-driven growth cannot fuel America's long-term prosperity," he said in remarks prepared for delivery to the leader's meeting last Sunday at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.

The National Debt has increased about $1.6 trillion on Mr. Obama's watch, though less than $4.9 trillion run up during the presidency of George W. Bush.

But the White House budget review issued in August projects that by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept 30th, the National Debt could top $14 trillion.

It gets worse. The same document projects that by the end of the decade, the National Debt will hit $24.5 trillion -- exceeding the Gross Domestic Product projected for 2019 of $22.8 trillion.

The new debt number adds urgency to Treasury Department calls on Congress to quickly raise the statutory limit on the National Debt which now stands at $12.104 trillion. The debt ceiling was last raised in February as part of the $787 billion Recovery Act stimulus bill.

The debt also costs a fortune to maintain. In the fiscal year just ended, the National Debt cost taxpayers over $383 billion. And that amount means the government is only paying 3.3 percent interest. If interest rates go up, so does the amount paid on the debt.

And we're paying it to scores foreign countries which hold $3.5 trillion of the U.S. Debt.
China leads the pack holding nearly $800 billion in U.S. Government securities, followed closely by Japan with $731 billion.

Among the smaller nations lending the U.S. money are Luxembourg, Taiwan, Singapore and Ireland.

Mr. Obama has said he hopes the health care plan pending in Congress will serve to curb the growth in the debt by reducing the amount government spends on health care. But it's a claim disputed by critics who say it will have the opposite effect.

amazingly from..

...and still rising as we speak.

I am surprised too, as CBS is Obama's lap-dog. Wonders never cease.
its all bush's fault....obama and the dems have zero to do with this...
yes, because the people who put forward and vote for the budget can't be held accountable, that would be unfair and stuff.

Now, who shall we attack next?
Maybe another war... We're not paying enough attention.

Defense spending is free after all.

Speaking of which, I saw this chart of Afghanistan spending today. Basically, spending has exploded and troop levels have more than doubled in over the past 16 months or so:

its all bush's fault....obama and the dems have zero to do with this...

What's interesting is that the OP implied that a $12 Trillion deficit is all Obama's fault, and that you had no issue at all with that.

Don't you find that interesting?
Defense spending is free after all.

Speaking of which, I saw this chart of Afghanistan spending today. Basically, spending has exploded and troop levels have more than doubled in over the past 16 months or so:

Not enough, we must explode the debt higher while we can still "blame" it on Bush!
Not enough, we must explode the debt higher while we can still "blame" it on Bush!

Well, on Afghanistan, don't you think it might have made sense to spend some more money up front and finish the job rather than diverting resources to Iraq leaving quite a mess now that requires substantial spending to clean up.

You know why Bush gets a lot of blame? Because he deserves it. Making light of "blaming" Bush doesn't really change that fact.

Edit: And aren't you the guy that wants to send lots of additional troops to Afghanistan (and thereby spend lots of more money there)?
Well, on Afghanistan, don't you think it might have made sense to spend some more money up front and finish the job rather than diverting resources to Iraq leaving quite a mess now that requires substantial spending to clean up.

You know why Bush gets a lot of blame? Because he deserves it. Making light of "blaming" Bush doesn't really change that fact.

Edit: And aren't you the guy that wants to send lots of additional troops to Afghanistan (and thereby spend lots of more money there)?
Quit it, we're having fun making stupid generalizations, no seriousness should mess this up.
What's interesting is that the OP implied that a $12 Trillion deficit is all Obama's fault, and that you had no issue at all with that.

Don't you find that interesting?

stop being so dishonest onceler...the OP didn't say or imply that at all...she even highlighted that it was recently 11 trillion....

another dishonest attempt at a gotcha from poor onceler....hopefully you will soon stop your dishonest trolling and join the rest of us...

stop being so dishonest onceler...the OP didn't say or imply that at all...she even highlighted that it was recently 11 trillion....

another dishonest attempt at a gotcha from poor onceler....hopefully you will soon stop your dishonest trolling and join the rest of us...


Didn't imply it? "Welcome to Obamanation"

Oh, my my - how much of a hack do you have to be to miss that? How incredibly obtuse does your double-standard have to be?

Can you friggin' imagine if a leftie started a thread about the deficit, and then said "Welcome to Bush nation"? I don't even have to imagine; I know exactly what your hackish, hypocritical response would be.
Didn't imply it? "Welcome to Obamanation"

Oh, my my - how much of a hack do you have to be to miss that? How incredibly obtuse does your double-standard have to be?

Can you friggin' imagine if a leftie started a thread about the deficit, and then said "Welcome to Bush nation"? I don't even have to imagine; I know exactly what your hackish, hypocritical response would be.

at first i thought your dishonest attacks were just a i believe you actually mean them....

welcome to obamanation and the RISING national where, no how did she ever imply that obama was responsible for ALL the debt....she even highlighted parts the dealt with the RISE of the're just being a stupid dishonest hack....

why do you enjoy being so dishonest? hopefully you will overcome this infliction soon, poor onceler....

at first i thought your dishonest attacks were just a i believe you actually mean them....

welcome to obamanation and the RISING national where, no how did she ever imply that obama was responsible for ALL the debt....she even highlighted parts the dealt with the RISE of the're just being a stupid dishonest hack....

why do you enjoy being so dishonest? hopefully you will overcome this infliction soon, poor onceler....


That's some pathetic spin, though I'm sure meme appreciates it.

Always party over country for you guys...
yeah, you're right dunceler.....she posted an article that was about the RISE of the national debt that talked about the RISE under both obama and bush....but she really was blaming obama for ALL of the national debt....and this of course makes me about party over country...

you're a freakin one else sees it, but thats because you're the only genius among us

dishonest hack