National Right To Carry Gun Laws Needed to SAVE Lives


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There are a bunch of pro-gun Democrats in Congress, like that new lady from NY, appointed by that Democrat NY Governor, I love it. They have already declared that they will not support even the reinstatment of the Clinton?Brady Bill Assualt Weapons Ban. What we actually need is for law abiding citizens all over the USA to be able to get National Right to Carry Concealed Firearms permits that would be recognized in every State. In that way, there would always be someone armed in just about every civilian public scenario, so they could shoot back at the Loony Toones and actually save lives. Concealed Carry Weapons laws(CCW) save Lives, it has been proven in every State that has enacted CCW Laws, forget about it, you anti-gunners lose again, we gun lovers can claim the total victory, especially after that monumental Washington DC private gun ownership decision.
in the works. incorporation of the 2nd should be only months away, then a couple of years to sue for the right to openly carry guns in any state at all.
I agree

:) I don't believe taking citizens guns away is the answer and never will be. They have to crack down on the places that are selling the most guns. The gun dealers, gun and trade shows, flea markets, etc. Get on top of all those people sending guns out of the Country. There must be an easy way to check that. I have also thought for years that mental health clinics, mental mental wards, college campus mental health services Psychologists, Psychiatrists, should be forced to give up information on their patients who would have a tendency to harm others. This patient/Doctor priveleges is rediculous when it comes to protecting society as a whole.
I don't believe taking citizens guns away is the answer and never will be. They have to crack down on the places that are selling the most guns. The gun dealers, gun and trade shows, flea markets, etc. Get on top of all those people sending guns out of the Country. There must be an easy way to check that. I have also thought for years that mental health clinics, mental mental wards, college campus mental health services Psychologists, Psychiatrists, should be forced to give up information on their patients who would have a tendency to harm others. This patient/Doctor priveleges is rediculous when it comes to protecting society as a whole.

privacy was always an overrated and unwarranted concept anyway.
:) I don't believe taking citizens guns away is the answer and never will be. They have to crack down on the places that are selling the most guns. The gun dealers, gun and trade shows, flea markets, etc. Get on top of all those people sending guns out of the Country. There must be an easy way to check that. I have also thought for years that mental health clinics, mental mental wards, college campus mental health services Psychologists, Psychiatrists, should be forced to give up information on their patients who would have a tendency to harm others. This patient/Doctor priveleges is rediculous when it comes to protecting society as a whole.

There are two obvious problems with that approach. Firstly, it can be extremely difficult to predict with consistent accuracy just who might represent a threat. Secondly, a patient, particularly a paranoid patient, is far less likely to confide anything that might give clues to such tendencies if his sessions are to be made public. As things stand, the mental health caregiver is obliged to take steps to prevent a patient who might be a threat from being able to act. This may include involuntary commitment to a MH facility. Under those circumstances, the patient would subsequently be unable to obtain a firearm legally.
Like Thorn said, I would never allow a psychiatrist to discover how crazy I am if it would affect my ability to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.
Concealed Carry Weapons laws(CCW) save Lives, it has been proven in every State that has enacted CCW Laws, forget about it, you anti-gunners lose again, we gun lovers can claim the total victory, especially after that monumental Washington DC private gun ownership decision.

More guns = more crime, or at the very least they impede reduction of the crime rate. A 1999 study by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (formerly the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence), using FBI crime statistics, demonstrated that relaxing CCW laws may have an adverse effect on a state's crime rate.10 Between 1992 and 1998, the violent crime rate in states which kept strict CCW laws fell by an average of 30%. The violent crime rate for the states that had weak CCW laws during this same time saw their violent crime rates drop by only 15%. Nationally, violent crime declined by 25% during that same period.11 These numbers indicate that states with stricter CCW laws have found more effective ways to reduce their crime rates than simply letting more people carry hidden handguns.
There are two obvious problems with that approach. Firstly, it can be extremely difficult to predict with consistent accuracy just who might represent a threat. Secondly, a patient, particularly a paranoid patient, is far less likely to confide anything that might give clues to such tendencies if his sessions are to be made public. As things stand, the mental health caregiver is obliged to take steps to prevent a patient who might be a threat from being able to act. This may include involuntary commitment to a MH facility. Under those circumstances, the patient would subsequently be unable to obtain a firearm legally.

It would be a pretty severe discouragement to go and see psychiatrists at all. And how do you define "tendency to harm others" anyway? It's undefianable. Modern psychology hasn't found a way to seperate the dangerous from the non-dangerous with any reasonable degree of accuracy. If the entire deal could be avoided by not going to a psychiatrist, then those people wouldn't go to psychiatrists, and our society as a whole would be greatly harmed.

Hmmm, does making a list make guns disappear?
Will complaining about guns make us safer?
Or will it just elect more gun-crazy Republicans?

Until we have a plan to make 200M guns disappear,
what's the point of a toon like this?
It would be a pretty severe discouragement to go and see psychiatrists at all. And how do you define "tendency to harm others" anyway? It's undefinable. Modern psychology hasn't found a way to separate the dangerous from the non-dangerous with any reasonable degree of accuracy. If the entire deal could be avoided by not going to a psychiatrist, then those people wouldn't go to psychiatrists, and our society as a whole would be greatly harmed.

I agree. Isn't that what I said?
There are a bunch of pro-gun Democrats in Congress, like that new lady from NY, appointed by that Democrat NY Governor, I love it. They have already declared that they will not support even the reinstatment of the Clinton?Brady Bill Assualt Weapons Ban. What we actually need is for law abiding citizens all over the USA to be able to get National Right to Carry Concealed Firearms permits that would be recognized in every State. In that way, there would always be someone armed in just about every civilian public scenario, so they could shoot back at the Loony Toones and actually save lives. Concealed Carry Weapons laws(CCW) save Lives, it has been proven in every State that has enacted CCW Laws, forget about it, you anti-gunners lose again, we gun lovers can claim the total victory, especially after that monumental Washington DC private gun ownership decision.
There already is a national right to carry: it is called the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

All the asinine laws and regulations requiring us to secure government permission to exercise a Constitutionally enumerated right are a load of bovine excrement. It's time we took the bunch of them off the books.