Nations United with Bush against N. Korea...


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Facing the prospect of a nuclear-armed North Korea, President Bush on Monday called the communist regime's claim of a nuclear test a provocative act and warned Pyongyang against exporting nuclear materials.

"Once again, North Korea has defied the will of the international community, and the international community will respond," Bush said.

Other world leaders joined Bush in calling for an immediate and harsh rebuke from the United Nations against North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, who wants to join the club of nuclear-armed nations.

More at link.
I'm awfully surprised that after we invaded one third of the Axis of Evil and found no wmds, that the other 2/3rds of said axis, decided it was a good idea to get some.

I never thought diplomacy like that was going to backfire. I mean, I just don't that anybody envisioned this.
I'm awfully surprised that after we invaded one third of the Axis of Evil and found no wmds, that the other 2/3rds of said axis, decided it was a good idea to get some.

I never thought diplomacy like that was going to backfire. I mean, I just don't that anybody envisioned this.

...or, as the old Bush adminstration saying goes: "No one could have predicted____(insert "planes flying into buildings"; "levees failling"; "insurgency in iraq"; etc)"
...or, as the old Bush adminstration saying goes: "No one could have predicted____(insert "planes flying into buildings"; "levees failling"; "insurgency in iraq"; etc)"

Yes, it was Rice I was imitating.

I cannot believe people are out here defending this maniac.
I guess you think they just started working on them in 2003....

No, dumbass.

North Korea's nuclear program began back in the 1980s when Reagan was president

Unlike the Chimp, other U.S. presidents have been able to contain, or put the brakes on their nuclear ambition.

and previous Presidents and their supporters didn't point the finger of blame at their predessors, like the Chimp's fans are wont to do.

You're chimp failed....again.
No, dumbass.

North Korea's nuclear program began back in the 1980s when Reagan was president

Unlike the Chimp, other U.S. presidents have been able to contain, or put the brakes on their nuclear ambition.

and previous Presidents and their supporters didn't point the finger of blame at their predessors, like the Chimp's fans are wont to do.

You're chimp failed....again.

What is it that is so hard to understand about this?

And why is it that bush accolytes completely black out what happened with Colin Powell? The fact is that containment, once again, was working and that is the path Powell wanted to continue.

But bush nixed that for his....err, plan?

What was the bush plan again? Something along the lines of his Palestianian plan I believe.

What is it that is so hard to understand about this?

And why is it that bush accolytes completely black out what happened with Colin Powell? The fact is that containment, once again, was working and that is the path Powell wanted to continue.

But bush nixed that for his....err, plan?

What was the bush plan again? Something along the lines of his Palestianian plan I believe.


Why are you spinning this so much? Obviously this is ALL Clinton's fault. W did everything right!! Naming the Axis of evil was sheer genius!! And then invading and removing all stability, while inadvertently launching a Civil war in the weakest of the "Axis" countries was another stroke of sheer, foreign policy brilliance!!!1!

Now, we can damned well rest assured that when we go imperial on Iran or North Korea's ass, we won't have that "no weapons of mass destruction" egg on our face!! They'll all have them, so we won't have to make up reasons for killing multitudes of their countrymen, and multitudes of our own! Can't you see the incedible foresight here?

Thanks W!
Why are you spinning this so much? Obviously this is ALL Clinton's fault. W did everything right!! Naming the Axis of evil was sheer genius!! And then invading and removing all stability, while inadvertently launching a Civil war in the weakest of the "Axis" countries was another stroke of sheer, foreign policy brilliance!!!1!

Now, we can damned well rest assured that when we go imperial on Iran or North Korea's ass, we won't have that "no weapons of mass destruction" egg on our face!! They'll all have them, so we won't have to make up reasons for killing multitudes of their countrymen, and multitudes of our own! Can't you see the incedible foresight here?

Thanks W!

Become a bush acolyte, it's easier than thinking!

Thanks for this refresher course. I'm cured now. :)
Good, next meeting is tomorrow, we'll expect you there!

Ok, but the cure might not hold. So if Dano or Dixie are there, all bets are off. I do have some minor kickboxing training in my background. I admit, probably not enough to take them in an extended fight but...I can kick and then run, like, really fast.

Ten bucks says no way they catch me.
Ok, but the cure might not hold. So if Dano or Dixie are there, all bets are off. I do have some minor kickboxing training in my background. I admit, probably not enough to take them in an extended fight but...I can kick and then run, like, really fast.

Ten bucks says no way they catch me.
LOL. You'll miss the unveiling of the newest Bush in Jeans picture!
LOL. You'll miss the unveiling of the newest Bush in Jeans picture!

LOL! I missed that post originally, but I lost it when Cypress reposted it.

It was very lovely though Damo. Not every man has that kind of sweet talkin in him. In fact, I should ask Cypress to post it again so I can show it to my boyfriend with the usual "how come you never say stuff like this to me?"
And yall know that bush is planning on pullling about 12,500 troops from the DMZ in South Korea ? Hmm removing troops from the border of the Axis of evil....
If I was the leader of a state that W's dumbass had singled out, I'd sure as shit gear up. I'd want to let W know that if he comes, I'm fighting back.

There's still idiots who think that Hussein actually DISARMED in the face of the invasion merely to face W. Well, if I'm a foreign leader that this incompetent nincompoop has his sights on, I'm going to ammo up, and try my best to be a huge threat if invaded.
If I was the leader of a state that W's dumbass had singled out, I'd sure as shit gear up. I'd want to let W know that if he comes, I'm fighting back.

There's still idiots who think that Hussein actually DISARMED in the face of the invasion merely to face W. Well, if I'm a foreign leader that this incompetent nincompoop has his sights on, I'm going to ammo up, and try my best to be a huge threat if invaded.

That certainly, was the lesson bush taught the world when he invaded Iraq. Subsequent events are a surprise only to the perpetually surprised Condi Rice and Bush acolytes on message boards everywhere.
If I was the leader of a state that W's dumbass had singled out, I'd sure as shit gear up. I'd want to let W know that if he comes, I'm fighting back.

There's still idiots who think that Hussein actually DISARMED in the face of the invasion merely to face W. Well, if I'm a foreign leader that this incompetent nincompoop has his sights on, I'm going to ammo up, and try my best to be a huge threat if invaded.

Huh? Bush and his fans assured us that rogue states would cower in fear from bush's muscular foreign policy, and invasion of Iraq. That Bush's cowboy foreign policy would create a safer world.
Huh? Bush and his fans assured us that rogue states would cower in fear from bush's muscular foreign policy, and invasion of Iraq. That Bush's cowboy foreign policy would create a safer world.

Just proving that Bushies suffer from cranialanalitis.