Nationwide Protest against Obama’s Cap and Trade


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By Sher Zieve Saturday, June 27, 2009
The time for a nationwide protest against our “lawmakers” has come—I am no longer referring to them as our representatives as they have stopped representing We-the-People. The volume of calls placed on Friday to the US Capitol switchboard and our Congressional Reps again shut it down and voice mailboxes were full. The calls placed were reported to be 10-1 AGAINST Obama‘s and Pelosi’s plan to raise energy prices to we the consumers by at least 100% and in most cases 150-200%. Despite We-the-People (now We-the-Peons) telling the House of Representatives to vote “NO”, after reportedly being strong-armed and threatened by Pelosi and Obama House members voted “YES”. And, they voted on this bill that most of them admit they DID NOT READ!

Note: It is clear that these Representatives now represent ONLY Obama and Pelosi. They no longer represent their constituencies. And the ones who benefit from this legislation are those who are invested in “alternative energies” that will do nothing to improve any energy resources but, will merely allow the Federal Government to charge We-the-Peons more money. By the way, most of these “alternative energy” sources are either highly unreliable (for example wind doesn’t blow all of the time and the energy produced cannot be stored for future use) or cost far more than traditional sources. Alternative energies also tend to use more resources than traditional energy.

And who are a few who WILL benefit—at the cost of further destroying the USA? One of these is the patently corrupt and powerful Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) who has invested between $50,000-$100,000 in T. Boone Picken’s Clean Energy Fuels. Additionally, in a clear spirit of conflict of interest, Pelosi also supported California’s Prop 10 that “gives thousands of dollars in rebates to natural gas vehicle buyers, as well as spending on R&D, and supposedly cost California $9.8 billion over 30 years.” Then there’s Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA) who cosponsored the Cap and Trade bill with Henry Waxman (D-CA). Markey has invested between $51,000 and $115,000 in the “alternative energy” company Firsthand Technology Value Fund. And if Cap and Trade passes the US Senate, Al Gore’s multiple and far-reaching investments in “alternative energies” will make him a Billionaire. These are only a few of the corrupt politicos making money on the backs of the workers—that’s us, folks. They will raise our taxes to pay for their folly—and their mushrooming wealth.

read the whole article here..

Sher Zieve Bio
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By Sher Zieve Saturday, June 27, 2009
The time for a nationwide protest against our “lawmakers” has come—I am no longer referring to them as our representatives as they have stopped representing We-the-People. The volume of calls placed on Friday to the US Capitol switchboard and our Congressional Reps again shut it down and voice mailboxes were full. The calls placed were reported to be 10-1 AGAINST Obama‘s and Pelosi’s plan to raise energy prices to we the consumers by at least 100% and in most cases 150-200%. Despite We-the-People (now We-the-Peons) telling the House of Representatives to vote “NO”, after reportedly being strong-armed and threatened by Pelosi and Obama House members voted “YES”. And, they voted on this bill that most of them admit they DID NOT READ!

Note: It is clear that these Representatives now represent ONLY Obama and Pelosi. They no longer represent their constituencies. And the ones who benefit from this legislation are those who are invested in “alternative energies” that will do nothing to improve any energy resources but, will merely allow the Federal Government to charge We-the-Peons more money. By the way, most of these “alternative energy” sources are either highly unreliable (for example wind doesn’t blow all of the time and the energy produced cannot be stored for future use) or cost far more than traditional sources. Alternative energies also tend to use more resources than traditional energy.

And who are a few who WILL benefit—at the cost of further destroying the USA? One of these is the patently corrupt and powerful Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) who has invested between $50,000-$100,000 in T. Boone Picken’s Clean Energy Fuels. Additionally, in a clear spirit of conflict of interest, Pelosi also supported California’s Prop 10 that “gives thousands of dollars in rebates to natural gas vehicle buyers, as well as spending on R&D, and supposedly cost California $9.8 billion over 30 years.” Then there’s Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA) who cosponsored the Cap and Trade bill with Henry Waxman (D-CA). Markey has invested between $51,000 and $115,000 in the “alternative energy” company Firsthand Technology Value Fund. And if Cap and Trade passes the US Senate, Al Gore’s multiple and far-reaching investments in “alternative energies” will make him a Billionaire. These are only a few of the corrupt politicos making money on the backs of the workers—that’s us, folks. They will raise our taxes to pay for their folly—and their mushrooming wealth.

read the whole article here..

Yeah, this Congress has screwed us royally. I hope there is a different outcome in the Senate. It was rushed through so quickly, that again, no one had a chance to read it.
I doubt that it will make it thru the Senate anyway. Unless the republicans are actually for it.

And this opinion is not based on any protests.