navy too drop citgo contract ?

Actually 7 - Eleven already has so CITGO wouldn't be there anymore. 7-Eleven wants to sell their own brand now.
Actually 7 - Eleven already has so CITGO wouldn't be there anymore. 7-Eleven wants to sell their own brand now.

i know they say that hugo's comments didnt have any play on that decission... you think thats true ?

either way it will probably end up being a smart move on 7-11's part
Doesn't hurt Venezuela. In a world oil market, somebody (say, the chinese) are going to get in line to buy their oil.

The only people hurt are the american employees, who work for the american-affiliate of Citgo. Citgo is based in Houston, Texas by the way. Not Caracas Venezuela. Citgo is run, operated, and managed by Americans.

well from a bussniss stand point, i dont think i would do it to hurt venezuela, but more to help the product that they sell, its alot harder to sell your product when the name get trashed on the scale that citgo is