NBC - Commander-in-Chief Forum - BE THERE!!


I grew up in New York City and New York State just a few miles from the New York Military Academy. I know guys who went there and later served in the US Army with me in Fort Dix, New Jersey. We went though boot camp together. They said the New York Military Academy was about the same as the Army's boot camp, which was extremely rough (and dangerous)
I grew up in New York City and New York State just a few miles from the New York Military Academy. I know guys who went there and later served in the US Army with me in Fort Dix, New Jersey. We went though boot camp together. They said the New York Military Academy was about the same as the Army's boot camp, which was extremely rough (and dangerous).


GOOD ONE!!!!!!

Whatta shame you weren't venturous-enough....as a High School student (or, possibly.....lacked the proper pedigree), to traverse those few miles....and, (actually) interact with those students, or.....at least......talked to their chauffers.

September 12, 2015 - "While it had its share of wealthy kids, Tunick rejects the notion that N.Y.M.A. was a “cushy private school.” He said there were a considerable number of students on scholarships provided by the school’s endowment. Tunick, now a New York-based artist, was on a music scholarship and interested in the athletic opportunities. Unlike Trump, he recalls the school’s curriculum only loosely mirroring military conditioning.

“It was a lot of strenuous marching and I had marksmanship medal on my uniform, but that was it,” Tunick said.

The closest he remembers coming to a life-and-death physical challenge was one “survival trip.”

They give you a match and string and send you into the forest for a night
, but it’s upstate New York so it’s not that difficult,” he said."

September 7, 2016 - "The Commander-in-Chief forum that aired on NBC on Wednesday night gave each candidate a chance to show off their knowledge about foreign policy and explain their plans about how to combat various threats facing the world.

It was an opportunity for both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to pass the all-important commander-in-chief test. On that score, Clinton excelled and Trump bombed.

When confronted with questions from the audience, Clinton regularly interacted with the questioners, expressed appreciation for their service, showed steadiness, and offered substantive responses.

Trump, on the other hand, spent much of the exchange repeating the same worn Trumpisms that helped him win the Republican nomination."

Pooooor lil' Trumpy.....worried about gettin' Trumped!!!!

September 16, 2016 - "I look forward to the next debate,” Trump said. “Lester is the moderator. I think it’s very tough for Lester. Because frankly I thought Matt Lauer did a fantastic job, and they’re trying to game the system by saying Trump won the debate because Matt Lauer wasn’t as tough on Trump as he was on Hillary Clinton. That wasn’t it. He was very tough on me and he was tough on her. But they’re trying to make it so that Lester is going to come out and really be tough on me. And I think its unfair. They’re trying to game the system.

as I recall, the general consensus was that Trump won the CiC forum......even the Democrats were so upset they felt the need to crucify Matt Lauer to cover up Hillary's failure....