NBC: Merkley projected winner in Oregon

Well that means one of my predictions were correct.

My other two:

AK: goes D when the absentees are counted
MN: recount won't put D ahead
GA: a libertarian split the vote with the Republican, so the D would have to convince Republican voters to change their vote if he wanted to win the runoff, so it probably doesn't go D

Hopefully the first pans out and the other two don't.
Even if it is only 58-42 at the end, senators like Norm Coleman (assuming the recount still has him ahead) and Susan Collins and Olympia Snow are going to be under a LOT of pressure to vote with the Democrats on a lot of votes. 58-42 is a Democratic senate.
Actually, thinking about the fact that there is going to be some legislation I don't want passed by the Dems, New Assault Weapons Ban and SCHIP as it was written last time. So I don't really want 60 dems in the senate. I like the filibuster sometimes.