NCAA board votes to allow athlete compensation

It’s stupid. I understand the sentiment but the cure is worse than the illness

The big money in college athletics makes it a sham as amateur sports. The only thing I see as a real cure is to do away with athletic scholarships and make all college athletics club sports.
The big money in college athletics makes it a sham as amateur sports. The only thing I see as a real cure is to do away with athletic scholarships and make all college athletics club sports.

The only ones losing if you do that is the athletes getting a college education.
Huh? What's keeping them from getting a college education? I was no scholarship athlete in college and I got one.

It is often the only chance some kids have. They academics are not enough to get any scholarship. And they can get, not only scholarships, but assistance in navigating the college life as well.
It is often the only chance some kids have. They academics are not enough to get any scholarship. And they can get, not only scholarships, but assistance in navigating the college life as well.

I see some of those "scholar athletes" they show at halftime. 3.0 GPA in sports administration. lol If you're a starter for a big name school, your major is pre-NFL. No guarantees though.
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I see some of those "scholar athletes" they show at halftime. 3.0 GPA in sports administration. lol If you're a starter for a big name school, your major is pre-NFL. No guarantees though.

The major and the academics are the responsibility of the athlete. They are given an opportunity in exchange for their talents on the field. What they do with it is up to them.

I can name one offensive lineman for Alabama that graduated in 2011, summa cum laude, with a degree in Accounting (4.0 GPA), and graduated with his master's in Dec 2012.

Or a QB who was a finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship. Without athletic scholarships, who know what they would have done. It is one of the biggest positives of the current college athletic system.
I can name one offensive lineman for Alabama that graduated in 2011, summa cum laude, with a degree in Accounting (4.0 GPA), and graduated with his master's in Dec 2012.

Or a QB who was a finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship. Without athletic scholarships, who know what they would have done. It is one of the biggest positives of the current college athletic system.
You really believe that OL never would’ve had the chance to get a degree without a football scholarship? You really believe a student that good never woulda found a way to go to some college somewhere and been stuck with only a h.s. education working at a convenience store?
Of course there are student athletes that are there mainly for their education. Nothing would stop them from playing club sports if that’s what they wanted to do.