ND Fills Sandbags--Obama Swigs Beer!

Bismarck officials Monday ordered evacuations from both Fox Island and Southport as waters continued to rise into the night.

The North Dakota National Guard is assisting with sandbagging operations. One million sandbags were expected in Bismarck by late Wednesday, and volunteers are welcome. As of Wednesday, more than 1,100 National Guard troops were mobilized for flood response and prevention statewide.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is preparing to ship eight truckloads of ready-to-eat meals, three truckloads of water, 50 emergency generators, one truckload of cots, and one truckload of blankets. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers deployed more than 130 personnel and have issued three million sandbags, 310 rolls of poly, HESCO Bastion flood walls and pre-positioned 12 water pumps.


Now... remember all the flack Bush caught for being "unresponsive" to hurricane katrina? Well, here are the people in North Dakota, in the fight of their lives, frantically filling sandbags in sub-zero temps, trying to save their towns from almost certain disaster.... and Obama is yucking it up with the media about how he sometimes likes a burger and a beer, and other times, he likes a glass of wine and a steak. Nope... not even so much as a "fly-over" for the poor people of North Dakota!

Will there be any criticism? LOLOLOL.... of The Messiah? Are you kidding?

Come on, Mr. President, roll up your sleeves and get up there to Bismark! Put some of that Community Organizer ability to good use, and help these people deal with this crisis! ......That is, if it doesn't interfere too much with your busy late night talk show schedule, or daily press conferences to tell us how you like to swig beer with your burgers!

You've probably pre-written most of these posts; you had such a hard time during the Bush years, I can empathize with your desire for "payback," but it ain't flying.

Desperate. Obama will probably go down as one of our greatest Presidents before all is said & done; Bush won't.
I think it's a little early to judge both of those, particularly Obama.

Yeah - just saying that Obama because I know it will crawl under Dixie's skin for awhile.

It's not really too early to judge Bush, though. The guy never should have been Pres - he was in way over his head....

You've probably pre-written most of these posts; you had such a hard time during the Bush years, I can empathize with your desire for "payback," but it ain't flying.

Desperate. Obama will probably go down as one of our greatest Presidents before all is said & done; Bush won't.

I can see why Bush would be rated shitty, but why in the FUCK would Obama be rated good? I mean, all he's gonna do is delay the recovery FDR style, and then... disappear?
...not to mention his obvious alcohol addiction! I guess it's good he has a limo, and doesn't have to drive. I hope he doesn't get obnoxious and abusive to Michelle and the kids when he's on a drinking binge.


So now he goes on binges and such?

Man o man you are something Dixie, I am just not sure what species.

Brownies replacement was right there in ND as well, Doing a Heck Of A JOB!
Racist Unamerican comments criticize our President, Dixie should be locked up.
I'm glad you aren't president.
And I you. Now that we got that out of the way....

It was a shorter version of, "I would do something to ensure I did not appear to be maliciously ignoring a group of people as happened to GWB with NO."

But heck, you will 'interpret' it in any fashion that will attempt to make my political view somehow 'evil'.

You are one tired and idea-less weak poster nowadays, downgraded to nonsensical one-liners about how "glad" you are that I am not President with no meat. The very poster you used to degrade.

The choice was between two things in his question. If I were President and those were my two choices, well I'd be filling sandbags to help people out.
Umm plenty of people that are not president filling sand bags. Go on up there and help out. Or just whine.
Which has nothing to do with my answer or the simplistic question.

First there is no such choice between two simple things for him, your question is inane and deserved nothing more than the dismissively simplistic answer it received.
Which has nothing to do with my answer or the simplistic question.

First there is no such choice between two simple things for him, your question is inane and deserved nothing more than the dismissively simplistic answer it received.

**** you.
And I you.

It was a shorter version of, "I would do something to ensure I did not appear to be maliciously ignoring a group of people as happened to GWB with NO."

But heck, you will 'interpret' it in any fashion that will attempt to make my political view somehow 'evil'.

You are one tired and idea-less weak poster nowadays, downgraded to nonsensical one-liners about how "glad" you are that I am not President.

The choice was between two things in his question. If I were President and those were my two choices, well I'd be filling sandbags to help people out.

Well, the thing is that Presidents can do lots of things to help people out when disasters strike that doesn't include filling sandbags. First and foremost, they can appoint competent individuals to run the agencies responsible for disaster response, not people that have no experience in disaster response save being pals of the president. Additionally, when it is clear that a disaster is underway the President can issue a declaration that an national emergency exists which mobilized disaster response efforts at the federal level and gets aid to the communities that need it. Obama has done all of that. Bush didn't.

And having the President show up when disasters occur takes scarce resources away from disaster response and requires that they be spent on security for the president and his staff and the whole traveling media circus that come with it. In short, having the president show up is actually a net loss for the disaster response effort and is worse than a mere photo-op but a photo-op that actually harms disaster response efforts.

Well, the thing is that Presidents can do lots of things to help people out when disasters strike that doesn't include filling sandbags. First and foremost, they can appoint competent individuals to run the agencies responsible for disaster response, not people that have no experience in disaster response save being pals of the president. Additionally, when it is clear that a disaster is underway the President can issue a declaration that an national emergency exists which mobilized disaster response efforts at the federal level and gets aid to the communities that need it. Obama has done all of that. Bush didn't.

And having the President show up when disasters occur takes scarce resources away from disaster response and requires that they be spent on security for the president and his staff and the whole traveling media circus that come with it. In short, having the president show up is actually a net loss for the disaster response effort and is worse than a mere photo-op but a photo-op that actually harms disaster response efforts.

Duh. Read my answer to uscit's second post.