Nearly 600 illegal aliens detained in raid on Mississippi plant


New member
As I've said, four things have to be done to solve the problem of people breaking into the country illegally:

1.) Build a strong fence along ALL parts of the border used for illegal crossings/smuggling.
2.) Augment the Border Patrol enough to properly patrol it.
3.) Crack down on employers who knowingly employ illegal aliens.
4.) Deport illegals who come to the attention of law enforcement (traffic ticket, shoplifting, etc.).

Doing these sweeps isn't a bad idea either, if you have firm knowledge that large numbers of illegals are being employed.

In the "related story" below, they do a sympathy piece on illegals being very afraid now, since the ICE folks have been enforcing the law. My heart bleeds. They have been knowingly and willingly breaking the law, for years in some cases. People doing that SHOULD be afraid of law enforcement officers doing their jobs! How can they get rid of the fear? Go home, and apply for visas like the other law-abiding people.

The woman being quoted, is apparently an illegal alien too (ICE gave her a GPS bracelet and told her to report to court in a month, then let her go to care for her children).

My question is: Since she and her husband knew they were breaking the law and could be deported as as result, what plans did the two of them made for the care of their children if/when it happened? Did they plan to take them back to their home country? Did they plan to leave them in the care of legal resident friends/family here? Did they make no plans at all, and so planned to abandon their own children if/when the cops caught up with them? What kind of parents are they???


ICE: Nearly 600 detained in Miss. plant raid

Associated Press Writer
Aug 26 04:36 PM US/Eastern

LAUREL, Miss. (AP) - Federal officials say nearly 600 suspected illegal immigrants were detained in a raid on a manufacturing plant in southern Mississippi, making it the largest such sweep in the country.

A spokeswoman says more than 100 of those caught up in Monday's raid on Howard Industries were released based on humanitarian concerns, mostly because they have children.

Most of the rest were transferred to a federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Jena, La. Nine 17-year-olds were transferred to the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

The Mississippi raid was one of a series of recent high-profile crackdowns on illegal immigrants. In May, officials swept into the Agriprocessors kosher meatpacking plant in Iowa and detained 400 workers.



Fear grips immigrants after Miss. plant raid

Aug 27, 6:16 AM (ET)

LAUREL, Miss. (AP) - A day after the largest single-workplace immigration raid in U.S. history, Elizabeth Alegria was too scared to send her son to school and worried about when she'd see her husband again.

Nearly 600 immigrants suspected of being in the country illegally were detained, creating panic among dozens of families in this small southern Mississippi town.

Alegria, 26, a Mexican immigrant, was working at the Howard Industries transformer plant Monday when U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents stormed in. When they found out she has two sons, ages 4 and 9, she was fitted with a bracelet and told to appear in federal court next month. But her husband, Andres, wasn't so lucky.

"I'm very traumatized because I don't know if they are going to let my husband go and when I will see him," Alegria said through a translator Tuesday as she returned to the Howard Industries parking lot to retrieve her sport utility vehicle.


Fabiola Pena, 21, cradled her 2-year-old daughter as she described a chaotic scene at the plant as the raid began, followed by clapping.

"I was crying the whole time. I didn't know what to do," Pena said. "We didn't know what was happening because everyone started running. Some people thought it was a bomb but then we figured out it was immigration."

About 100 of the 595 detained workers were released for humanitarian reasons, many of them mothers who were fitted with electronic monitoring bracelets and allowed to go home to their children, officials said.
What a moron, what a complete and total idiot. Don't you know anything about history at all? Were you picking your nose and eating paste in history class? I mean how could you have even gotten out of high school being so utterly stupid?

For Fucks sake building a wall along the Mexican border would only serve one purpose. It would be a great monument to stupid ass morons like you.

Ever hear of "The Great Wall of China"? It didn't work for them. What makes you think building a Great Wall of Mexico would for us? It wouldn't and it couldn't and that's cold hard fact. Oh....I forgot...I shoudn't use a word like think in a question directed towards you.

Well go build your stupid assed wall, that won't work worth a damn, on your own dime and keep your wingnut hand out of my pockets cause I aint gonna pay for something so incredibly stupid that it defies imagination (particularly yours!) with my tax dollars.
The biggest problem with the fence or wall along the border, in addition to it being ineffective, is the huge environmental impact.

For all the animals living with miles of the Rio Grande, that river is virtually their only source of water.

WM, do you really want to kill every animal that lives along our border? Ok, except birds.
In parts of Texas, ranchers actually use the Rio Grande for water for livestock and farming. Hell I live 2 miles from the Rio Grande though not on the border, and farmers here have water rights through the Elephant Butte Irrigation District. THis year they get something like 2 acre feet of water unless there is more rain and then there will be increased alotments. Texas farmers also use the Rio Grande and it is life to their ranches and farms. A fence would cut that lifeline.
The biggest problem with the fence or wall along the border, in addition to it being ineffective, is the huge environmental impact.

For all the animals living with miles of the Rio Grande, that river is virtually their only source of water.

WM, do you really want to kill every animal that lives along our border? Ok, except birds.

I'm against the wall. I was responding wryly to another idiotic Little-Dick post.
Like I said. Building a wall along the Mexican border would only serve to be a monument to stupidity. It's one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard and anyone who supports it is an idiot of the first magnitude.