Nearly the entire Western United States territory was stolen from Latinos.


1960s Chick Magnet
Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Montana, and California were all Mexican territories.

What moral standing do we have, then, for stopping Latino refugees from coming in as they please?

Our fuckwit Reichtard trumpanzees seem to think that we have it,
but fuckwits think like fuckwits, and thus, they're all wrong.

i say welcome to our Latino friends.
Let's make room for them by expelling white trash goober crackers on a person for person basis.
Actually, I think it might be better to expel two or three crackers per Latino refugee welcomed.
Land doesn’t belong to anyone other than the person that can stick their flag in it and defend it.

That land was here long before humans and will be here long after.

It never “belonged” to Latinos
Land doesn’t belong to anyone other than the person that can stick their flag in it and defend it.

That land was here long before humans and will be here long after.

It never “belonged” to Latinos

Bullshit. The fucking crackers are still on the land which they failed to defend in our Civil War.
Let's clear them out and make some room.

A flag is just a piece of cloth on a stick, any asshole can stick one into the ground,
and assholes are, in the end, the only people who make a big deal about doing it.

In with the refugees.
Out with the crackers.
It's only right.
Bullshit. The fucking crackers are still on the land which they failed to defend in our Civil War.
Let's clear them out and make some room.

A flag is just a piece of cloth on a stick, any asshole can stick one into the ground,
and assholes are, in the end, the only people who make a big deal about doing it.

In with the refugees.
Out with the crackers.
It's only right.

Maybe you should have told the Mexicans to train and fight instead of eating burritos all day so our unprofessional army didn’t kick their ass in the war and take their territory.
Maybe you should have told the Mexicans to train and fight instead of eating burritos all day so our unprofessional army didn’t kick their ass in the war and take their territory.

Or maybe you should be told to get your ass out of here
so that some enterprising Latino refugee can make better use of your space.

Hell, a Central American lizard would probably be more useful to have around that some xenophobe cracker.
Or maybe you should be told to get your ass out of here
so that some enterprising Latino refugee can make better use of your space.

Hell, a Central American lizard would probably be more useful to have around that some xenophobe cracker.

It’s funny how Latinos aren’t enterprising enough to fix their own country’s.

Why is that?
It’s funny how Latinos aren’t enterprising enough to fix their own country’s.

Why is that?

I suspect that it's because they worry about us so much
that all they can think of is coming here to help.
We're talking about some serious humanitarians here.
Maybe you should have told the Mexicans to train and fight instead of eating burritos all day so our unprofessional army didn’t kick their ass in the war and take their territory.

You are disgusting and bigoted I see what you are a Trumpy.
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Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Montana, and California were all Mexican territories.

What moral standing do we have, then, for stopping Latino refugees from coming in as they please?

Our fuckwit Reichtard trumpanzees seem to think that we have it,
but fuckwits think like fuckwits, and thus, they're all wrong.

i say welcome to our Latino friends.
Let's make room for them by expelling white trash goober crackers on a person for person basis.
Actually, I think it might be better to expel two or three crackers per Latino refugee welcomed.

America and Mexico had a WAR. Mexico lost. The US took the territory and was nice enough to even give Mexico $15 million (about $500 million today) and assumed all debts Mexico had with the US. That was the norm for wars at the time, or are you going to try and apply the historian's fallacy to this?

On the other hand, the Gadsden Purchase was a straight up real estate deal with Mexico where the US bought the land.

You also forgot the part where the US bought some of that land from Russia too...

Over much of the territory that the US acquired, Mexico had ZERO control over it at the time of this war. For example, in Arizona, the furthest north Mexico had any government entity was the Presideo of Tucson garrisoned by a couple dozen troops and a couple of officers. That was the extent of Mexico's control over what became the Arizona territory.

I say you are an historical illiterate. The moral standard we should have for not taking Latino (Mexican and Central American) people is that they should fix their own fucked up countries rather than fleeing them to come here and fuck things up. It's fuckwit Reichtard radical Leftists who seem to think that we should take them in even as they have no historical perspective on facts but rather run on propaganda and made up nonsense.

Learn some fucking history before making yourself a fool for everyone to see.
America and Mexico had a WAR. Mexico lost. The US took the territory and was nice enough to even give Mexico $15 million (about $500 million today) and assumed all debts Mexico had with the US. That was the norm for wars at the time, or are you going to try and apply the historian's fallacy to this?

On the other hand, the Gadsden Purchase was a straight up real estate deal with Mexico where the US bought the land.

You also forgot the part where the US bought some of that land from Russia too...

Over much of the territory that the US acquired, Mexico had ZERO control over it at the time of this war. For example, in Arizona, the furthest north Mexico had any government entity was the Presideo of Tucson garrisoned by a couple dozen troops and a couple of officers. That was the extent of Mexico's control over what became the Arizona territory.

I say you are an historical illiterate. The moral standard we should have for not taking Latino (Mexican and Central American) people is that they should fix their own fucked up countries rather than fleeing them to come here and fuck things up. It's fuckwit Reichtard radical Leftists who seem to think that we should take them in even as they have no historical perspective on facts but rather run on propaganda and made up nonsense.

Learn some fucking history before making yourself a fool for everyone to see.

However it should be noted that Polk was censured by Congress for sending the US Army to the border to pick a fight because he wanted the territory
America and Mexico had a WAR. Mexico lost. The US took the territory and was nice enough to even give Mexico $15 million (about $500 million today) and assumed all debts Mexico had with the US. That was the norm for wars at the time, or are you going to try and apply the historian's fallacy to this?

On the other hand, the Gadsden Purchase was a straight up real estate deal with Mexico where the US bought the land.

You also forgot the part where the US bought some of that land from Russia too...

Over much of the territory that the US acquired, Mexico had ZERO control over it at the time of this war. For example, in Arizona, the furthest north Mexico had any government entity was the Presideo of Tucson garrisoned by a couple dozen troops and a couple of officers. That was the extent of Mexico's control over what became the Arizona territory.

I say you are an historical illiterate. The moral standard we should have for not taking Latino (Mexican and Central American) people is that they should fix their own fucked up countries rather than fleeing them to come here and fuck things up. It's fuckwit Reichtard radical Leftists who seem to think that we should take them in even as they have no historical perspective on facts but rather run on propaganda and made up nonsense.

Learn some fucking history before making yourself a fool for everyone to see.

If any of the above is relevant, said relevancy is completely dissipated and dismissed from consideration for having come from your keyboard, TAG.
That went without saying, but I said it anyway.
Do you think that I care about any of that?

It was land belonging to Latino people,
we appropriated it in whatever manner we felt was expedient,
and now it's time to let the Latino people back onto it.

Since some of our nation's least desirable white people reside in Texas and Arizona,
and the expulsion of said undesirables would be the most expedient way to make room for the more promising refugees.
Send a few more crackers from Southeast Conference territory out the door as well, just to keep them company.
They also lost a war, didn't they?

This isn't advanced sociology. This is common sense.
At the very least, we know that the devil we don't
know can't possibly be as bad as the devil we do know.
That, of course, is a given.
If any of the above is relevant, said relevancy is completely dissipated and dismissed from consideration for having come from your keyboard, TAG.
That went without saying, but I said it anyway.
Do you think that I care about any of that?

It was land belonging to Latino people,
we appropriated it in whatever manner we felt was expedient,
and now it's time to let the Latino people back onto it.

Since some of our nation's least desirable white people reside in Texas and Arizona,
and the expulsion of said undesirables would be the most expedient way to make room for the more promising refugees.
Send a few more crackers from Southeast Conference territory out the door as well, just to keep them company.
They also lost a war, didn't they?

This isn't advanced sociology. This is common sense.
At the very least, we know that the devil we don't
know can't possibly be as bad as the devil we do know.
That, of course, is a given.

You don’t realize that they appropriated it from Native Americans?

Native Americans are not Latino
You don’t realize that they appropriated it from Native Americans?

Native Americans are not Latino

I suppose you're right about that.
In the end, the important thing is to do something about our crackers.
Worrying about refugees is a distraction from that.
Crackers, trumpanzees, and similar miscreants have turned our nation into a dumpster fire.
However it should be noted that Polk was censured by Congress for sending the US Army to the border to pick a fight because he wanted the territory

There was a legitimate dispute on where that border was. Polk only pushed the issue in favor of the US, while the Mexican government did the same thing. It wasn't one-sided.
I suppose you're right about that.
In the end, the important thing is to do something about our crackers.
Worrying about refugees is a distraction from that.
Crackers, trumpanzees, and similar miscreants have turned our nation into a dumpster fire.

What do you suggest?

Round us all up and stick us in camps?

Start purging the world of crackers with gas or something?