Neo-Cons Seek To Plunge America Into More War

1. How many threads do we have already on McCain's trip?

2. I'm shocked at the number of anti-semites on this forum lapping up the bullshit of RT.
Fanatical liberal totalitarians wish to plunge us into bankruptcy, create turmoil, initiate emergency powers and build a police state.
Pol pot appears to be the ideological lead liberals are following.
1. How many threads do we have already on McCain's trip?

2. I'm shocked at the number of anti-semites on this forum lapping up the bullshit of RT.

If arming Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood is ”pro-Israel,” how come Israel isn’t at the head of the line to arm the bastards?
Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood and the Taliban are grateful for your fucking stupidity!!!!!

Yes, because people removing dictators is stupid. You want to preach that we shouldn't involve ourselves in the affairs of other countries, but then when they make a democratic choice that you don't happen to like, it's a different tune. I wouldn't give a rats ass if they elected a zombie Adolph Hitler as their dictator for life, as long as he plays nice with America, that's all that matters.
Yes, because people removing dictators is stupid.

People removing dictators is the people’s prerogative. Remove away!!! If you’re divorcing your wife I’m gonna mind my own business and stay out of the way because if I’m fucking stupid enough to meddle in that mess nobody comes away singing my praises. Aside from that, I’m not aware that some god died and left America in charge of the world and decider of who wins civil wars, are you?

You want to preach that we shouldn't involve ourselves in the affairs of other countries, but then when they make a democratic choice that you don't happen to like, it's a different tune.

On the contrary! Its none of my business or yours or our government’s what political choices other countries make. Therefore, I don’t give a flying fuck what choices the radical religious nut cases in the middle-east make and I promote the idea that we mind our own business as long as they mind their own business and don’t fuck with us. To promote that situation I oppose fucking with them in the first place. You’re the one that wants to force America into the outcome of other folks business, not me. You and yours is the reason Americans still are dying and being maimed and mentally destroyed in the middle-east today.

I wouldn't give a rats ass if they elected a zombie Adolph Hitler as their dictator for life, as long as he plays nice with America, that's all that matters.

That statement is contrary to your promotion to stick your fucking nose into their business. If not to influence the outcome, then why are you promoting the fucking stupidity? Maybe you can explain how arming Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical religious nut cases will promote anything other than the exact opposite of the outcome you desire and how you plan to guarantee they aren’t in the majority of the rebel forces. Oh! I know, you’ll do like the morons McCain and Graham and just take their word for it that they’re “democrats” who love America, huh? Just so happened that Osama Bin-Laden and the rebel forces we armed in Afghanistan to run the Russians out made the same promises decades ago. Where are we still fighting and losing Americans today? Morons that love playing with hornet’s nest love to get stung!!!!!