Neocons & Necromongers

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Have you guys seen "THe Chronicles of Riddick" ? Great film.

Neo-Cons = NecroMongers = NeoMongers = NecroCons
Life Imitates Art

Trapped like rats in some apocalyptic vision of panic, like any other good American my friends and I in Houston did the only logical thing in such a situation. We boarded up our windows, bought a case of booze, and proceeded to watch movies throughout the experience. Now that the smoke has cleared and the media fear mongering feeding frenzy has ended, sane thought and logic have once again reasserted themselves.

In the post traumatic haze that grips the city like a hangover I have one startling re-accruing vision form the entertainment laden movie fest I par took in.

The Chronicles of Riddick.

Surprised? So was I.

The movie is a surprisingly accurate analysis of the Neo-Con movement.

The story functions on two primary levels. The first and most obvious being another smash-bang sci-fi action thriller with little or no soul. The only purpose of this level is to act as distracting mind candy for the masses. The second level sends an accurate and chilling message of an order of death far out of control.

Lets break it down.

In the film a nearly all powerful race of NecroMongers seeks to wage a religious war on the universe. In their ideology there can be no compromise, you join them willing, join them under force of arms, or are eliminated. Once a part of their war machine you undergo a re-education process that converts you wholly to their cause. All of this has been inspired by the grand vision of their leader who seeks to reformat the universe per a vision to which he has only been the one privy to. In effect the rest of the race must trust his good judgment.

Now in our world.

A political element known as the Neo-Cons have taken control in an all powerful way the institution known as the United Sates. In their ideology as described in the Project for the New American Century, there can be no compromise; you are either with them or against them. If you do not willing serve them, you will be destroyed (including your country). Once a believer in their war machine you are in effect brainwashed. All logical thought concerning the subject is mute as that you believe in the cause boardering on a personal religious experience. Again all of this is based on the vision of one supreme leader whose good judgment we must trust.

Added to this is the obvious imagery of a puritan overlord race smashing a technologically inferior, Middle Eastern culture. The initial bombardment of this Arab like culture is ripped straight from old CNN footage of the first battle of Baghdad.

It is obvious that the writer/director of the movie is trying to send a message. The question that leads from this: is this an intentional message or more illuminati mind games?

I am of the opinion that movies such as the “Skulls” or
“National Treasure” act as in your face misdirection and/or mind control. After these films when you do try to talk to someone about the very real realties that these films allude to, you hit a wall of cognitive dissidence where the response in invariably: you saw that in a movie. While “The Chronicles of Riddick” is not direct propaganda on a near uncouncious level it does seem to highlight our current political situation. These films also serve as totems of the reality overlords..

Jerry Bruckheimer, the same director who helped with the fictionalization of saving Private Lynch has produced man such illuminized films. His short on BMW films “Race the devil”, along with many of his blockbusters continually either push the US police state or highlight illuminized symbolism.

And while I can be almost certain that he is a New World Order propaganda agent I can not lay this charge at many of the others who seem to be producing films of equal message. Art does imitate life. In the final analysis it is almost pointless to consider as that either amount to the same thing. By there works, Ye shall know them. We are surrounded constantly by occult symbols being waved in front of our faces. Constantly reminding us, even unconsciously, who are our masters.

It is of no consequence however. For while our “masters” might continually congratulate themselves on their superiority, and can erect uncounted monuments to testify to their greatness, I am reminded of the poem:

“. Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert …
Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies,
whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works ye mighty and despair!”
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Fuck it I'll have to watch it again, I missed all that. But I'm the type of twat that watches "Tomb Raider" to check out Angelina Jolie's tits. I am truly shallow.
Good Lord asshat................!

Can't you just enjoy a fantasy movie without a political bend...I go to movies to get away from a roller coaster ride...You are starting to sound like usc...everything is GW''s fault!:rolleyes:
I too can do a rhetorical analysis...congratulations on completing basic level college courses Mr. Blogger!

Frodo is Al Gore in a crusade against the world corrupting forces of Sauron! JRR Tolkien was pro-global warming!
In 300, King Leonidas was our brave President Bush. He valiantly told the Oracle and her fucked-up freaks (Nancy Pelosi & the Dem Congress) to stfu and that he was going to war anyway and they could shove it.
And the Borg=Collectivism=Socialism.. blah, blah.

why so dismissive damo? It's a fucking interesting movie, especially in the context of our modern love of abortion, and a desire to eliminate ourselves because of the "environment". Death-cult = Population control agenda, something very important to the Shareholders of the banks.

necromonger = death seller.
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