Netanyahu to Obama: Take it back!


Staff member

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was quick on the draw Thursday in voicing clear displeasure with President Barack Obama’s mideast policy speech.
“Israel appreciates President Obama’s commitment to peace,” the response began, curtly. “Israel believes that for peace to endure between Israelis and Palestinians, the viability of a Palestinian state cannot come at the expense of the viability of the one and only Jewish state.”

“That is why Prime Minister Netanyahu expects to hear a reaffirmation from President Obama of U.S. commitments made to Israel in 2004, which were overwhelmingly supported by both Houses of Congress.”

“Among other things,” Netanyahu reminded Obama, “those commitments relate to Israel not having to withdraw to the 1967 lines which are both indefensible and which would leave major Israeli population centers in Judea and Samaria beyond those lines.”

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I can't see Israel agreeing to the 1967 borders, they were indefensible and allowed their enemies to set up huge forces surrounding them for each of the wars they fought. A tiny nation in such an untenable position is unlikely to give up quite that much, even if Obama tells them to.
I can't see Israel agreeing to the 1967 borders, they were indefensible and allowed their enemies to set up huge forces surrounding them for each of the wars they fought. A tiny nation in such an untenable position is unlikely to give up quite that much, even if Obama tells them to.

The 1967 border with land swaps has served as the basis of any negotiation for decades. Natanyahu's predecessor made the same offer to Abbas in 2008. It's really not the major policy shift that some people are claiming it is.
I can't see Israel agreeing to the 1967 borders, they were indefensible and allowed their enemies to set up huge forces surrounding them for each of the wars they fought. A tiny nation in such an untenable position is unlikely to give up quite that much, even if Obama tells them to.

Yes, but Obama isn't saying that.

He's really only restating the starting position for negotiations, which has been generally agreed by the US and the EU for several years. It has always been envisioned that there would be a series of 'land swaps' before the final borders were actually finalised.
Yes, but Obama isn't saying that.

He's really only restating the starting position for negotiations, which has been generally agreed by the US and the EU for several years. It has always been envisioned that there would be a series of 'land swaps' before the final borders were actually finalised.

Basically I was saying that we aren't going to see Israel agree to that restriction. We'll see how it all comes out. What I read was "based on", not "set as" those originating borders. I don't see this as some huge deal really. I just don't see Israel allowing a return to an indefensible position.
Basically I was saying that we aren't going to see Israel agree to that restriction. We'll see how it all comes out. What I read was "based on", not "set as" those originating borders. I don't see this as some huge deal really. I just don't see Israel allowing a return to an indefensible position.

It does seem a lot of excitement over a rather bland Obama statement.

His speech screamed "i'm not going to do anything until i get back in for a second term".
obama hates jews

yours truly,

kanye middleeast

If that's correct I'm sure he'd change his mind once sampling their pastry!

Years ago, after a car accident, my doctor sent me to various hospitals for examinations/tests. A General Hospital, a Catholic Hospital and a Jewish Hospital. By far, the best pastry was at the Jewish Hospital snack bar. That was good stuff!

Mandelbread: loaded with toasted almonds. Made with sweet butter, fresh eggs, lots of fresh orange and lemon zest, and scented with real vanilla.

Rugelach: Cream cheese pastry rolled around apricot preserves or currants and toasted walnuts, topped with cinnamon sugar.

Hamentaschen: All butter cookie crust stuffed with an array of our favorite fillings including cream cheese-vanilla bean and apricot.

And then there's chocolate orange torte: A moist rich cake for chocolate lovers made with lots of dark chocolate, real orange oil, and ground almonds coated in a shiny dark chocolate ganache and more sliced toasted almonds.

Accompanied with a fresh brewed coffee or two and I wouldn't discount a person having a religious epiphany!