Never Vote for Democrats, Period!


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The Democrats have abandoned traditional values in favor of a neo-Marxist philosophy. Their values are those of Venezuela and Cuba.

The Democrat Party supports big government and the Deep State at the expense of the individual. This threatens to transform America
into a totalitarian nightmare.

The Dem Party militates for increased government control over every aspect of our lives; limitations on free speech and freedom of the
press; replacement of capitalism with socialism; replacing meritocracy with race-based criteria; a reduction of American power and
influence; and a dysfunctional version of social justice.

If Democrats succeed in supplanting capitalism with socialism, the middle class will be taxed out of existence. The incentive to achieve
will disappear, as it has in parts of Europe. When the productive segment of our population has had enough, they will pack up and leave
and America will turn into Venezuela. This is already happening in California.

This would be like Raw Story saying “never vote for a Republican, period”.

Does American Thinker believe its audience is full of liberals or independents?
Note these are the Trumpys who have been found guilty in court of lying and cheating.
Tom Barack
and Daffy Donald.
This is a cast of crooks working for a crook.
Note these are the Trumpys who have been found guilty in court of lying and cheating.
Tom Barack
and Daffy Donald.
This is a cast of crooks working for a crook.
Literally, a racket. As in racketeering.
Note these are the Trumpys who have been found guilty in court of lying and cheating.
Tom Barack
and Daffy Donald.
This is a cast of crooks working for a crook.
Was Trump's trial on TV? Did they have cameras in there? The only publicity it got was Trump's crying for half an hour after the day ended.If Trump was not playing "poor poor pitiful me" there would have been nothing noted on the news. There was no show that Daffy Donald did not make. You do not know what a show trial is. I see why you are Trumpy.
Was Trump's trial on TV? Did they have cameras in there? The only publicity it got was Trump's crying for half an hour after the day ended.If Trump was not playing "poor poor pitiful me" there would have been nothing noted on the news. There was no show that Daffy Donald did not make. You do not know what a show trial is. I see why you are Trumpy.
Trivial objections fallacy.
Trivial objections fallacy.
It simply shows you calling it a show trial is wrong. But you should be used to that. My points are entirely germane to what constitutes a show trial. Can you imagine it requires a show? The trial was held like all others.
It simply shows you calling it a show trial is wrong. But you should be used to that. My points are entirely germane to what constitutes a show trial. Can you imagine it requires a show? The trial was held like all others.
It is impossible to reason with these people.
It simply shows you calling it a show trial is wrong. But you should be used to that. My points are entirely germane to what constitutes a show trial. Can you imagine it requires a show? The trial was held like all others.
Cameras aren't necessarily part of a show trial you 'tard.

show tri·al
[SHō ˈtrī(ə)l]

  1. a judicial trial held in public with the intention of influencing or satisfying public opinion, rather than of ensuring justice.
The Democrats have abandoned traditional values in favor of a neo-Marxist philosophy. Their values are those of Venezuela and Cuba.

The Democrat Party supports big government and the Deep State at the expense of the individual. This threatens to transform America
into a totalitarian nightmare.

The Dem Party militates for increased government control over every aspect of our lives; limitations on free speech and freedom of the
press; replacement of capitalism with socialism; replacing meritocracy with race-based criteria; a reduction of American power and
influence; and a dysfunctional version of social justice.

If Democrats succeed in supplanting capitalism with socialism, the middle class will be taxed out of existence. The incentive to achieve
will disappear, as it has in parts of Europe. When the productive segment of our population has had enough, they will pack up and leave
and America will turn into Venezuela. This is already happening in California.

I'd vote for a demmycrat if he was conservative and wasn't always trying to fuck over the country.......
Cameras aren't necessarily part of a show trial you 'tard.

show tri·al
[SHō ˈtrī(ə)l]

  1. a judicial trial held in public with the intention of influencing or satisfying public opinion, rather than of ensuring justice.
They are. The only one making a show out of it is Trump. He had cameras showing his insane reactions to the court every day. Just think how much lower the heat would be on the trial if he did not do that. The only show was Trump.
The trial was not in public. By that def. it was not a show trial.
The Democrats have abandoned traditional values in favor of a neo-Marxist philosophy. Their values are those of Venezuela and Cuba.

The Democrat Party supports big government and the Deep State at the expense of the individual. This threatens to transform America
into a totalitarian nightmare.

The Dem Party militates for increased government control over every aspect of our lives; limitations on free speech and freedom of the
press; replacement of capitalism with socialism; replacing meritocracy with race-based criteria; a reduction of American power and
influence; and a dysfunctional version of social justice.

If Democrats succeed in supplanting capitalism with socialism, the middle class will be taxed out of existence. The incentive to achieve
will disappear, as it has in parts of Europe. When the productive segment of our population has had enough, they will pack up and leave
and America will turn into Venezuela. This is already happening in California.

I agree. You should not vote for Dems when you are in your period.
The Democrats have abandoned traditional values in favor of a neo-Marxist philosophy. Their values are those of Venezuela and Cuba.

The Democrat Party supports big government and the Deep State at the expense of the individual. This threatens to transform America
into a totalitarian nightmare.

The Dem Party militates for increased government control over every aspect of our lives; limitations on free speech and freedom of the
press; replacement of capitalism with socialism; replacing meritocracy with race-based criteria; a reduction of American power and
influence; and a dysfunctional version of social justice.

If Democrats succeed in supplanting capitalism with socialism, the middle class will be taxed out of existence. The incentive to achieve
will disappear, as it has in parts of Europe. When the productive segment of our population has had enough, they will pack up and leave
and America will turn into Venezuela. This is already happening in California.

I've voted in every election since 1968.
The next Republican for whom I vote will be the VERY FIRST. [Don't hold your breath.]

What's the point of registering with a political party if you're not going to support your own party's nominees?