New Animation: "Learn To Speak Tea Bag"

National Public Radio....FAIR AND BALANCED?
I guess, compared to Kieth Olbermann....

My taxes at work.....
What bullshit....
well how about that, your tax dollars used to slur Amercian citizens..ain't the Obmanation grand..


comments at site.

Yeah, my tax dollars went toward having a Palin apologist on NPR. Now I'm really ticked. :mad:

Prologue: The Palin Myth: From Hero to Harpy in Eight Short Weeks

One morning in the fall of 2008, Sarah Palin awoke to discover that she had been changed into a monster.

This was no Kafka story, however. As recently as late August of that year, Palin had been an extremely popular governor of Alaska, known to her constituents as a bipartisan reformer who championed clean government. Now, as John McCain's running mate, the world knew her instead as a heat-packing, moose-eating, wolf-hunting, makeup-wearing, idiotic, apocalyptic harpy. She had become a freak.

If you listened to Democrats and the mainstream media, you learned that Palin was a Buchananite (she wasn't), a member of the Alaskan Independence Party (nope), and a biblical literalist who believed dinosaurs roamed the earth several thousand years ago (an utter fabrication); that she was anti-contraception (incorrect), wanted to teach creationism in schools (not really), and didn't believe man may be contributing to global warming (untrue); that she banned books (a gross distortion), claimed she could see Russia from her house (never happened), faked her pregnancy (unbelievable), slept with her husband's business associate (a myth), thought the Iraq war was a mission from God (not so), and didn't know that Africa was a continent (baloney).

When they weren't mangling facts, the press did their best to undermine Palin's accomplishments. Reputable news outlets reported that she hadn't really sold her predecessor's jet, didn't actually stop the Bridge to Nowhere, inflated the importance of the natural gas pipeline that she had championed, cut funding for teenage moms and children with special needs, and never gave a press conference during the presidential campaign. This was all hokum.

The Project for Excellence in Journalism found that Sarah Palin received much more negative coverage than she did positive. Those writers and communicators who were unconstrained by pretensions to objectivity went even further. Feminist activists denied Palin her womanhood because she did not share their politics. Comedians made fun of her accent, clothes, smarts, and looks. The same campaign operatives who had recommended Palin to John McCain turned on her, telling reporters (on background, of course) that Palin was an incompetent "diva" "hillbilly" who may have been suffering from postpartum depression.

More here.
Yeah, my tax dollars went toward having a Palin apologist on NPR. Now I'm really ticked. :mad:

More here.

I see once again you are trying to derail a thread over something that has nothing to do with the video in question..and again making up some apoligy for something disgusting made against the Amercian people by the left..:palm:

I wonder what would happen if Npr made a video depicting the Obama and his followers as monkeys..sheesh
I see once again you are trying to derail a thread over something that has nothing to do with the video in question..and again making up some apoligy for something disgusting made against the Amercian people by the left..:palm:

I wonder what would happen if Npr made a video depicting the Obama and his followers as monkeys..sheesh

Jesus. You're basically upset that NPR features opinion content on its opinion page.

And it isn't something disgusting made against the American people by the left. It is something comical about the Tea Party loons by Mark Fiore, a San Francisco-based political cartoonist.
Jesus. You're basically upset that NPR features opinion content on its opinion page.

And it isn't something disgusting made against the American people by the left. It is something comical about the Tea Party loons by Mark Fiore, a San Francisco-based political cartoonist.

and again I hope Npr which is supported "with taxpayers monies" air a video depicting Obama bots as monkeys and teach us about monkey speak.:good4u:
do you people ever get tired of the same old insults.?
for being so edumacated...liberals are programed with one track insults:palm:

You may be getting the same old insult because the insult is true. The fact that a number of different people independently reached the conclusion that you're an idiot ought to tell you something.

And please explain to me how the depiction of the Tea Party folks in the cartoon is the equivalent of depicting Obamabots as monkeys. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Lastly, NPR regularly posts content from a variety of sources from across the ideological spectrum on its opinion page. Is there someone doing animated shorts from a right-wing perspective that you'd like to recommend to NPR?
all I ask is that the far left leaners apply even more idiotic and suggestive nick names for large groups of people they don't like, spread them far, wide, and loudly, and then stand up and say 'yes, I said it!!!!!'
well thank you..
now for the rest of your long winded over intellectual post, I don't care about..LOL

SIX sentences is "long winded"??!?? really are an idiot.

An idiot with a short attention span.
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You may be getting the same old insult because the insult is true. The fact that a number of different people independently reached the conclusion that you're an idiot ought to tell you something.

And please explain to me how the depiction of the Tea Party folks in the cartoon is the equivalent of depicting Obamabots as monkeys. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Lastly, NPR regularly posts content from a variety of sources from across the ideological spectrum on its opinion page. Is there someone doing animated shorts from a right-wing perspective that you'd like to recommend to NPR?

different people feel this way about you....what does that tell you :pke:

so you would support a video of obamabots as monkeys?
do you people ever get tired of the same old insults.?
for being so edumacated...liberals are programed with one track insults:palm:
The same old insults are not tiring when they are spot on. You are not very bright. Actually not really so much an insult as it is an observation. You are about as sharp as a bag of wet mice.
The same old insults are not tiring when they are spot on. You are not very bright. Actually not really so much an insult as it is an observation. You are about as sharp as a bag of wet mice.

and my observations have been you are an ass, so what, do I go around and call you out as one at every turn? I guess I better start, eh?
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