New England's last coal plants set to shutter, ushering in era of green energy


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New England's last coal plants set to shutter, ushering in era of green energy[/SIZE]

The final coal-fired power plants in New England are slated to shutter in the coming years, making it the second region to phase out the energy source that powered the U.S. economy for decades.

In an announcement late last month, New Hampshire-based power provider Granite Shore Power said it had reached an agreement with federal officials to shutter its Schiller Station in 2025 and its Merrimack Station by mid-2028. The action underscores the region's and, more broadly, the nation's steady march toward a future dominated by green energy. Environmental activists have called for this change for years — energy advocates have warned against it.

"Everybody in our region is finally going to be breathing cleaner air," Johanna Neumann, the senior director of Environment America's Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy, told Fox News Digital in an interview. "I think the market has finally caught up to the reality — these coal plants are shutting down and being replaced with renewable energy infrastructure."...

Together, the two facilities, which were first constructed roughly six decades ago, have a capacity of 560 megawatts, enough to power hundreds of thousands of homes. While the plants, and other coal stations in the region, once played a more central role in powering the grid, they have recently largely been inactive and used only in times of high demand or supply crunches....

However, the announcement that another U.S. region is on a glide path to a coal-free future earned heavy criticism from some experts who noted the importance of having baseload, dispatchable power generation. While renewable sources like wind and solar are intermittent, or heavily dependent on weather conditions, coal, natural gas and nuclear can quickly be turned on in times of high demand.

According to the Energy Information Administration, coal, natural gas and nuclear power plants produce 49%, 54% and 93% of their listed capacity, respectively, while solar panels produce just 25% and wind turbines produce 34% of their listed capacity.

"There's a concerted effort to shift away from reliable sources of electricity generation to unreliable sources," said Daren Bakst, director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment. "And ultimately the impact is going to be less reliable electricity, higher prices for Americans — it's going to have a disproportionate impact on the poor."

"You have to be able to call upon electricity sources when you need it, and you need it to be able to have consistent electricity, to be able to flip on the switch. You can't have that with intermittent sources. Right now, it's impossible to have that," Bakst continued. "Therefore, you need baseload electricity generation so that you can have consistent electricity when you need it."

ISO-New England, the region's independent grid operator, states on its website that coal is a critical tool in ensuring power "on the coldest winter days when natural gas supply is constrained." It adds that inadequate infrastructure to transport natural gas — a major power source in New England — harms natural-gas-fired plants' ability to get the fuel they need to perform, creating an "energy-security risk."

The operator declined to comment on Granite Shore Power's coal plant closures.

Democrats waged a war on shutting down coal plants: Daniel TurnerVideo
"The shutdown of Merrimack and Schiller Stations is a major step backwards for New England's energy consumers, who need a mix of baseload energy sources, including coal, to ensure electric reliability," Michelle Bloodworth, president and CEO of America’s Power, a coal power trade group, told Fox News Digital.

"Their closure will leave families at greater risk of power outages and more dependent on natural gas, further exposing them to volatile electricity and natural gas prices," she continued. "Amid rapidly increasing demand for electricity, these shutdowns run directly contrary to [ISO-New England] guidance and will undermine electric reliability and affordability."

In response largely to environmental and climate concerns, a staggering 22.3 gigawatts of coal-fired electric generating capacity were retired in 2022 and 2023. Another 13 gigawatts are slated to be retired in 2024 and 2025.

Still, across the U.S., coal power generates more than 16% of total electricity, more than solar and wind combined, the latest federal data shows. As recently as 2015, coal generated more electricity than any other power source and, years earlier, generated about half of all power in the U.S.....
Green Energy is great but Green Energy at the expense of reliability is a bad thing. People expect the lights to come on when the light switch is turned on. The government is pushing for all electric heating and EVs. What happens on the coldest days when the wind does not blow or the sun is not shining? We need base load capacity that is immediate and reliable. If coal is being phased out it should be replaced with nuclear. Replacing reliable capacity with unreliable capacity leads to a less reliable power grid.
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Excellent news. Vermont has been using clean energy for years now. We shuttered our two coal plants here in our city and dismantled them. We run on hydro, solar, and natural gas now.
Northeast and Northwest Liberal blue states are seriously fucked.

It will be interesting to see what happens when they shutter all coals plants and a major regional blizzard hits. Things could get chilly. Liberal don't seem to understand base load capacity. I'm all for clean and RELIABLE energy.
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You are on a grid that still uses coal energy nurse Ratched.

And your point is, Quackter?

One would think that someone who pretends to be a "doctor" on an internet forum would at least attempt to discuss the deleterious effects of coal combustion gases on the human respiratory system.

You reveal your fakery with every Reichwing post. Oops. :laugh: