New Fashion Trend Among Criminals


Loyal to the end
Do you notice anything that these fine folks have in common?

More than 50% of us voted for Obama. And that's just factoring in everybody altogether, not even taking into account the massive success he had in the minority and youth demographics.

You should be asking why they weren't wearing McCain shirts. Even people who get booked sometimes gotta vote.
Voting for someone and wearing a tee shirt of that candidate indicate entirely different levels of support. Especially after the election.
I doubt most bought the shirts after the election. Anyone who was out anywhere during the campaign saw how ubiquitous Obama attire was, especially within the black community.

You can say they worship him or whatever, but we're way past that "The One" criticism. Obama has proven himself. Doesn't mean he gets off without criticism, it just means he's been deemed worthy of being where he is.

It took time, but Americans really ended up liking the guy, eventually felt he was better qualified than McCain and actually capable in his own right. Politics aside, don't say you wouldn't take him in a second if he was talking your issues. Republicans wanted another President with the Great Communicator style, and it just happens that this time he's a Democrat.

That's their fault for not offering an alternative.
Darn good post Adam. All true whether you like Obama or not.
out of rep points for the day will rep you tomorrow.
...Politics aside, don't say you wouldn't take him in a second if he was talking your issues. ....
This is actually an interesting issue, albeit totally unrelated to the OP.

Actually, if he was "talking my issues", the same folks that support him now would be skewering him for being too dumb to express himself without a teleprompter. Personally I don't think he's intelligent for that and a whole host of other reasons. Plus I think he's corrupt.
We're talking about when they wear the advertisement, not when they bought it. It's now become an expression of entitlement among many, or a symbol of group identity, like a gang tattoo.

right just like a levis patch or an alligator on your shirt, etc...
We're talking about when they wear the advertisement, not when they bought it. It's now become an expression of entitlement among many, or a symbol of group identity, like a gang tattoo.

Entitlement...or empowerment?

We don't know what these folks all got arrested for. Some of them could be DUI. Some of them could have gotten in fights. It's not like they're on the FBI's most wanted list.

Republicans should be asking why they can't get Americans of all kinds and circumstances as excited about what they have to offer. They should be assessing what kind of baggage they have that makes the word Republican sound dirty to so many people.

It's not just because Obama was a black man that they people rallied around him, though that is important. Alan Keyes would not have been able to stand in for Barack Obama and have everything work out the same.

Obama got by on his individual achievement--black people weren't even big time supporters of his early on--and he was judged just like a good conservative would want him to be.
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We're talking about when they wear the advertisement, not when they bought it. It's now become an expression of entitlement among many, or a symbol of group identity, like a gang tattoo.

Hmmm. I don't see any date stamps for these photographs indicating when they were taken.

And what in the hell is an "expression of entitlement?" And how in the hell is wearing a t-shirt with the picture of the President of the United States equivalent to a "gang tatoo?" I remember when wearing such a thing would be held up as the highest form of patriotism.

You are an idiot. This shit might pass for humor on or maybe the Stormfront message board but it seem to me to be garden variety race-baiting horseshit.
This is actually an interesting issue, albeit totally unrelated to the OP.

Actually, if he was "talking my issues", the same folks that support him now would be skewering him for being too dumb to express himself without a teleprompter. Personally I don't think he's intelligent for that and a whole host of other reasons. Plus I think he's corrupt.

Yeah, and that criticism really didn't stop him from winning the Presidency. He'd be a Republican President Obama, and with all of his faults, he'd still be enacting your agenda.

Do you really think the people who support him think he is a god? I'm sure most people who support Obama had criticisms of him in some respect. But those criticisms were not sufficient for them to make a difference choice.
Both, actually. The power to take someone else's wealth and use it for your own. Either by gun or government, its the same thing.

I dunno, man. I think that belittles the concerns of these folks who wear these shirts.

Like I said, you don't know who these people are and why they support Obama. I'm sure you're right that some of them think he relates better to poor people.

But I don't think it's a stretch to say that for every person there are different issues that activate their support. You're forgetting about the war, for instance, which is a pretty big deal. It's a mistake to write off Obama's supporters as crazed about the new entitlements he will offer them and bringing socialism to this country.

You are an idiot. This shit might pass for humor on or maybe the Stormfront message board but it seem to me to be garden variety race-baiting horseshit.
Wow that didn't take you long to play the race card. You must know that your argument is very weak.