New Here - Koke


New member
Hey folks, another new member who is very familiar with the political debate forums scene among other platforms.

I'd say I'm definitely right wing, although I don't find the right/left paradigm to be super convenient when describing my world view. I'm pretty socially conservative. My economics vary by situation but I'd say, although my views are pretty nuanced when it comes to economics that I generally prefer a mixed economy. Definitely not a boomer-tier libertarian but also not a socialist by any means.

Any who, look forward to engaging with people who hopefully provide something more than talking points.
Welcome Koke,

I am liberal and would be happy to attempt to solve the problems of the world with you. My main concern is civility. I'll gladly discuss any topic with anybody as long as it doesn't get personal.

I will never attack you, only your ideas. That is all I ask in return. I enjoy talking to people who can explore the issues in a friendly way. I take the side of humanity.

Welcome to you. I hope you enjoy it here. You will find it to be a rough place, so I hope you can deal with that in your own way and avoid attacking people who are respectful of others.

