New here...

Brett Nortje

New member
My name is brett and i am new here. i have been debating for in excess of a decade, and know not to flame, of course.

There are two things i find needed on this forum;

[1] A economics category, and,

[2] A science category.
My name is brett and i am new here. i have been debating for in excess of a decade, and know not to flame, of course.

There are two things i find needed on this forum;

[1] A economics category, and,

[2] A science category.

I know you from another forum. PF, I think. You'll do fine here given your racist views on apartheid.
My name is brett and i am new here. i have been debating for in excess of a decade, and know not to flame, of course.

There are two things i find needed on this forum;

[1] A economics category, and,

[2] A science category.

why so the right can hide from real economics schools of thought and avoid science

you turds already do that
why so the right can hide from real economics schools of thought and avoid science

you turds already do that
If you want to know what this loony knows about economics it boils down to Austrian school and short bus. As for science, bugger all basically.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
My name is brett and i am new here. i have been debating for in excess of a decade, and know not to flame, of course.

There are two things i find needed on this forum;

[1] A economics category, and,

[2] A science category.
A science category on this forum would be hijacked by the Left and quickly devolve into climate hysteria, gay rights and government subsidized condoms.

Welcome aboard, by-the-way.