New J6 tapes show cops using CS gas on woman. She screams "I can't breathe"

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
This is why the dem-controlled congress refused to release the tapes. All the violence was by the cops and federal agents and it was brutal. All the J6ers in prison must be released and paid millions.

nov 30 2023 Cops are seen tossing a woman to the ground and savagely spraying her and other protesters in the face with CS gas as she screams at the top of her lungs pleading for help during the January 6 Capitol riot in harrowing police body footage.

The woman, in a white coat, sunglasses and a black hat is seen falling backward to the ground after getting shoved by cops.

“I’m blind! I can’t breathe,” the woman in the white coat screams in a panic after getting tossed to the ground by police and sprayed with tear gas.

“Help me out of here! Get me out of here!” she wails, as she uses her hands to navigate her way around the crowd without vision.

Seconds later, another officer mercilessly sprayed the crowd with CS gas from close range, standing just feet away from the protesters, dousing them and the distressed woman in the white coat in the face with the chemical agent.

Had the police been caught on camera shoving her to the ground and dousing her in CS gas at a Black Lives Matter rally, she would likely have been awarded millions of dollars by the District of Columbia and the police department for the abuse.

As TGP has reported, when the cops beat the hell out of Trump supporters they go to prison. When the Antifa and racial justice activists burn down cities while rioting, they sue for “excessive force” and win millions.
The Capitol-invading insurrectionists were merely gassed when they needed to be mowed down with machine gun fire.

If that's what TDAK is trying to say, then I have to agree.
I am infuriated by this as well. Those cops should be fired for trying to use non lethal means to control the insurrectionist rioters when they should have shot them all dead.

Some cops need to be disciplined over this, TS.