New McCain energy ad: more lies


New member
I'm sorry your Messiah is such a liar, Superfreak:

A McCain ad shows pictures of wind-driven turbines while the narrator says: "Renewable energy to transform our economy, create jobs and energy independence, that's John McCain." But, in fact, his energy plan doesn't specify any new federal spending for renewable energy and says only that he'd "rationalize" existing tax credits to provide incentives. In the past, however, he's opposed extending such tax credits when paid for by tax increases elsewhere.

The ad also insinuates that Obama would bring "higher taxes" for "your family," another in what has become a pattern of misrepresentations of Obama's tax plan. Obama actually proposes to cut taxes for all but the most affluent families. He wants to restore tax rates to pre-Bush levels only for those making over $250,000 a year.

McCain has repeatedly said that Obama plans to raise taxes on "most" American families.
Disgusting. I mean, what the fuck do you do when a presidential candidate is just willing to lie through his teeth about the other guy? Americans are dumb enough to believe it, and chances are great they'll never read the story written about how dishonest his ads are.