New Mexico mental health first responders are increasingly civilians, not police


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Albuquerque, with the second highest rate of police killings among U.S. cities over 250,000 people, according to Mapping Police Violence, opens new tab, has set up one of the country's most ambitious civilian responder programs to offer help rather than law enforcement to people in crisis.

Such initiatives have spread like "wildfire" across the United States since the 2020 murder of George Floyd highlighted police killings of people of color and those suffering from mental illness or substance abuse, said Alex Vitale, professor of sociology at Brooklyn College.
Albuquerque, with the second highest rate of police killings among U.S. cities over 250,000 people, according to Mapping Police Violence, opens new tab, has set up one of the country's most ambitious civilian responder programs to offer help rather than law enforcement to people in crisis.

Such initiatives have spread like "wildfire" across the United States since the 2020 murder of George Floyd highlighted police killings of people of color and those suffering from mental illness or substance abuse, said Alex Vitale, professor of sociology at Brooklyn College.

Albuquerque, with the second highest rate of police killings among U.S. cities over 250,000 people, according to Mapping Police Violence, opens new tab, has set up one of the country's most ambitious civilian responder programs to offer help rather than law enforcement to people in crisis.

Such initiatives have spread like "wildfire" across the United States since the 2020 murder of George Floyd highlighted police killings of people of color and those suffering from mental illness or substance abuse, said Alex Vitale, professor of sociology at Brooklyn College.

Bet they call the police to respond the second they realize it could get violent or dangerous...
Which is the whole purpose.

What, to send two people, one of which is useless (the social worker), to stop something like a domestic violence incident?

Do you really think that a social worker responding to an incident like the George Floyd (passing counterfeit money, shoplifting, resisting arrest, using illegal drugs) is going to get handled by somebody with a degree in sociology? You are smoking shit more potent than George Floyd was using.
What, to send two people, one of which is useless (the social worker), to stop something like a domestic violence incident?

Do you really think that a social worker responding to an incident like the George Floyd (passing counterfeit money, shoplifting, resisting arrest, using illegal drugs) is going to get handled by somebody with a degree in sociology? You are smoking shit more potent than George Floyd was using.

I know Albuquerque has one of the highest rates of officer caused fatalities in the nation.
Lots of places have allowed psychologists to go along with police to try and defuse the anger. They have had real success and some are expanding the program. Rightys call that defunding the police.