New Poll Shows GOP Gains are Likely


Staff member

This latest edition of the POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll finds that the political environment continues to be very poor for both President Obama and for Congressional Democrats.

More than seven-in-ten voters believe the country is on the wrong track, including a majority of voters who strongly believe this. Of additional concern to national Democrats should be the overwhelming focus that voters have on pocketbook issues. Fully 73% of voters select a pocketbook issue as their top issue concern. In addition, a majority (57%) of voters indicate that they are extremely or very worried about the country suffering another economic downturn. These pessimistic and economically anxious voters will be open to persuasion from Republican candidates.

The 2012 Presidential race will be no exception to having many voters open to considering the Republican candidate. President Obama will face an electorate in which more than two-in-five voters (43%) have already decided that they will definitely not be voting for him. In addition, while his overall job approval rating is mixed (45% approve/50% disapprove) and his personal approval rating remains outstanding (73% approve); the President receives a much more critical reception on the pocketbook issues that are the top concerns of voters. On the economy, the President has a majority disapproval rating (58%) and those who disapprove strongly (45%) outnumber those who approve strongly (11%) by more than four-to-one. For the federal budget and spending, the President has a disapproval rating of 62% and there is again a four-to-one intensity gap with those strongly disapproving at 48% and those strongly approving at 12%. On the issue of jobs, the President again has a majority disapproval rating (57%) and the intensity gap between strongly approve (12%) and strongly disapprove (40%) stands at more than three-to-one.

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Consider the alternative....

America doesn't deserve to exist if they elect the Republicans. It's national suicide. Again, the Republican party should be banned. They are a far greater threat to this country than terrorists.
I predicted this when The Obama was elected. :)

...the results of two special elections Tuesday send a loud and clear message to President Barack Obama: His imploding economy is dragging down all Democrats.


Law was referring to Republican Bob Turner’s stunning upset Tuesday in winning the 9th Congressional District seat in New York vacated by the resignation of disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner and the victory of Mark Amodei in Nevada's special election to fill a seat in the U.S. House.

"The clearest implication from the two special elections last night is that President Obama and the economy he owns have become an undeniable drag on Democrats running for Congress,” Law said. “While Obama had a net positive job approval rating when Democrats took the NY-26 special in May, the difference is that he was between 10-30 points upside down in polling in both house districts that voted yesterday."

“We hope these elections lead to a fresh batch of recruitment among Republicans considering campaigns for the House or Senate,” Law said. “With redistricting gains, and the tenuous districts that Democrats drew for themselves in Illinois, as many as 15-25 opportunities may arise for Republican pickup in the House alone.
Perry's nomination is God's will™.

Embrace the Perryness.
Perry is THE alternative? Hell, I just ran into a hardcore Tea Partier who told me he wouldn't vote for either Perry or Romney.

True Tea Partiers hate the idea of Perry, or Romney as Pres.

Perry gets booed at tea party rallies here in Texas.

I won't vote for either one. I'll vote Libertarian as usual.
True Tea Partiers hate the idea of Perry, or Romney as Pres. Perry gets booed at tea party rallies here in Texas. I won't vote for either one. I'll vote Libertarian as usual.

Poor Liability.

Using the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy again?

Post the evidence that Perry was booed or quit making the claim.

Throw your vote away. A vote for anyone other than Perry will be a vote for Obama.

Besides, Perry must be elected. It's God's will™.

For the school kids, I'll look for a video of Perry getting booed at a tea party event. Just because it pleases me.

There should be something out there.