New Prosecutor Jack Smith Just Added to His Team Has a Long History of Donations to D


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More proof these trials are partisan political show trials to stop Trump from being elected

Department of Justice special counsel Jack Smith has added a new member to his team in the hunt to take down former President Donald Trump, and it’s someone with a history as an anti-Trumper.

While he never bothered making any actual announcement of the appointment, Smith has brought on war crimes prosecutor Alex Whiting to help him put Trump in jail, Politico reported.

Smith has worked with Whiting before. According to Politico, the pair prosecuted crimes against humanity together at the Hague in the late 1990s.Smith has not revealed what role Whiting will serve on his prosecutorial staff, and Whiting has not commented on his addition to the team.

Whiting comes to Smith’s team as a clear partisan, though.He wrote articles and gave interviews in support of Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign, insisting that Mueller had the goods on Trump. We now know that Mueller had nothing.

Whiting is also a Democratic donor. According to Open Secrets, he has donated thousands to Democrats over the years, including to extreme leftists such as Elizabeth Warren and Barack Obama.
What a stupid post. Warren and Obama are not extreme leftists. They are normal politicians and stay slightly left of center. You bought what another far-righty site said. It is not Smith who made donations. It he responsible for the donations of everyone on his staff?

Stop your lies. They are extreme left and want to destroy our country and make us a communist country
Stop your lies. They are extreme left and want to destroy our country and make us a communist country

Stop your lies. They are extreme left and want to destroy our country and make us a communist country

You are amazingly stupid and equally rude. There is almost nobody trying to turn American communistic. Take the time to read about socialism, communism, and our profit-driven consumerism. You do not know what you are typing about.
Stop your lies. They are extreme left and want to destroy our country and make us a communist country

“Western Journal: Equipping Readers With the Truth,” too funny, it is a recognized propaganda site

Amazing how all these MAGA militia seldom if ever come here with legitimate sources, always shit off Brietfart, InfoWars, Gateway, Blaze, RT, and the scores off other shit sites
You are amazingly stupid and equally rude. There is almost nobody trying to turn American communistic. Take the time to read about socialism, communism, and our profit-driven consumerism. You do not know what you are typing about.

So the government destroying industries and forcing you to buy what the government approves is not communism?
“Western Journal: Equipping Readers With the Truth,” too funny, it is a recognized propaganda site

Amazing how all these MAGA militia seldom if ever come here with legitimate sources, always shit off Brietfart, InfoWars, Gateway, Blaze, RT, and the scores off other shit sites

Democrat run sources are fake news and liars. CNN and MSNBC and WAPO and NYT proves that all the time
“Western Journal: Equipping Readers With the Truth,” too funny, it is a recognized propaganda site

Amazing how all these MAGA militia seldom if ever come here with legitimate sources, always shit off Brietfart, InfoWars, Gateway, Blaze, RT, and the scores off other shit sites

We are not dealing with people that are normal here.

The people that are here defending Trump, and spreading FAKE NEWS and CONSPIRACY THEORIES and out right lies are not even Republicans.

They are TRUMPTARDS! TRUMPTARDS can't win elections, so they are through with that process. It doesn't work for them.

They want someone to lead the Nation like Trump, who is a criminal and will break all the laws and norms, to force their WHITE EVANGELISTIC SUPERIOR agenda on us all. Trump just happens to be their useful idiot, and they are Trump's useful idiots.

TRUMPTARDS are in some very high places right now. Just look at the 15 or so TRUMPTARDS that are so-called the Freedom Caucus, that is basically controlling the House, and allowing our nation to shutdown just to please Donald Trump- Because he is the one that is calling their shots.

Trump has asked the Freedom Caucus to shut down the government, so that the Destruction of our government can begin before he becomes the Dictator.
Trump wants America to fall into total CHAOS as a result of a shutdown.

He wants them to impeach Biden, so that he can say to his TRUMPTARDS, "SEE THERE- BIDEN IS AN IMPEACHED PRESIDENT JUST LIKE ME"!

Trump wants them to keep investigations going on Biden, so that he can say to his TRUMPTARDS- "SEE THERE, BIDEN IS CROOKED JUST LIKE ME"!

Trumptards are sinister and malevolent people who are trying to destroy our Democratic Processes, and governmental bodies, and put a DICTATOR in charge of making every decision in the country.

It is not even certain if the next election will even be a fair election. Since the last election, Trumptards that control the legislative branches (Due to gerrymandering) of just about every state, have imposed new voting suppression laws now, and setting up the people who verify the elections in their state, to throw out any of the precinct districts that come in as a win for the Democrats, at their discretion.

And don't look for the courts to be any help when the lawsuits start coming in. The courts are well stacked now with Trump appointees that were selected for this very reason. Trump appointed 226 judges that cover every Judicial District and Appellate Court in America.

And the Supreme Court including the 3 Judges that Trump appointed, along with the Judges being BRIBED by the Federalist Society, totally dominate that court as well. And we all know how it went the last time the Supreme Court was put in a situation to choose the president they wanted.

So, Trumptards are relying on all of these things to get Donald Trump forced into power. This is why they are so confident now- BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THE 2024 ELECTION IS ALREADY RIGGED IN DONALD TRUMP'S FAVOR!

AND THESE ARE VERY SCARY FACTS! We may have already seen the last of DEMOCRACY in the United States in the 2020 election!

And once the TRUMPTARDS puts their dictator in place- there will be no more elections. We will have lost our government as we know it!

And as Donald Trump lies dying in bed someday, he will just hand the reigns over to his son DON JR.

These are the thoughts floating in the crazy minds of all the TRUMPTARDS across America, including the ones we have to deal with here every day!
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